Increasing Employment Opportunities Through More Education
All of the increase in employment over the past two decades has been among workers who have taken at least some college classes or who have associate or bachelor's degrees—and mostly among workers with bachelor's degrees. The number of these college-educated workers has increased almost every year. Over the 1992–2009 period, the number of college-educated workers increased from 27 million to 44 million. In contrast, the number of employed people with only a high school diploma or without a high school diploma has remained steady or decreased.

and Higher Earnings
If you think what people say about higher education leading to higher earnings is a cliché, you might want to consider that sometimes clichés are true. In 2009, the median weekly earnings of workers with bachelor's degrees were $1,137. This amount is 1.8 times the average amount earned by those with only a high school diploma, and 2.5 times the earnings of high school dropouts.

Start Exploring Careers and Educational Requirements
Now that you can see finishing your degree or attaining more education can impact your take home pay, utilize the mySkills myFuture careeronestop tool to bridge where you are now - with where you want to go. Open the Wizard to explore potential career opportunities by region, salary ranges, requirements and more...