Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    To be an effective early-childhood teacher, we must be able to facilitate learning through the understanding of the principles of human development as they relate to the physical, intellectual, personality, and social learning process of children attending preschool programs. This course explores the theoretical, practical, and applied approaches to the child's early development. Prerequisite: An associate degree in early childhood education. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Comprehensive overview of ways that ensure young children and their families' health and physical well-being. Basic and changing health, safety and nutritional needs of children are examined as well as appropriate methods by which these needs can best be met in early childhood settings. Prerequisite: An associate degree in early childhood education. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Identifies and assesses the principles and practices of early childhood program planning and administration. An analysis of administrators' interaction with governmental, legal, business/ finance, medical, social services and educational agencies will be included. Students will examine the management processes of planning, staffing, record keeping, budgeting and purchasing and monitoring for quality. Prerequisite: An associate degree in early childhood education. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Major concepts and principles of curricula and learning within the field of early childhood education. Topics include current issues, theoretical and historical underpinnings, career opportunities, curriculum, behavior and guidance, and observation. Observation of early childhood programs is required. Prerequisite: An associate degree in early childhood education. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introduction to the linguistic and cultural diversity of young children. Research and theoretical background for determining appropriate instruction approaches for second language learners. Prerequisite: An associate degree in early childhood education. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Analysis of theory and research on literacy development in children, birth through age eight and applies it to developmentally appropriate practices for young children's literacy learning. It examines the effects of the home and classroom environment on literacy learning and the role of families, caregivers, teachers and communities in literacy learning. The emphasis of this course is on the role of early childhood educators in working with families and in classrooms to promote emergent literacy. Students will link their professional experiences in the early childhood field, developing, implementing and evaluating a range of language and literacy experience for young children. Prerequisite: ECED 320. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    To be an effective early-childhood teacher, we must be able to facilitate learning through implementing development strategies as they relate to the physical, intellectual, personality, and social learning process of children. This course continues to explore the theoretical, practical, and applied approaches to child development. Prerequisite: ECED 330. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Comprehensive overview of ways that ensure young children and their families' mental and emotional development and well-being. Topics include socio-emotional learning, neighborhood and community influences and the role of teachers and families. Prerequisite: ECED 340. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Examination of the principles and practices of managing an early childhood program, specifically personnel and staff development, community relations, advocacy and marketing. Prerequisite: ECED 350. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is a study of developmentally appropriate practices and the teacher's role in supporting development of young children ages birth to six. An emphasis on curriculum planning including goals, environment, roles of teachers and parents, materials, and settings will be the main focus. Field experience is required. Prerequisite: ECED 360. Must apply to concentration program. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
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