In general, any time you return to studies of any kind to learn something new, you are continuing your education. Continuing education - is an all-encompassing term describing additional formal learning activities that are generally not focused on a college degree outcome. The term is used mainly in the United States and Canada as the process of refreshing knowledge, skills and current practices. Continuing education can be course based or delivered with self-directed, group-based or online hybrid mediums. Courses are often described in Continuing Education Units (CEU's). Course equivalencies with college degree courses thus may be problematic given the variation in assessment.
Common Types of Continuing Education:
- Earning a GED
- Postsecondary Degrees (associate, bachelor’s or graduate)
- Professional Certification
- On-the-job Training
- Military Training
- Corporate Training and Universities
- Extension Schools
- English as a Second Language
- Personal Development and Self-paced learning
- Voluntary Services Training
- Industry Associations and Conferences
The methods involved in achieving continuing education are just as diverse. A school can be a traditional classroom or a conference center setting. You might start before dawn, or study after a day of work. Formal Continuing Programs can take months, even years, to complete or last just a few hours. Your job, and sometimes your happiness, can depend on completion. It’s never too late to continue your education.
The key questions you should consider are:
- Why am I thinking about continuing education?
- What exactly do I want to achieve?
- Can I afford it?
- Can I afford not to?
- Do I have the time?
- Is this the right time in my life?
- Do I have the discipline and the freedom right now to study?
- Can I stick with it and finish?
- Do I need a credential certifying my learning?
- What is the best learning format and style for me?
- Can I find the right program or school, for me?
- How much encouragement will I need, and can I get it?
- Who can advise me on what my options are?