Fairfield University/HCC Articulation AgreementDecember 19, 2000 Articulation Agreement Between and Housatonic Community College Transfer admissions procedures for Fairfield University... This Articulation Agreement defines the terms under which Housatonic Community College course credits are transferable to Fairfield University. This agreement provides for an identification of courses in the Fine Arts, General Studies, Humanities/Behavioral & Social Sciences, Journalism/Communications, Mathematics/Science, Computer Science, Pre-Engineering Science and Pre-Environmental Science A.A. and A.S degree programs at Housatonic Community College that receive credit in degree programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, School of Nursing, and School of Continuing Education of Fairfield University. For students pursuing a B.S. or B.A. degree, Fairfield University accepts up to 60 credits in transfer for courses that have been identified as comparable to courses at the University and for which a grade of "C" or better has been earned. Such courses are accepted as credit only; grades are not recorded on the Fairfield University transcript. Transfer courses would by definition exclude credits earned for cooperative work experience. This document will be made available to students at Housatonic Community College and will be used at Fairfield University as a guide for the transfer of Housatonic Community College course work. Housatonic Community College will provide Fairfield University with curricular changes when they occur, to ensure transfer courses are up-to-date for appropriate transfer student evaluations. Housatonic Community College will be apprised of any new Fairfield University programs or modifications to lower level requirements in Fairfield University programs. Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J. President FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY Janis M. Wertz-Hadley President HOUSATONIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE Transfer admissions procedures for Fairfield University... Return to Housatonic Community College Home Page