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What are Side Door Strategies?

AskCT - Simplifying College Transfer

Side door strategies are a compilation of tips for adult learners, traditional students, veterans and contemporary students seeking to find a way to finish college faster and hopefully for less money. College transfer is a general phrase that describes the transition from one college to another and takes several forms. It describes switching or changing schools. College transfer, unlike traditional enrollment, enters the 'side door' to complete the academic degree requirements.


Related to college transfer are enrollment, persistence and completion strategies that can help all students. Learning counts, whether it is in the classroom or gained through life experience. What college, work and life experiences offer is dependent upon circumstances. It is the ability to earn credentials, both formal and informal, and create opportunities whether you take them or not. Earning, conveying and presenting credentials is about giving people a basis to evaluate you compared to others.


Use the Side Door Strategies to pursue your aspirations and educational goals. Continue on with Earn My College Degree and the Side Door Strategies...