TRANSFER ARTICULATION AGREEMENTTRANSFER ARTICULATION AGREEMENT Hudson Valley Community College and the UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY The following Programs of Study represent those majors for which HVCC and the University at Albany have negotiated transfer agreements. The Programs of Study constitute the best possible preparation for completion of the bachelor's degree. The courses are listed using HVCC course numbers and titles. The University at Albany course equivalents are noted in parentheses. Where no equivalent course exists, the notation will indicate the academic department or school in which the course will be transferred. A level designation (010 = Freshman. 020 = Sophomore). For examples, AENG 020 is a sophomore level English elective which has no equivalent at the University at Albany. Programs are grouped according to the general academic discipline which offers the major. ANTHROPOLOGY at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Humanities/Social Science Elective 02570 Anthropology (AANT 010) 03002 General Biology I (ABIO 110N) OR 03075 Biology I (ABIO 110N) 02587 General Psychology (APSY 101M) SPRING SEMESTER 02424 Writing about Literature (AENG 121L) Humanities/Social Science Elective 03003 General Biology II (ABIO 111N) OR 03076 Biology II (ABIO 111N) 06330 Tech Math I (AMATH 010) Fine Arts ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02551 Statistics (APSY 210) 03070 Genetics (ABIO 212) Foreign Language Social Science Elective Elective SPRING SEMESTER Humanities Elective Social Science Elective Foreign Language Humanities Elective ElectiveAdvisory Notes: Students pursuing this program are strongly urged to develop competency in a foreign language appropriate to the area of interest. ART at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 02101 Western Civ and World I (AHIS 130) 02040 Drawing I (AART 105) 02015 Two-Dimensional Design (AART 110) 02042 Painting I (AART 230) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L 02102 Western Civ and World II (AHIS 131) 02052 Drawing II (AART 010) 02043 Painting II (AART 010) Social Science ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02008 Survey of Art History I (AARH 170L) 02030 Photography I (AART 244) Lab Science Elective Literature Elective Visual Art Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02009 Survey of Art History II (AARH 171L 02031 Photography II (AART 344) Literature Elective Mathematics Elective Social Science Elective Visual Arts Elective ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 06001 Gen. Chemistry I (ACHM 120/124) OR 06003 Freshman Chem.I (ACHM 120/124) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) 06410 Physics I (APHY 140) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 06002 General Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) OR 06004 Freshman Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113) 06411 Physics II (APHY 150)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 06362 Calculus III (AMAT 214) 06412 Physics III (APHY 220/221) Restrictive Elective Cross-register for (AATM 210Z) at the University at Albany Social Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 06363 Differential Equations (AMAT 311) OR Elective Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Science Elective ElectiveAdvisory Note: Students are encouraged to cross-register for AATM 210 at the University at Albany since it is a pre-requisite for junior level courses in the major. BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (INTERDISCIPLINARY)* at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 03002 General Biology I (ABIO 110N) OR 03075 Biology I (ABIO 110N) 06001 Gen. Chemistry I (ACHM 120/124) OR 06003 Freshman Chem. I (ACHM 120/124) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) OR 06340 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 03003 General Biology II (ABIO 111N) OR 03076 Biology II (ABIO 111N) 06002 General Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) OR 06004 Freshman Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) OR 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 06030 Organic Chem. I (ACHM 220/222) 06410 General Physics I (APHY 140) 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113) OR Elective ** Social Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 06031 Organic Chemistry II (ACHM 221/223) 06411 General Physics II (APHY 150) 03070 Genetics (ABIO 212) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective* Admission to this major is with the approval of the Program Director. Students are encouraged to contact the Undergraduate Program Director, Department of Biological Sciences at Albany, at the end of their third semester of study at Hudson Valley Community College. ** Advisory Note: Speak with adviser about elective courses. BIOLOGY (B.S.) at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 03002 General Biology I (ABIO 110N) OR 03075 Biology I (ABIO 110N) 06001 Gen. Chemistry I (ACHM 120/124) OR 06003 Freshman Chem. I (ACHM 120/124) 06340 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) OR 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 03003 General Biology II (ABIO 111N) OR 03076 Biology II (ABIO 111N) 06002 General Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) OR 06004 Freshman Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) OR 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 06030 Organic Chem. I (ACHM 220/222) 06410 General Physics I (APHY 140) OR 06420 Physics I (APHY 105N/106) 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113) OR Elective Social Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 06031 Organic Chemistry II (ACHM 221/223) 06411 General Physics II (APHY 150) OR 06421 Physics II (APHY 108N/109) 03070 Genetics (ABIO 212) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Advisory Notes: The University at Albany also offers a B.A. in Biology The B.A. program does not require a Mathematics course, but HVCC does require at least one semester of mathematics. The B.A. program does not require Physics. It may be helpful for the student interested in the B.A. to talk to an adviser about Biology Electives instead of Physics courses; and Advanced Mathematics courses. CHEMISTRY (B.S.) at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 06001 Gen. Chemistry I (ACHM120/124) OR 06003 Freshman Chemistry I (ACHM120/124) 06410 General Physics I (APHY 140) OR 06420 Physics I (APHY 105N/106) 06340 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) OR 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literatur (AENG 121L) 06002 General Chemistry II (ACHM121/125) OR 06004 Freshman Chemistry II (ACHM121/125) 06421 Physics II (APHY 108N/109) OR 06411 General Physics II (APHY 150) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) OR 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 06030 Organic Chemistry I (ACHM 220/222) 06021 Analytical Chemistry (ACHM 225) 06412 Physics III (APHY 220/221) 06361 (1) Calculus II (AMAT 113) OR 06362 (1) Calculus III (AMAT 214) SPRING SEMESTER 06031 Organic Chemistry II (ACHM 221/223) 06362 Calculus III (AMAT 214) OR Elective Social Science Elective Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Restrictive ElectiveAdvisory Notes: The University at Albany Chemistry Department offers the B.A. and B.S. in Chemistry. The B.S. offers three tracks: Chemistry Emphasis, Chemistry/Polymers Emphasis and Chemistry/materials Emphasis. (1)The B.A. program does not require Mathematics courses beyond Calculus II, or Physics beyond Physics II. The student interested in the B.A. program should speak to an adviser about appropriate elective courses. COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENGL 101 English Composition I (AENG 010Z) CISS 100 Fund. of Info Process (ICSI 010) CISS 102 Unix Op. Sys. (ICSI 010) CISS 110 Prog. & Logic I (ICSI 210) *ECON 100 Economics I (AECO 111) ARTS 145 Intro Elec. Art (AART 010) FORM 104 College Forum (No Credit) SPRING SEMESTER ENGL 104 Writing About Literature (AENG 121) *CISS 101 Micro App. Devel. (BITM 215) CISS 111 Prog. * Logic II (ICIS310) *ACTG 110 Fin. Accounting (BACC 211) *ECON 101 Economics II (AECO 110) SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER **CISS 210 Info. Sys. (BITM 330) **CISS 240 OODw/Java (BITM 330) History Elective *BADM 200 Statistics (AMAT 108) *SOCL Sociology (ASOC 115) SPRING SEMESTER CISS 211 Info. Sys. II (BITM 331) *PSYC 100 General Psychology (APSY 101) Foreign Language Elective ***Business Elective Math Elective (Minimally Math 151) * These are core courses for admission into the School of Business. ** In order to receive credit for the equivalency of BITM 330 Business Information Systems Technologies the student must satisfactorily complete both CISS 210 and CISS 240. *** Suggestions: ACTG 111 Managerial Accounting (BACC 222) or ADM 110 Legal Ethical Environment of Business (BLAW 220). As of 06/01/05. COMPUTER SCIENCE/COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 06120 Computer Science I (ICSI 201N) 06340 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) OR 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) Elective (See Advisory Notes) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 06121 Computer Science II (ICSI 310) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) OR 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113) Elective (See Advisory Notes)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 06125 File Processing (ICSI 203) 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113) OR 06362 (1) Calculus III (AMAT 214) Elective (See Advisory Notes) Or cross-register at Albany Social Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 06124 Computer Structure (ICSI 333) 06348 Discrete Mathematics (ICSI 210) 06363 Differential Equations (AMAT 311)/or Elective Elective (See Advisory Notes) Or cross-register at Albany Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature ElectiveAdvisory Notes: The University at Albany Computer Science Department offers B.A. in Computer Science, and two options for the B.S.: the General program combined major and minor sequence and the major in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. Students interested in the 75 credit combined program are strongly urged to complete 06410 (APHY 140), 06411 (APHY 150), 06412 (APHY 220) and 06413 (APHY 145) before beginning the program at the University at Albany. Because of the number of credits required to complete both B.S. programs, a minor is not required. The B.A. program does not require Calculus III or Differential Equations. The program does require completion of a minor. The student interested in this program should speak with an adviser about appropriate elective courses. For the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics major, (AMAT 311) is required. ECONOMICS (B.A.) at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Humanities/Social Science Elective 06340 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) 02580 Economics I (AECO 111M) Fine Arts Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) Humanities/Social Science Elective 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) 02581 Economics II (AECO 110M) Humanities ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 04221 Statistics (AMAT 108) OR 06344 Mathematical Stats (AMAT 108) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Science Elective Elective* Social Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER Elective Elective Elective* Social Science Elective Elective* Advisory Notes: The B.A. program requires one semester of Calculus or an equivalent. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Economics requires completion of Calculus II, students considering this option should take 06361, Calculus II (AMAT 113), if scheduling permits prior to enrollment at Albany. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Economics requires an approved minor in the School of Business or in one of the natural sciences or mathematics. * Students interested in the Business Minor may wish to take the following at HVCC: 04014 Financial Accounting (BACC 211) 04015 Managerial Accounting (BACC 222) 06120 Computer Science I (ICSI 201N) ENGLISH at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Humanities/Social Science Elective Fine Arts Elective Mathematics Elective Social Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) Humanities/ Social Science Elective 02252 The Short Story (AENG 223L) Elective Social Science ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02200 Eng Literature I (AENG 291L) 02250 Contemp Novel (AENG 232L) 02253 Poetry (AENG 234L) OR 02256 Creative Writing:Short Fiction(AENG 102Z Science Elective Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02201 Eng Literature II (AENG 292L) 02206 Multicultural Prosp in Lit (AENG 240) OR English Elective Elective Elective Elective HISTORY at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 02101 Western Civ and World I (AHIS 130) Mathematics Elective Elective Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 02102 Western Civ and World II (AHIS 131) Elective Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02140 American History I (AHIS 100) 02580 Economics I (AECO 111M) 02114 Hist of 20th Century (AHIS 158)) Elective Elective* SPRING SEMESTER 02141 American History II (AHIS 101) 02581 Economics II (AECO 110M) 02106 Medieval History (AHIS 010 Elective Elective**A student interested in becoming a History major, may want to consider registering for a foreign language, depending on his/her concentration. MATHEMATICS at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) 06001 General Chemistry I (ACHM 120/124) OR 06003 Freshman Chemistry I (ACHM 120/124) 06120 Computer Science I (ICSI 201N) (for B.S. Program)* OR Science Elective (for B.A. Program) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113) 06001 General Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) OR 06004 Freshman Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) 06121 Computer Science II (ICSI 310) (for B.S. Program)* OR Science Elective (for B.A. Program)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 06362 Calculus III(AMAT 214) Elective Social Science Elective Restrictive Elective SPRING SEMESTER 06363 Differential Equations (AMAT 311) Elective Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Restrictive ElectiveAdvisory Note: * The University at Albany Mathematics Department offers a B.A. and a B.S. in Mathematics. For the B.S., a student is required to complete 6 credits in computer science (as listed in the Bulletin) and have a minor in one of the following: Atmospheric Science, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Electronics, Geology or Physics. PHYSICS at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 06410 General Physics I (APHY 140) 06001 General Chemistry I (ACHM 120/124) OR 06003 Freshman Chemistry I (ACHM 120/124) 06340 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) OR 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 06411 General Physics II (APHY 150) 06002 General Chemistry II (ACHM 121/125) OR 06004 Freshman Chemistry (ACHM 121/125) 06360 Calculus I (AMAT 112) OR 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 06412 Physics III (APHY 221/222) 06361 Calculus II (AMAT 113) OR 06362 Calculus III (AMAT 214) *Science Option: 06112 Thermodynamics (APHY 010) *Teacher Education Option: 03002 General Biology I (ABIO 110N) OR 03075 Biology I (ABIO 110N) Social Science Elective Restrictive Elective SPRING SEMESTER 06413 Physics IV (APHY 224/225) 06362 Calculus III (AMAT 214) OR 06363 Differential Equations (AMAT 311) 06110 Electrical Circuits (APHY 010) 03003 General Biology II (ABIO 111N) OR 03076 Biology II (ABIO 111N) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Restrictive Elective* The University at Albany Physics Department offers two options to fulfill the combined major and minor program in physics: The Science emphasis and the teacher education program. POLITICAL SCIENCE/PUBLIC POLICY at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition I (AENG 010Z) 02101 Western Civ and World I (AHIS 130) 02594 Intro to Political Science (RPOS 010) Mathematics Elective Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition II (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 02102 Western Civ and World II (AHIS 131) 02501 American National Gov't (RPOS 101M) 04221 Statistics (AMAT 108)/ Elective ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02140 American History I (AHIS 100) 02580 Economics I (AECO 111M) 02502 State and Local Gov't (RPOS 321) Elective Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02141 American History II (AHIS 101) 02581 Economics II (AECO 110M) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Elective PSYCHOLOGY at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Humanities/Social Science Elective 02587 General Psychology (APSY 101M) Elective Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) Humanities/Social Science Elective 06330 Tech Math I (AMAT 010) 02589 Child Psych (APSY 203) ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02551 Statistics (APSY 210) 02572 Social Psychology (APSY 270) OR 02595 Psych of Personal Adjus (APSY 010) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective 02582 Sociology (ASOC 115M) SPRING SEMESTER 02552 Experimental Psych (APSY 211) Elective/Mathematics Elective Elective Elective Social Science Elective RHETORIC AND COMMUNICATION at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Humanities/Social Science Elective 02429 Communications (ACOM 201) OR Cross register at University at Albany for (ACOM 100M) Science Elective Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) Humanities/Social Science Elective 02419 Public Speaking (ACOM 203) 06330 Tech Mat (AMAT 010)* OR Mathematics Elective ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 04221 Statistics (AMAT 108) OR 02551 Statistics (APSY 210)* 02429 Communications (ACOM 201) OR Cross register at University at Albany for (ACOM 100M) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Elective* The pre-requisite for 02551 is 06330. If you intend to take this course, then plan to take the pre-requisite the semester before. SPRING SEMESTER 06120 Computer Science I (ICSI 201N) OR 04359 Visual Basic Programming (ICSI 101N) Elective Elective Social Science Elective Fine Arts Elective SOCIOLOGY at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Humanities/Social Science Elective 02582 Sociology (ASOC 115M) Elective Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) Humanities/Social Science Elective 02583 Social Problems (ASOC 180M) 06330 Tech Math (AMAT 010)/Mathematics Elective ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02572 Social Psychology (APSY 270) 02551 Statistics (APSY 210)* OR 04221 Statistics (AMAT 108) Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature Elective Science Elective Social Science Elective* The pre-requisite for 02551 is 06330. If you intend to take this course, then plan to take the pre- requisite the semester before. SPRING SEMESTER Sociology Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective ACCOUNTING/BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 02580 Economics I (AECO 111M)* 04014 Financial Accounting (BACC 211)* 04210 Legal, Ethical Env Bus I (BLAW 220) 04222 Quant/Analytical Mgt (AMAT 000) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L)) 02581 Economics II (AECO 110M)* 04015 Managerial Accounting (BACC 222) 04211 Legal, Ethical Eng Bus II (BLAW 321) 04221 Statistics (AMAT 108)*SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02582 Sociology (ASOC 115M)* 06330 Technical Math (AMAT 010) OR 06340 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) 04710 Principles of Marketing (BMKT 010) Liberal Arts Elective Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02587 General Psychology (APSY 101M)* 06331 Basic Calculus (AMAT 106) OR 06360 Calculus (AMAT 112) 06120 Computer Science I (ICSI 201N)* OR 04359 Visual Basic Program (ICSI 101N)* History Elective Literature Elective* The core courses for admission to be the School of Business are: 02580 (AECO 111M), 02581 (ECO 110M), 02582 (ASOC 115M), 02587 (APSY 101M), 04014 (BACC 211), 04221 (AMAT 108) or 06344 (AMAT 108), 06120 (ICSI 201N) or 04359 (ICSI 101N). Advisory Note: To be admitted directly into the School of Business, University at Albany: A students' mathematics level must be at the level of calculus. Completion of 56 graduation credits for the School of Business. Overall G.P.A. For Accounting - the University at Albany will grant credit for Intermediate Accounting I (BACC 311) if the student has completed both 04020 and 04021. However, due to the method of teaching Intermediate Accounting I & II at Albany and the importance of the subject material, we strongly suggest that the student take both courses at the University at Albany. CRIMINAL JUSTICE at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 02582 Sociology (ASOC 115M) 09121 Intro to Law Enforce (RCRJ 201) 09123 Criminal Law I (RCRJ 424) 04221 Statistics (AMAT 108)/Mathematics Elective SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L) 09124 Criminal Law II (RCRJ 425) 09133 Prin of Crim Invest (RCRJ 000) 09300 Intro Pub Admin (RPAD 000) Science ElectiveSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02587 General Psychology (APSY 101M) 09118 Forensic Evidence (RCRJ 000) 09136 Criminology (RCRJ 200) 09139 Crim Just & Community (RCRJ 000) Elective SPRING SEMESTER 09125 Intro Juvenile Delin (RCRJ 308) 09129 Correctional Services (RCRJ 302) 09148 Criminal Just Admin (RCRJ 010) Elective Social Science ElectiveAdvisory Note: To be admitted directly into the School of Criminal Justice, University at Albany: Completion of 42 graduation credits prior to application, and completion of 56 graduate credits at the time of admission. Overall G.P.A. Breadth and quality of liberal arts background. B or higher in 09136 (RCRJ 200) and 09121 (RCRJ 201). Statement by student of reason for wanting to undertake a criminal justice major. For Joint Admissions information, contact Counseling Center, Campus Center Room 200 at HVCC. If you do not take 02424, Writing About Literature, you must take a Humanities/Fine Arts/ or Literature course SOCIAL WELFARE at Hudson Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02425 English Composition (AENG 010Z) 02587 General Psychology (APSY 101M) 03002 General Biology I (ABIO 110N) OR 03010 Topics in Modern Biology I (ABIO 010) 08721 Social Service System (RSSW 210) SPRING SEMESTER 02426 English Composition (AENG 010Z) OR 02424 Writing About Literature (AENG 121L)) 03003 General Biology II (ABIO 111N) OR 03011 Topics in Modern Biology II (ABIO 010) OR 03017 Human Organism (ABIO 209N) 08711 Prob of Adolescence (ASOC 010) OR 08714 Older Adults & Soc Env (ASOC 384) 08720 Intro Human Svc Skills (RSSW 010) 08727 Perspect on Disability (RSSW 000) OR 02588 Abnormal Psych (APSY 020)SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER 02582 Sociology (ASOC 115M) 08702 Human Svc Practicum I (RSSW 000) 08706 Intev Tech of Comm (ECPY 000) SPRING SEMESTER 08703 Human Svc Practicum II (RSSW 000) 08713 Intro S.W. Group (RSSW 010) 02501 Amer Nat'l Gov't (RPOS 101M) 04221 Statistics (AMAT 108)Advisory Note: To be admitted directly into the School of Social Welfare, University at Albany: Complete 02587 (APSY 101M), 2582 (ASOC 115M), 02501 (RPOS 101M), 08721 (RSSW 210), 03002 (ABIO 110N), 03011 (ABIO 010). (Two semesters of science is strongly recommended.) Overall G.P.A. Volunteer or paid experience in Social Welfare or a related field. (Completion of 08702 is one method of satisfying this requirement.) Complete a supplemental application with essay and references to the School of Social Welfare. The School of Social Welfare accepts students for Fall admission only. For Joint Admissions information, contact Counseling Center, Campus Center Room 220 at HVCC. If you do not take 02424, Writing About Literature, you must take a Humanities/Fine Arts/or Literature course.