Audrey Cohen Curriculum Articulation BROOKDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE/METROPOLITAN COLLEGE OF NEW YORK TRANSFER CURRICULUM ARTICULATION Associates Degree Program in Human Services to Bachelors in Professional Studies-Human Services Brookdale Community CollegeMetropolitan College of New York Purpose II-Professional Relationships PSYC111 Introduction to Human Services (3 cr.)A120 Purpose (2 cr.) ENGL 121 or 122 English Composition (3 cr.)A121 Values (2 cr.) PSYC 206 Human Growth and Development (3 cr.) A122 Self and Others (2 cr.) OrA123 Systems (2 cr.) PSYC 208 Life Span Psychology (3 cr.) A124 Skills (2 cr.) MATH/SCIENCE Math or Science requirement (3 cr.) A127 Practicum (2 cr.) PSYC 105 Introduction to PSYC I (3 cr.) A128 Constructive Action (4 cr.) PSYC 285 Human Services Practicum (1 cr.) TOTAL - 16 creditsTOTAL - 16 credits Purpose III - Working with Groups PSYS 106 Introduction to Psychology II (3 cr.) A130 Purpose ( 2 cr.) SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr.)A131 Value (2cr.) PSYC 235 Group Dynamics (3 cr.)A132 Self and Others (2 cr.) POLI 115 or 105 State/local Gov't. or American Govt.(3 cr.) A133 Systems (2 cr.) OrA134 Skills (2 cr.) Social Science Course from PSYC/SOCI/POLI/CRJU (3 cr.)A 137 Practicum (2 cr.) Humanities Humanities requirement (3 cr.)A138 Constructive Action (4 cr.) PSYC 285 Human Services Practicum (1 cr.) Total - 16 creditsTotal -16 credits Purpose V-Counseling PSYC 215 Counseling Techniques (4 cr.) A150 Purpose(2 cr.) PSYC 216 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.) A151 Values (2 cr.) THTR 215 Sociodrama (3 cr.) A152 Self and Others (2 cr.) OrA153 Systems (2 cr.) PSYC 255 Psychology and the Law (3 cr.) A15 Skills (2 cr.) OrA157 Practicum (2 cr.) Social Science PSCY/SOCI/CRJU (3 cr.) A158 Constructive Action (4 cr.) SPCH 115 (3 cr.) PSYC 207 Human Growth and Development. II (3 cr.) Or Social Science PSYC/SOCI/POLI/HIST/EDUC (3 cr.) *Counseling Techniques and Abnormal Psychology have Field Practicum and Experiences required within the course. Purpose VI-Community Liaison SOCI 105 Intercultural Communications (3 cr.) A150 Purpose (2 cr.) PSYC 212 Community Agencies and Human Services Systems(3 cr.) A151 Values (2 cr.) Elective II PSY/SOCI/CRJU/HIST/EDUC/THTR/ARTS 3 cr.) A152 Self and Others (2 cr.) PSYC 285 Human Services Practicum (4 cr.) A153 Systems (2 cr.) Elective for Metropolitan College of New York Transfer Suggested but not limited to : PSYC245 Research Methods in Social Science PSYC 295 Independent Study Project Addictions Studies Course SOCI 215 Marriage and the Family (3 cr.) A154 Skills (2 cr.) A157 Practicum (2 cr.) A158 Constructive Action (4 cr.) TOTAL - 16 credits TOTAL - 16 credits GRAND TOTAL - 64 CREDITSGRAND TOTAL - 64 CREDITS *Each Credit of PSYC 285 - The Human Service Practicum requires 75 hours of Field Work for a total of 450 hours. Students contracts includes: agency specific training and on-the-job tasks to be completed (Professional Relationships), interaction with groups including facilitation of groups (Working with Groups) intake, interview, and/or one-on-one counseling experiences (counseling), and agency analysis, grant research and writing, and community agency/social service systems funding and delivery of services in the community * PSYS 111 - Introduction to Human Services has a 20 hour Field Work requirement and 7.5 Agency Field visit requirement for 27.5 hours field contact. * PSYC 215 - Counseling Techniques has a minimum 45 hour Field Work requirement with an option to add 30 hours. * PSYC 216 - Abnormal Psychology has a 15 hour Field Experience requirement. * PSYC 235 - Group Dynamics has a 7.5 out of class group facilitation requirement. * Total required hours for graduation with an Associates in Applied Science in Human Services - 545 hours. * Many students in or Human Services Program engage in Service Learning projects for up to 30 hours for any course on campus that integrates Service Learning into the curriculum. ** Students may substitute or transfer in credits for the Human Services Degree. Academic Counselors (faculty status) recommend to the Program Coordinator the substitutions and transfer credits applicable to meet General Education Requirements and Program graduation requirements.