Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(3) Historical perspectives, definitions, theories, medical aspects, characteristics, and service delivery models are approached. Gives the student a broad scope of the field: the problem of defining learning disabilities, the diverse characteristics of learning disabilities, manifestations at different ages and stages of life, the prevalence of learning disabled in schools, and the multidisciplinary nature of the field. Assessment and clinical teaching are explored as interrelated parts of a continuous process that involves trying to understand students and help them learn.
3.00 Credits
Practical application of the content in Education 204 or 206 emphasized. All clinical experiences involve assignments for three hours a day, four days a week, for 14 weeks. Students are assigned to a special education class, resource room, itinerant teacher, or community agency serving handicapped children. Activities in the clinical placement are designed to enhance the instruction presented in the corequisite courses. Corequisite: Education 204 or 206.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to educational services for children who are included in the exceptional children categories of mildly mentally handicapped and learning disabled. A brief overview of educational services for students in low incidence categories of physical and health impairment, visual impairment, hearing impairment and communication disorders, mental retardation, and seriously emotionally handicapped. Other areas covered are etiological, psychological, and sociological factors related to each disability category. Emphasis on elements of coordinated programming between special and regular education personnel that are required to effectively educate special needs learners.
3.00 Credits
(3) Introduces historical roots and current practices involving a holistic approach to educating a diverse population of young children. Areas of initial exploration include philosophy, scheduling, developmentally appropriate materials, transitions to kindergarten from preschool environment concept of "readiness" for schoolsituations. Laboratory experiences provided. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200. Fall.
3.00 Credits
(3) Acquaints student with activities, materials, equipment, and methods appropriate in music, creative play, and arts programming for young children.
3.00 Credits
Studies general behavior theory and child development techniques for helping the child deal with problems in the home and school, preventing and eliminating deviant and undesirable behaviors, and developing parental cooperation and educational programs. Identification, observation, and recording of maturation sequences emphasized. Laboratory experiences included. Prerequisite: Psychology 226 or permission of the instructor.
2.00 Credits
Emphasizes the value of science and mathematics experiences for young children. Procedures and materials used to develop mathematical and science concepts through the inquiry method are studied.
3.00 Credits
Discussions cover motivational techniques, classroom activities, use of methods and materials, and construction of lesson plans to meet individual needs of young children. Emphasizes relationships between techniques and goals of early childhood education.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the roles of computers in education with an emphasis on computer-assisted instruction and computer-managed instruction. Students learn to use software tools and write simple programs. Two hours lecture, two hours lab.
3.00 Credits
Covers issues of definition, incidence, and prevalence in a historical context. Classification systems are identified along with the major conceptual models (e.g., biological/biogenic, behavioral, cognitive/behavioral, ecological/sociological, psychodynamic/ humanistic, and psycho-educational). Finally, educational planning techniques and strategies outlined for improving behaviors and teaching socialization.
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