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For Traditional University Students

Tips for Transferring from a Four-Year College or University

Community College Student

Knowing what to expect will help ease the way.

How do I decide where to transfer?

This will depend on why you are transferring. Is it due to financial circumstances or social circumstances? Maybe it is to move closer to home. Or, you might be changing your major and it isn't offered at your current institution. Use our Search for Transfer Profiles to compare colleges by location, major or program and size. Once you've come up with a list of possibilities, visit each college's campus to get a good idea of the personality and feel to determine if it's right for you.

How will I know if my courses will transfer?

Finding out how your credits will transfer BEFORE you enroll in a new school is optimum; however, some schools don't do formal evaluations until after you become a student. You can use our Will My Credits Transfer to create course equivalency maps, and then save them by Creating a Student Passport Account to view later when you are talking to an advisor.  You can also save any supporting documents to easily share with an advisor or counselor.

Will my financial aid transfer?

Financial Aid doesn't precisely transfer between institutions because different colleges have their own ways of awarding aid. Contact the college's Financial Aid Office for their specific policies and offerings. You might qualify for a transfer merit scholarship, grants, loans or work study. All colleges ask that you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (aka, the FAFSA).

What is Reverse Transfer?

Reverse Transfer can have one of two meanings. It can mean that you have transferred to a community college after being enrolled and have left a four-year institution before earning your degree. It can also be when a community college evaluates the courses you have taken at your four-year institution and decides you have enough equivalent credits to award you an associate degree without requiring you to be an enrolled student.

Should I transfer to another college?

Again, this depends on your reasons for wanting to transfer. Be prepared that you will more than likely lose some of your credits that won't be accepted at another school. Considering this setback, you need to consider your motives to determine if transferring is really going to answer your problems.

What if all I need to do is take a course at a Community College or other school that will transfer back to my current institution?

Finding a course that is cheaper, or one that isn't offered at your college when you want to take it, at another school is an excellent way to save on tuition and help you graduate faster. You will need to make certain that your school will accept your coursework. Use our Search for Course Equivalencies and Search for Courses to find classes for which you might get credit, and double check with your school's Registrar to make sure they will give you credit or if there are any additional steps you need to take before registering for the course.

What if I want to change my major?

This is a very common occurrence, in fact it is estimated that anywhere between 50% and 75% of students will change their major at least once before graduating. If changing your major means transferring to a different school, Use our Search for Programs to help find colleges that offer the program of study in which you are interested.

What types of documentation will I need to apply for transfer admission and receive transfer credit?

Examples of documents you might need include transcripts, course syllabi and a catalog from your current college. You can make them easier to share with an advisor if you create Student Passport account and save them in the storage center.