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Transforming Transfer

CollegeTransfer.Net's Cause

AcademyOne's cause is to foster student transfer success by transforming how institutions and academic communities align curriculum, improve guidance and implement stronger assessment practices to better predict, place and promote students on their path to a degree. Our impact is improving how colleges, community colleges, universities and education providers in general have taken notice of the importance of college transfer. Over 1,000 institutions have demonstrated their support of our transfer student community by publishing transfer policies, agreements and pathways. Students are learning how to lower costs and reduce the friction of transfer when transitioning from college to college.
Those of us at AcademyOne have been addressing academic transfer for some time now, and we know that it won't be solved with uniform acceptance. We are working hard to address college to college and academic transfer challenges and the issues of student mobility across higher education institutions here in the United States where educational attainment is so important to families and communities. To date, there is no uniform set of practices in place. Transfer disclosure is still not mainstream. Worse, because every institution does things differently, transfer students who attempt to transition and navigate transfer battle with information overload and variations with how data is presented in different formats, accuracy and depth. Considering the much decentralized governance systems of community colleges, colleges and universities, we are striving to build consensus and value support of prior learning recognition. Prior learning assessment describes a set of processes implied with acceptance into an academic program, helping determine placement and pathway to success. Every student deserves respect and access to services that will help them find their way.
AcademyOne powers CollegeTransfer.Net as a public service. We believe in the basic principal that if we (the education providers including community colleges, private colleges, public colleges, universities) advertise the benefit of education, we should stand behind the quality of course offerings by showing the world how they stand up to other similar courses. There are over 3.5 million college level courses offered every year across the United States which are subsidized by the taxpayers through the public benefit of supporting education in general. There are many subjects and topics, and many won't be exactly transferable or comparable; however, many are. This is at the center of our driving passion and cause. We believe it is our responsibility to publish how courses compare, or how they don't. We can inform consumers (yes, students are consumers) about how their investment will carry forward or apply toward an eventual credential or degree. We have over 1,000 community colleges, colleges and universities participating on CollegeTransfer.Net, featuring and highlighting how they serve transfer students.
CollegeTransfer.Net is a platform designed to support a proactive community of institutions and education providers seeking to help adult learners, transfer students transitioning between institutions, unemployed workers going back to college, community college students seeking to complete their undergraduate degree, early college students seeking to leap ahead, students seeking to accelerate completion by attending and enrolling in online courses to satisfy degree requirements, Military learners who are compiling a transcript of learning along their path and many other types of students who must bridge academic policies and programs. Proactive efforts are important. They are the only way we see to successfully create a systematic and repeatable set of processes which will address the challenges of college transfer. Making things a bit more uniform won't impact academic freedom. In fact, it helps elevate the differences and shows why courses are different. Making the processes fair and predictive by revealing policies and rules in easy to follow guidelines is the only way to truly accomplish this.
We hope you agree. Our passion and cause is to help students, no matter where they attend, to accumulate prior learning. Our hope is to help them realize the importance of validating the value of coursework before they spend their time and money. Transfer disclosure is a lot like knowing what is in a product we can buy in the supermarket. We should know what is in it before we buy it, not after we take it home.
If you want to learn more about AcademyOne, please visit our corporate website at:

Transfer Students Welcomed.

Transfer Institutions Transformed.

Help us Streamline Academic Student Transfer.

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