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General Topics

Transfer Planning Topics

Transfer Student Types: An outline of nine student transfer enrollment patterns requiring different types of college transfer information and services. Follow the different patterns of transfer and see how to use the resources, tools and services published on CollegeTransfer.Net.

A Student Transfer Primer- For Learners Like Me: A primer for learners contemplating transfer or returning to college. It breaks down the common assumptions made about transfer and market perceptions that impact brand, academic respect and coordination.
America's Best Education Value Part I: A discussion on the value of a public community college education. Don't be fooled by first impressions or perceptions of value that are skin deep. Community College is the Right Choice for Me: Not ready for a full-time commitment or don't want to dedicate yourself to a major or even an undergraduate degree yet? Maybe you just need some time to explore and find yourself.

America's Best Education Value Part II: Second part realizing the value of attending a community college. Learn about the great value they offer, and the social service they provide for the community. I am Shopping for a new 4 Year College: It is likely that many factors contributed to you becoming a transfer student. There will be many factors that you should consider when transferring to a new school. Look at your past academic experiences, and think about where you would like to go with them.

I Want to Earn My College Degree: An overview for anyone looking to finish college and earn a degree or credential that will help them achieve their goals. This summary organizes a set of methods and concepts focused on the Adult Learner or Traditional Student in Transition.

Course Transfer and College Transfer Planning: A solid plan would be to take General Education courses in your first two years of college before you transfer. Try and focus on courses that will transfer to other institutions and retain your investment in time and money.

Transforming Transfer: Why college transfer challenges most students, and why we should care about it. Since we subsidize the benefit of higher education through our tax dollars, we all pay for the inefficiencies related to transfer. My Cheat Sheet for Helping Transfer Students Succeed: How to transfer and get the credit you deserve is not easy. This is my cheat sheet to help prospective students navigate transfer situations developed for transfer coaching. The general framework follows the Transfer Student Types.

Transfer Q & A - Frequently asked questions and answers - along with some documented phrases and terms. Top 10 Reasons Why Students Transfer from one institution to another. We have compiled the most frequent reasons from thousands of students seeking assistance.

Top 10 College Myths Debunked is an info graphic summarizing some of the conclusions and assessments of the higher education system as it transforms and adjusts to disruptive market forces. 


Enrollment Topics

Course Credit Topics

Apply and be Admitted as a Transfer Student: If you've made the decision to change colleges and transfer, here are some things that will increase your chances of being accepted into the transfer school of your choice. Check course transferability and application deadlines well in advance.

I Want to Apply for Transfer Admissions and Transfer My Course Credit: A discussion on how to ensure the course credit you have earned will count for something. Use the FREE Student Passport to consolidate your academic history and check transferability of your course credit.
Being a Transfer Student Success Story: Statistics show that transfer students are not as likely to achieve their degrees as students who began as a freshman at the same school. There are a number of reasons for this, and ways that you can beat those odds.

Testing Out of College Courses: Think you have to take every course required by your college or university? Think again. If you have the knowledge, take an exam and skip the course. These examinations are well respected and supported by many institutions.
Student Transfer Stories: Feedback and stories contributed by students visiting CollegeTransfer.Net. Share your own story. Join the conversation. Review the stories of others. You will find there are many types of transfer students and circumstances that impact their pursuit of a college degree.

I Am Looking to Transfer Colleges: Review the different perspectives of transfer. Here, we itemize 9 views with surprising differences that often confuse the conversation. Browse different student transfer types to learn more about what situations impact you.
Best Transfer College Lists By Region: Review leading colleges and universities in the Northeast, Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Mountain and West. Access enrollment, transfer and academic information linked with Salary Potential.

Credit for Life Experience: Life is learning. Colleges and universities are giving credit for life experiences that relate to courses they offer. Explore PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) and the growing acceptance of it.
Overcoming Obstacles: 15 Problem Solving Skills you can learn and use as a transfer student. Groom your problem solving skills to use them for life. Overcome challenges and keep a level head. Focus on the end game.

Academia and the Armed Forces - Credit, Experience and Credentials: Education and training benefits funded by the Military serve as a strong incentive for many people entering. A vast network of programs and initiatives exist to support active duty, veteran service members and families.

Academic Topics

College Requirement Topics

51 Reasons for Going Back to College: A different slant with food for thought you may not have considered when making the decision about returning to college. Education really does pay you back. Strategies to Earn Your Degree and Finish College: 23 methods to follow that can accelerate you to a degree. Start with self-assessment, a reflective set of steps that will explore your interests, skills, aptitudes, personality and value system.

Transitioning to Graduate School: Seven personal questions to ask yourself about going to graduate school. What are Degree Requirements? Going Back to College will mean you have to deal with the requirements every college or university publishes. There are differences and nuances. In general, to earn an undergraduate degree, you will need to have 120 credits or more.

Glossary of Terms and Definitions: Academia has its own terms and meanings that can be confusing. Get familiar with the jargon.

Am I Ivy League Material? Missed getting in the front door, why not consider the side door?  Review these eight school profiles.

Career Related Topics

Major Related Topics

Back to College: An overview prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor about the impact of higher education on employment prospects and market employability. It lists reasons to head back to college and finish your college degree or to advance your education and become more employable.

Best Jobs by College Majors: The top ten majors are analyzed to show annual earnings. Majors such as Biology, Business Management, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, English, History, Political Science and Psychology are ranked based upon average salary.
Best Job Prospects for College Grads: Compiled from the U.S. Department of Labor's website, this article presents ten occupational areas to focus on as the economy shifts from recession to getting back on track.

Choosing Your Major: A review of popular college majors and resources you can review such as related occupations, salary and the types of tasks, work environment and expected requirements. Match your interests and explore what majors that will motivate you to finish college.

Best College Degrees By Salary: Summary findings from an annual alumni salary survey showing the degrees that pay back given the demand for science and match majors.

I Want to Change My Major or Choose My Major: Don't rush into a major just because you feel pressured. A major is not a life sentence. It is just a concentration proving you can focus energies and apply yourself.
Fastest Growing Jobs Requiring a College Degree in the US: Growth, salary ranges and links to training/educational levels required are included. Link to the BLS Database and drill down by state, review occupation profiles and job requirements.

Majors Safe From Outsourcing: Review the top list of programs and majors safe from outsourcing in today's global economy.
Labor Statistics on Employment and Earnings: This web only publication offers a monthly review of the U.S. It drills down on regional and state employment data.

The Undecided Major: As a student continuing your college education, you will probably be asked one question more than any other: “What’s your major?” You might be embarrassed to not have an answer and a declared a major. Here is a short article on how to cope with being undecided.

Ranked Industry Growth Projections to 2018: The job and employment forecast by the Department of Labor BLS. Review where the jobs will be in the coming years.

I Want to Follow My Passion: A short article on developing a list of interests to pursue based upon what gets your engine running. Select a major that will challenge and stimulate your learning.
The Career Guide to Industries: A companion to the BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook, which provides information on careers from an occupational perspective.

I Want to Change Careers and Make More Money - First, let's explore why people with more education tend to make more money over their lifetime. Check out different Career Opportunities and the related educational requirements by region, industry and more.  


Finishing College Topics

The College Experience Topics

Keeping Your Motivation Going: Attempting to complete your college degree requires a strong commitment to continuously apply a steady and logical, level effort.

Testing Potential: The college experience offers a simulated environment that allows one to test competencies, ideas, abilities and aptitude when compared to others. As a byproduct, it also builds confidence individually.
20 Different Forms of Student Transfer and Academic Credit Circumstances: Student transfer happens. There are many good reasons why a student might decide to transfer to a new college or to apply for academic credit. Explore them here...

Keep the door open: There are always options and compromises. Don't stick to your guns and lose the war. Back up a second and consider the perspective. Assess your circumstances. Have things changed?
Ten Ways of Reducing the Cost of Finishing College.  College can be expensive.  There are ways of keeping your costs down or finding help from others to help pay your way.   

College Student Spending Habits: Nationwide Bank reveals how tuition and fees make up less than 20% of spending by college students.