How to Assess Your Interests in a Major

by David K. Moldoff, Founder of AcademyOne.  Follow me on Twitter @DavidMoldoff

How to assess your interest in college majors? This article summarizes important characteristics of college majors - and how to compare them and come to terms with choosing your major or area of study. 

Evaluating majors and concentrations. Choosing your major and areas of concentration are stepping stones to completing degree requirements. They are not the end-all of the College experience - just part of it. Picking an area of concentration is not exclusive either - you can have more than one. You should enrich your college experience with courses outside of your concentration(s) which is why you have the option to take electives, especially early in your college career. This will give you exposure to college level work and appreciation for topics that are outside of your comfort zone.  

The college major is a form of specialization.  A college major enables students to focus their studies - concentrating on learning outcomes and competencies outlined by academic departments. Grades and GPA measure how well students are doing against expectations - also peers.  You might switch majors once, twice or more times as the exploration of interests and the application of abilities are uncovered. This is normal for most college students - in that they may change majors one or more times before completing their degree. The choice is just that, a selection and specialization.  The specialization does relate to professions and further study.  But, it doesn't mean you are completely locked out of other options and have to start anew from the ground up if you decide to change your path.  Read more about what a college major is...

Download and complete your college major checklist

Evaluating Majors Example Major First Choice Second Choice
Name of the Major Accounting  ...  ...
Time to Degree 120 credits, 4 years    
Transfer In Accepted  Up top 60 credits possible    
Cost to Degree $120,000 estimated    
Special Aid  Rotary Scholarship     
Certification  CPA Test    
Expected Salary Range $40K Entry, $60K in 5yr    
Technical Difficulty Need to be good at math    
Group Dynamics Small teams, specialization    
Lifetime Earnings $1.5M current dollars    
Working with People varied, auditors    
Working with Animals  none    
Working Outside not much    
Working Inside pretty much 100%    
Travel, Internships  could have some    
Independent Effort yes    
Reliance on Reading yes    
Analytical Skills yes - very much so    
Verbal Skills not as much    
Written Skills need to write summary reports    
Languages  English    
Expected Start  Jan 2014    
Expected Completion  Dec 2017    
Preferred Institutions  School A, School B    
Add your own criteria



What other characteristics should be listed on the checklist?


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This article was written by AcademyOne's CEO and Founder David K. Moldoff who has worked in higher education for over thirty five years. Mr. Moldoff has been developing student centered enrollment systems since the 70's spanning multiple institutions, policies and practices. Mr. Moldoff graduated from Drexel University through the cooperative education program and majored in economics with a minor in marketing.


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