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I Am Looking to Transfer Colleges

Transfer Planning
There are many reasons why students transfer.  Below, we have itemized high level circumstances so we can organize content, tools and articles on college transfer. Review the steps to completing your college degree based upon the circumstances.  Explore CollegeTransfer.Net

Adult Learners Looking for Transfer InformationAdult Learner looking into Transfer or Returning Back to College. Is this you? Did you know that nearly half of all college students today are 25 years old and older? Today's institutions recognize that it is often not a straight line to obtaining an undergraduate college degree. Colleges and Universities offer adult degree completion programs with convenient schedules and special financial aid packages. They also offer guides and arrangements with corporations supporting their employee development.
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Community College Students Looking for Transfer InformationCommunity College Student looking to Transfer to a senior four-year program and institution. Is this you? Many people begin college studies at a two-year school. A growing number of students start at four-year schools and transfer to Community College to explore career interests, go part-time or to be closer to home without the obligation or expense of boarding. An obvious benefit of attending Community College, because the school is supported by public funds, is to save money while taking college level classes. The exposure is a valuable investment. Millions attend Community College before pursuing a bachelor's degree. Finishing a two-year associates degree are important steps to plan.
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International Students Looking for Transfer InformationInternational Student looking to Transfer to the United States. Is this you? Successful transfer applicants must demonstrate better than average grades in strong academic courses, proficiency in English and evidence of sufficient funds to cover expenses. Due to capacity limitations, traditional colleges and universities are unable to offer admission to all students who have the ability to be academically successful. There are online colleges and universities that have no capacity restrictions. Also consider the IB examinations which demonstrate competency and achievement of learning.
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Changing Major Student Looking for Transfer Information.Changing Major Student looking to Transfer. Is this you? Changing majors, double majors, majors and minors, a second bachelor's degree… these may be some of the things you are considering that brought you to CollegeTransfer.Net. Perhaps your studies have taken you in a new direction, and your current school does not offer the major or program that now interests you. Did you lose interest? Are you overwhelmed? Maybe you want to change majors at your existing school, but want to know how that will affect your degree requirements and time to graduate. Maybe you are planning ahead, or you are just curious about your options. 
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Career Change Student Looking for Transfer Information.Career Change or Unemployed Student looking to Transfer. Is this you? Unemployed and thinking about a career change is an opportunity to reconsider your interests and goals. Returning to college can help shape your thinking. CollegeTransfer.Net has assembled a set of tools for you to assess yourself and find your way. After review, talk to your advisors and family. Consider requesting professional counseling if you are concerned about your choices. Search jobs and careers to find what matches your skills, aptitudes and interests.
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Traditional Student Looking to TransferTraditional Student looking to Transfer. Is this you? Living on campus, free of debt, attending a single institution full-time, without having to work and for just four years is extremely rare! Contemporary learners, lifelong learning, virtual scholars, online degrees…whether you like it or not the traditional student is a small fraction of today’s college student population, and at some point soon you too will be a non-traditional student. Even if you define yourself as a “traditional student,” there must be a reason that you found your way to the CollegeTransfer.Net website.
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Student Trying to Complete College Faster Looking to Transfer.Student Trying to Complete Faster looking to Transfer. Is this you? Accelerating to a degree is a great objective. Taking classes over the summer, in the evening or on a weekend that count toward degree requirements is a common way to finish faster. Credits can also be earned by exam or tests. There are many alternatives offered by online providers. There are even courses you can take from corporate universities and commercial providers that may be acceptable to your institution. Finally taking courses at another institution is possible, but does require some forethought and preparation.
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Military Student and Families Looking to Transfer. Military Learner and Families looking to Transfer. Is this you? Earning college credit can be accomplished in a number of ways. For Military learners, Veterans and their families, it is often not a straight line to obtaining a college degree. Often, movement and transitions between institutions and programs occur because of assignments and deployments. The stop and start nature of students moving around offers more complexity and often frustration. There are many institutions that promote they will accept Military learners, but they are not all equal in how they treat prior learning and count it toward degree requirements. One key recommendation is to keep track of your course work.
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Lost and Unsure Student Looking for Transfer InformationLost and Unsure Student looking to Transfer. Is this you? Selecting a college, a major, a program and a career are not easy decisions to make and can leave you feeling lost and unsure. Whether you are a high school student, recently unemployed, going back to college after many years, in the middle of a transfer decision or just unsatisfied with your current academic program there are many resources to support you through this confusing time. There are so many options today that it can be really difficult to figure out which one makes the most sense for you financially, academically and personally. This is where CollegeTransfer.Net comes in…we aim to provide you will all of the tools and resources you need to make informed decisions.
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Related Articles and Topics

Explore the Top Ten Reasons Students and Learners Transfer Colleges and Universities. Transfer can be proactive and reactive. See how your circumstances stack up against the common characteristics leading students to change institutions and their programs of study.

Choosing Your Major: A list of popular college majors and resources you can review such as related occupations, salary and the types of tasks, work environment and expected requirements. Match your interests and explore what majors that will motivate you to finish college.

The Undecided Major: As a student continuing your college education, you will probably be asked one question more than any other: “What’s your major?” You might be embarrassed to not have an answer and a declared a major. Here is a short article on how to cope with be undecided.

Majors Safe From Outsourcing: Review the top list of programs and majors safe from outsourcing in today's global economy.

I Want to Change My Major or Choose My Major: Don't rush into choosing a major just because everyone asks you "what is your major?" A major is not a life sentence. It is just a concentration that proves you can focus and apply yourself.

Best Jobs by College Majors: The top ten majors are analyzed to show annual earnings. Majors like Biology, Business Management, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, English, History, Political Science and Psychology are ranked based upon average salary.

Credit for Life Experience: Life is learning. Colleges and Universities are giving credit for life experiences that relate to courses they offer. Explore PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) and the growing acceptance of it.

Testing Out of College Courses: Think you have to take every course required by your college or university? Think again. If you have the knowledge, take an exam and skip the course. These examinations are well respected and supported by many institutions.

Other Articles and AskCT Questions may be worth exploring.

This article was written by AcademyOne's CEO and Founder David K. Moldoff who has worked in higher education for over thirty five years. Mr. Moldoff has been developing student centered enrollment systems since the 70's spanning multiple institutions, policies and practices. Mr. Moldoff graduated from Drexel University through the cooperative education program and majored in economics with a minor in marketing.