Academic credit portability is the transparency and simplicity of moving academic credits earned at one institution to another - prior course and credits are recognized with comparable value. Lack of academic credit portability is a major issue across higher education given the changing enrollment patterns of today's college students. It is not a new issue, nor is it one that will go away anytime soon. The application of prior credit when choosing to restart or continue on a path to a degree is a concern for many people who have invested time and money in college level courses or who have been enrolled at multiple institutions. We are working on simplifying the college transfer process by connecting institutions together on this shared platform. It begins with a commitment by institutions to disclose transferability and alignment with other institutions. This is achieved by mapping courses and determining compatibility following a proactive, systematic method supported by the College Transfer Services Network on CollegeTransfer.Net.
A college education can be very expensive; however, it is an investment in training and career improvement and will be one of the most important steps you take. A college education will enable you to make more money compared to the alternative. You can make twice as much, or more, with a college degree compared to those who stopped their education with a high school diploma. The higher your education achievement, the more you can make so your degree will pay you back over your lifetime.
As consumers, we view the education cost as an investment. Naturally, we have expectations of an implied promise of value and transferability. Often we learn after the fact that the college courses taken either don't count, are not applicable to our program of study or will only be counted toward an elective pool of credits not the core courses needed to satisfy your major. When courses are planned and discussed with an adviser, counselor or faculty member, you should consider how the course will or will not count toward your degree. College transfer also relates to finding alternative ways of earning college level course credit, such as testing out of college courses and receiving credit for experiential learning - both of which are growing alternatives to help adults, veterans and contemporary learners accelerate their time to degree. Taking the time to research and know your academic credit portability is important, and will save you time and money as you pursue your education.
In summary, academic credit portability has a lot to do with the types of institution or education provider, the perception of rigor presented by an institution and the familiarity with a potential assessor. Trying to move course credits across states and regions is much harder than staying close to home. So, become familiar with the institution you may enroll in and how that institution is perceived across the region and possibly across the world.