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Top 10 College Myths Debunked

The Changing College Experience

Industry trends we should all be aware of

The four-year college experience is as American as apple pie. Right?  So is the belief that higher education offers the ticket to a better life.  It can and often does - if you finish your degree and can leverage the investment.  That is a big IF since many do not finish College.  Like any investment, it takes research to find the right College and program of study for you.  And, we need to have a realistic expectations - to avoid the reality check that happen when things don't go as planned and one runs into issues.

Students churn throughout the higher education system seeking aspirations and credentials - often amassing a large debt without a good understanding or plan to be able to pay it back. Some run into frustration when challenges and missed expectations hit them for numerous reasons. This leads to millions having college level course credits - and why some come to CollegeTransfer.Net seeking how to find currency and respect for what was accomplished.  

Student loan debt has surpassed $1 trillion and unemployment or underemployment of college grads is at historic highs.  No wonder people are beginning to question that value of a college degree says Jeffrey Selingo.  But, not all is lost.  If planned well, your college experience can be meaningful and successful. Do your research.  Validate your thinking.  Assess yourself and track your progress.  Don't give in to the Myths that often over generalize statistics. 

This infographic is based on the controversial new book College (Un)bound by Jeffrey J. Selingo.

10 College Myths Debunked
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