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How Can I Continue My Education?

Taking the time to research college degree programs, options and courses will pay off in the long run. Worried about how will you afford to pay for your education - both in time and money? How will you keep track of all your courses and sources of learning?

One key recommendation is to keep track of your coursework and life experiences in an expanded online resume or portfolio. Order student copies of transcripts from your previous colleges to validate they are correct. Have copies of them ready when you have your first conversation with an Admissions counselor or transfer advisor. They will request copies of official transcripts once you apply.

You should compile your academic history on CollegeTransfer.Net's Student Passport. The account is FREE, enabling you to consolidate all of your academic records into one portfolio you can access anytime. The information stored in the Student Passport is under your total control and not shared with any institution unless you do it. There are no personal identifiers stored in the Student Passport as well, alleviating your confidentiality concerns.

An education is a true investment. You can spend $100,000 for a good education attending a public college, and it can help return $1,000,000 in life time earnings more than you would have earned with your high school diploma or GED.  Having a college education gives you the confidence and credential to excel at higher paying jobs. .

Paying for education in the short term can be achieved with help from institutions, the State and Federal governments and your employer. Investigate options before you commit and enroll. No matter what, complete the Federal FAFSA form online to establish your "unmet need."  This will govern how institutions and state education grants and loans will evaluate your circumstances. Working for an employer who has tuition remission policies, as long as you post good grades, is one of the best ways to pay for college. Over $10 billion a year is spent by industry to afford their employees a college education.Other sources of money are specialized scholarships, which you can access on FastWeb or other financial aid sites.

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This article was written by AcademyOne's CEO and Founder David K. Moldoff who has worked in higher education for over thirty five years. Mr. Moldoff has been developing student centered enrollment systems since the 70's spanning multiple institutions, policies and practices. Mr. Moldoff graduated from Drexel University through the cooperative education program and majored in economics with a minor in marketing.