Admissions Transfer Colleges / CoursesSkip to content (access key: 2) Skip to universal navigation (access key: I) Skip to sub navigation (access key: T) Admissions Transfer Colleges / Courses Information For Admissions | Current Students | Faculty & Staff | Alumni & Friends | Visitors You Are Here: Plattsburgh State > Admissions > Transfers > Course Equivalencies Transfer Admissions Application Process Information For Freshman Transfers Graduate Parents International Student Accepted Students Learn About Academic Programs College Costs Financial Aid Scholarships & Grants Food & Dining Housing & Residence Life Student Life Support Services for Students E.O.P. Readmission Resources Admissions Forms Campus Map Directions to Plattsburgh Frequently Asked Questions Regional Highlights Get Started Apply for Admissions Quick Facts About Plattsburgh State Virtual Tour Visiting & Open House Contact Us Admissions Staff Ask a Student Request Information DUTCHESS CC Transfer Courses Below, please find a list of the transfer courses from this institution. On the left, the course at the source institution is listed and on the right the equivalent at SUNY Plattsburgh, as well as any general education category it meets. Unless otherwise noted, courses will transfer as either direct equivalents or as departmental electives provided a sufficient grade is attained. If a course is not listed, it has yet to be evaluated. CourseTitleCredits- PSU CoursePSU TitlePSU CreditsGeneral Ed ACC100Acctg Freshman Sem1FRS100Sem: Frs Exprnce1 ACC101Prin Accounting I4ACC201Prin Accounting I4 ACC102Prin Accounting II4ACC202Prin Accounting II4 ACC104Financial Acctg4ACC201Prin of Accounting I4 ACC105Accounting Applicatns1Accounting Applicatns1 ACC201Cost Accounting3Cost Accounting3 ACC204Managerial Acctg4ACC202Prin of Accounting II4 ACC213Acctg Systm & Cmptr4Acctg Systm & Cmptr4 ACC221Interm Accounting3Interm Accounting3 ACC241Income Tax Procedure3Income Tax Procedure3 ACC903Fin Accounting Topics1Fin Accounting Topics1 AHS101Allied Health Survey1Allied Health Survey1 ARC103Architectural Drawing3Architectural Drawing3 ARC130Draft Environ Studies2Environmental Sci El2 ART100Comm Art Intro Sem1Comm Art Intro Sem1 ART101History of Art3ART137West Art:Prehis/Mediev3Arts GE4 ART10220th Century Art3ART139West Art:Renaiss/Pres3Arts GE4 ART103Art of China & Japan3Art of China & Japan3Arts GE4 / Humanities GE4 / World Systems GE4 ART1102-Dimensional Design3ART104Basic Design:Blk/White3Arts GE4 ART1113-Dimensional Design3ART2313D Des/Intro Sculpture3Arts GE4 ART112Drawing I3ART161Intro to Drawing3Arts GE4 ART113Drawing II3ART262Drawing II3 ART120Paintng Color Thry/Ap3ART221Intro to Painting3Arts GE4 ART122Watercolor3Watercolor3Arts GE4 ART123Adv Drawing/Rendering3Adv Drawing/Rendering3 ART130Printmaking3ART150Intro To Printmkg3Arts GE4 ART131Ceramics3Ceramics3Arts GE4 ART140Graphic Design Intro3Graphic Design Intro3Arts GE4 ART141Lettering/Caligraphy3Lettering/Caligraphy3Arts GE4 ART142Graphic Design II3ART305Graphic Design II3Arts GE4 ART145Layout & Typography3Layout & Typography3Arts GE4 ART147Design & Illustration3Design & Illustration3 ART150B & W Photography I3ART211Intro To Photo3Arts GE4 ART151Photography II3ART312Photography II3 ART152Photo & Air Photo Intp3Photo & Air Photo Intp3 ART153Lighting Visual Arts3Lighting Visual Arts3 ART154Photo Art Work1Photo Art Work1 ART157Digital Color Photo I3Digital Color Photo I3Arts GE4 ART161Animation3Animation3Arts GE4 ART163Dsgn for Interact Med3Dsgn for Interact Med3Arts GE4 ART170Ceramics-Hand Build3Ceramics-Hand Build3Arts GE4 ART171Ceramics - Wheel3ART255Intro Ceramics3Arts GE4 ART172Basic Ceramics3ART255Intro Ceramics3Arts GE4 ART174Ceramics - Throwing3Ceramics - Throwing3 ART191Jewelry and Metals3Jewelry and Metals3 ART241Calligraphy Workshop3Calligraphy Workshop3Arts GE4 ART250Large Format Photo Wk3Large Format Photo Wk3Arts GE4 ART252Alt Photo Process3Alt Photo Process3 ART254Photo Journalism Wkshp3Photo Journalism Wkshp3 ART273Spec Stdy Project III3Spec Stdy Project III3 ASL101Amer Sign Lang I3CDS211Elem American Sign Language I3 AST131Solar System Astronomy4AST101Intro Astronomy4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 AST132Astron Stars/Galaxies4Astron Stars/Galaxies4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BHS103Social Prob/Today3SOC202Social Problems3Social Sciences GE4 BHS110Intro Human Services3Intro Human Services3 BHS142Criminology3SOC250Intr Criminology3Social Sciences GE4 BHS203Sociology3SOC101Intro Sociology3Social Sciences GE4 BHS204Anthropology3Anthropology3Social Sciences GE4 BHS205The Family3SOC312Soc of Family3Indiv, Society & Resp GE4 BHS206Cultural Anthropology3ANT102Comparative Cultures3Social Sciences GE4 BHS207Education in Amer Soc3SOC311Sociology:Education3 BHS208Sociology Of Future3Sociology Of Future3Global Issues GE4 BHS209Racial & Ethnic Relatn3SOC321Soc of Minorities3Global Issues GE4 BHS210Sociology Religion3SOC313Soc of Religion3 BHS212Child Abuse3Child Abuse3Global Issues GE4 BHS214Intro World Archaeology3ANT220Archaeology3 BHS215Field Archaeology3Field Archaeology3 BHS216Soc of Health/Med in US3Soc of Health/Med in US3Global Issues GE4 BHS220Comp Social Systems I3Comp Social Systems I3 BHS242Drug Alcohol Use/Abuse3Drug Alcohol Use/Abuse3Global Issues GE4 / Indiv, Society & Resp GE4 BHS245Issues & Ethics Hum Serv2Issues & Ethics Hum Serv2 BHS262Juvenile Deliquency3SOC370Juvenile Delinquency3Social Sciences GE4 BHS707Sociology of Ireland3Sociology of Ireland3 BHS912Child Abuse3Child Abuse3Global Issues GE4 BHS913Soc Health/Med US3SOC315Soc: Health/Medicine3Indiv, Society & Resp GE4 BHS917Field Archaeology3Field Archaeology3 BHS924Prehist/Cult Evol-Hudson1Prehist/Cult Evol-Hudson1 BIO001Crse Stdy Sk-BIO1010NOT CREDIT BEARING0 BIO098Basic Biol Physiology0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 BIO101General Biology I4BIO101General Biology I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO102General Biology II4BIO102General Biology II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO103Human Biology4BIO100Concepts in Biology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO104Environmental Biology4ENV101Environmental Science4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO107Basic Ecology4ENV303Ecology4 BIO108Living Organisms4Living Organisms4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO109Anat & Phys I4BIO326Human Anat & Phys I4 BIO110Anat & Phys II4BIO327Human Anat & Phys II4 BIO112Bio-Med View of AIDS3Bio-Med Views of Aids3 BIO122Nutrition3FNI211Human Nutrition3 BIO131Anatomy & Phys I4BIO326Human Anat & Phys I4 BIO132Anatomy & Phys II4BIO327Human Anat & Phys II4 BIO144Human Genetics/Values3Human Genetics/Values3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO203Invertebrate Zoology4BIO322Invert Zoology4 BIO204General Botany4BIO205General Botany4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO205Intro Genetics4BIO305Genrl Genetics4 BIO207General Microbiology4BIO203Microbiology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO209Mammalian Anatomy4Mammalian Anatomy4 BIO210Mammalian Physiology4Mammalian Physiology4 BIO211Intro Microbology3BIO203Microbiology3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO212Microbiology4BIO203Microbiology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO221Prin of Conservation4GEG303Environ Conservation4 BIO225Environ Measurement4ENV333Biometry4 BIO226Envir Contaminents3Environmental Sci El3 BIO914Anat & Phys II4BIO327Human Anat & Phys II4 BIO917Understanding Cancer3Understanding Cancer3 BIO920Field Botany4Field Botany4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO940Field Botany4 BUS001Course Specific Stdy0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 BUS100Busn Freshman Sem1Busn Freshman Sem1 BUS101Business Mathematics3Business Mathematics3 BUS102Intro to Business3Intro to Business3 BUS104Busn Organ & Mgmt3MGM280Prin of Management3 BUS105Advertising3Advertising3 BUS106Professional Selling3Professional Selling3 BUS107Prin of Marketing3MKE290Principles of Marketing3 BUS109Intro to Microsoft Excel1Intro to Microsoft Excel1 BUS110Intro to MS Access1Intro to MS Access1 BUS111Intro to Microsoft Pwrpnt1Intro to Microsoft Pwrpnt1 BUS112Intro to MS Word1Intro to MS Word1 BUS120Prin of Banking3 BUS131Real Estate Prin & Prac3Real Estate Prin & Prac3 BUS208Small Business Mgmt3Small Business Mgmt3 BUS210Busn Communication3Busn Communication3 BUS215Business Law I3ACC351Legal Environ Busn3 BUS216Business Law II3ACC352Bus Law for Acc Majors3 BUS244Human Resource Mgmt3Human Resource Mgmt3 BUS290Business Internship3Business Internship3 BUS902Business Adm Seminar1Business Adm Seminar1 CHC102Therapeutic Prog3Therapeutic Prog3 CHC103Child Care & Yth Prac2Child Care & Yth Prac2 CHC104Child/Youth Serv Pr II2Child/Youth Serv Pr II2 CHC202Child Care Tech I2Child Care Tech I2 CHC203Child Care/Youth P III3Child Care/Youth P III3 CHC206Child Care/Youth Pr 43Child Care/Youth Pr 43 CHE095Chem Study Skills0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CHE105Basic Chemistry1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 CHE111Intro to Chemistry I4CHE111Fund Prin Chemistry I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE112Intro to Chemistry II4CHE112Fund Prin Chemistry II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE119Environmental Che Lab1Environmental Che Lab1 CHE121General Chemistry I4CHE111Fund Prin Chemistry I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE122General Chemistry II4CHE112Fund Prin Chemistry II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE231Organic Chemistry I4CHE241Organic Chemistry I4 CHE232Organic Chemistry II4CHE242Organic Chemistry II4 CHE905Crse Study Sk CHE1110NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CHM103Com Mental Hlth Prac I2Com Mental Hlth Prac I2 CHM104Com Mental Hlth Prac II2Com Mental Hlth Prac II2 CHM203Com Mental Hlth Prac III3Com Mental Hlth Prac III3 CHM204Com Mental Hlth IV3Com Mental Hlth IV3 CIS012Computer Study Skills0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CIS100CIS Introductory Seminar1CIS Introductory Seminar1 CIS107Conduct Bus on Internet3Conduct Bus on Internet3 CIS108Conduct Research Internet3Conduct Research Internet3 CIS111Computer Sysm/Applic3CSC105Applic Microcomputer3 CIS111AComputer System & App1.5MGM271Info and Technology1.5 CIS111BComputer System & App1.5MGM272Bus Applic of Tech1.5 CIS112Computer Prog I4Computer Prog I4 CIS113Visual Basic Prog3Visual Basic Prog3 CIS114Computer Prog in C3Computer Prog in C3 CIS123Computer Prog II4Computer Prog II4 CIS213Microcomputer Sys Busn3Microcomputer Sys Busn3 CIS227Assembler Lang Prog3Assembler Lang Prog3 CLP101Career & Life Pln3CLP100Career Life Planning3 CMH103Mental Health Asst Prac2Mental Health Asst Prac2 COM100Comm Intro Seminar1Comm Intro Seminar1 COM101Intro to Comm Media3Intro to Comm Media3 COM103Computers for the Media2Computers for the Media2 COM110Basic Video Productn3CMM229Basic Plan/Prod for TV3 COM120Intro to Media Writing3Intro to Media Writing3 COM220Prog for the Media3Prog for the Media3 COM233Audio Prod for Media4CMM232Basic Audio Production4 COM234Basic Music Production5Basic Music Production5 COM235Media Management I3CMM435Electronic Media Mgt3 COM236Media Management II3Media Management II3 COM240Hist Wrld Mass Com3CMM118Mass Media and Society3Humanities GE4 COM243Hist of World Film3History of World Film3 COM244Screenwriting3Screenwriting3 COM245Screenwrtg-Document3Screenwrtg-Document3 COM249Television Prod I3Television Prod I3 COM250Television Prod II3Television Prod II3 COM261Communications Intern3Communications Intern3 COM262Communications Practicum4Communications Pract4 COM263Adv Communications Practicum4Adv Communications Pract4 COM273Spec Study Proj III3Spec Study Proj III3 COM280Overseas Docum Prodctn3Overseas Docum Prodctn3 COM908Screenwriting3Screenwriting3 CPS100Comp Sci Intro Seminar1Comp Sci Intro Seminar1 CPS121Computer Prog-Basic2Computer Prog-Basic2 CPS122Comp Prog-Fortran3Comp Prog-Fortran3 CPS141Intro Computer Sci4Intro Computer Sci4 CPS142Advanced Prog Tech3CSC223Datastructures & Algorithims3 CPS231Data Structures3CSC321Design/Analysis of Algorithms3 CRI206Crim & Science Invest3Crim & Science Invest3 CRJ100Crim Just Info Sem1Crim Just Info Sem1 CRJ141Intr Criminal Justice3SOC150Intro Criminal Justice3 CRJ144Juvenile Law3Juvenile Law3 CRJ201CJ Org & Admin3CJ Org & Admin3 CRJ205Forensic Photography3Forensic Photography3 CRJ206Crim & Sci Invest3SOC270Criminal Investigation3 CRJ261White Collar Crime3SOC352White Collar Crime3 CRJ262Penal Law3Penal Law3 CRJ263Criminal Procedure3Criminal Procedure3 CRJ264New York Penal Law3New York Penal Law3 CRJ265Fed State & Local Laws3Fed State & Local Laws3 CRJ266Contemp Prob/Iss C J3Contemp Prob/Iss CJ3 CSM094Basic pre-Algebra Skills0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CSM095College Study Skills0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CSS090Bas Computational Skl0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CSS091Basic pre-algebra0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CSS092Basic Computatnl Skil0 CSS093Basic Math Skills Nur0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CSS095Coll Study Skills0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 CSS923Basis Math Skills0 DAN101Foundations of Dance3Foundations of Dance3 DAN102Ballet Techniques2Ballet Techniques2 DAN108Dance History3Dance History3Arts GE4 / World Systems GE4 DAN1147Perform & Appl Dance II1Perform & Appl Dance II1 DAP101Prin of Data Process5Prin of Data Process5 DAP102Program Systems I5Program Systems I5 DAP111Intro Computer Systm3Intro Computer Systm3 DAP201Program Systems II5Program Systems II5 DAP202Program Systems III5Program Systems III5 DAP203Data Process Systems5Data Process Systems5 DTN101Foods3HRT362Food Preparation3 DTN102Nutrition I3FNI211Human Nutrition3 DTN103Nutrition II5FNI211Human Nutrition5 DTN201Nutrition III6Nutrition III6 DTN202Nutrition Externship2Nutrition Externship2 DTN203Nutrition IV6Ntrition IV6 DTN204Nutrition Seminar1Nutrition Seminar1 DTN205Foodservice Mgmt3FNI261Org/Mgmt Foodservice3 ECH101Intro to Early Childhood3Intro to Early Childhood3 ECH102Intro Sem: Prog for Child1Intro Sem: Prog for Child1 ECH103Prog for Young Child3Prog for Young Child3 ECH104The Child in Group1The Child in Group1 ECH106Group Participation1Group Participation1 ECH111Curr Activ for Yng Chd2Curr Activ for Yng Chd2 ECH112Lang/Lit Early Child3Lang/Lit Early Child3 ECH120Infant & Todd Curriculum3Infant & Todd Curriculum3 ECH121Infant & Todd Curr Fldwrk1Infant & Todd Curr Fldwrk1 ECH203Participate & Anly I5Participate & Anly I5 ECH211Teach Young Child2Teach Young Child2 ECH254Issues Early Child3Issues Early Child3 ECO105Economic Issues3ECO101Prin of Economics3Social Sciences GE4 ECO111Consumer Economics3Consumer Economics3 ECO121Environmental Econ3Environmental Econ3Social Sciences GE4 ECO201Microeconomics3ECO110Intro Microeconomics3Social Sciences GE4 ECO202Macroeconomics3ECO111Intro Macroeconomics3Social Sciences GE4 ECO221Environmental Econ3ENV320Environmental Econ3 ELT207Robotics/Cntrl Elctr I3Robotics/Cntrl Elctr I3 ELT210Microcomp Electron3Microcomp Electron3 EMS203Digital Circuits3Digital Circuits3 ENG001Study Skills-ENG1010NOT CREDIT BEARING0 ENG091English Grammer Rev0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 ENG092Basic Patt of Writing0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 ENG096English Sec Lang II0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 ENG100Fund Written English3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 ENG101Composition I3ENG101Composition3Written Expression GE4 ENG101HComposition I3ENG101Composition3Written Expression GE4 ENG102Composition II3ENG195Intro Lit Study3Humanities GE4 ENG102HComposition II3Composition II3Oral Expression GE4 ENG103Composition III3Composition III3Oral Expression GE4 ENG201Engl Lit: Ren - 18C3ENG210Maj Eng Wrtrs I3Humanities GE4 ENG202Engl Lit: Romntc-Pres3ENG211Engl Wrtrs Since 16603Humanities GE4 ENG203Amer Lit: Col - C W3ENG342American Lit to Civil War3Art, Lit, Interpret GE4 / Humanities GE4 ENG204Amer Lit: C W - Pres3ENG343Amer Lit Civil War-WWI3Art, Lit, Interpret GE4 / Humanities GE4 ENG204HAmer Lit: CivilWar-Pr3ENG231Writers:Whitman-Twain3Humanities GE4 ENG20518 & 19 Century Novel318 & 19 Century Novel3Humanities GE4 ENG20620th Cent Novel320th Cent Novel3 ENG207Early Dramatic Lit3Early Dramatic Lit3Humanities GE4 ENG208Modern Dramatic Lit3Modern Dramatic Lit3Humanities GE4 ENG209Directed Writing Fict3ENG201Creative Writing3 ENG210Writing of Poetry3Writing of Poetry3Arts GE4 ENG211Newswriting Edit & Pub3Newswriting Edit & Pub3 ENG212Greek/Roman Lit Trans3Greek/Roman Lit Trans3Western Civilization GE4 ENG213Asian Lit in Trans3Asian Lit in Trans3World Systems GE4 ENG214Dir Creat Wrtg Non-Fic3Dir Creat Wrtg Non-Fic3 ENG215Modern Poetry3Modern Poetry3 ENG216The Short Story3The Short Story3Humanities GE4 ENG217Technical Writing3Technical Writing3 ENG218Adv Comp/Peer Tutor4Adv Comp/Peer Tutor4 ENG221Russian Lit in Trans3Russian Lit in Trans3 ENG223Women In American Lit3Women In American Lit3Humanities GE4 ENG224African-American Lit3African-American Lit3 ENG225Issues/Ideas in Caribb Lit3Issues/Ideas in Caribb Lit3 ENG226Mass Media/Pop Cult3CMM118Mass Media and Society3Social Sciences GE4 ENG227Films & Literature3ENG163Intr Film & Lit3Arts GE4 ENG228Business in Mod Lit3Business in Mod Lit3 ENG229Lit of Hudson River Valley3Lit of Hudson River Valley3 ENG230Shakespeare3ENG164Intr Shakespeare3Humanities GE4 ENG231Lit Creative non-Fiction3Lit Creative non-Fiction3Arts GE4 ENG233Women in Literature3Women in Literature3 ENG263Contemp American Lit3Contemp American Lit3Humanities GE4 ENG264Contemp Internat Lit3Contemp Internat Lit3 ENG267Select Global Lit3Select Global Lit3Global Issues GE4 ENG268Literary Studies I3ENG195Literary Study I3Humanities GE4 ENG269Cont American Lit3Cont American Lit3 ENG280Caribbean Literature3Caribbean Literature ENG283Carribean Literature3Carribean Literature3World Systems GE4 ENG714Irish Literature3ENG448Irish Literature3 ENGL202Engl Lit: Rom - Mod3ENG211Maj Eng Wrtrs II3Humanities GE4 ENR100Engineer Tech Intro Sem1Engineer Tech Intro Sem1 ENR101Intro Engineering I2Intro Engineering I2 ENR103Applic Interactv Cmptg3Applic Interactv Cmptg3 ENR201Circuit Analysis4Circuit Analysis4 ENR215Surveying I3ENV456Survey/Field Mapping3 ENT101Electric Circuits4Electric Circuits4 ENT102Analog Electronics4Analog Electronics4 ENT103Applied Mechanics3Applied Mechanics3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 ENT105Cmptr Aided Drafting4Cmptr Aided Drafting4 ENT131Tech Drawing1Tech Drawing1 FRE101Elem French I3FRE111Elem French I3 FRE102Elem French II3FRE112Elem French II3Foreign Language GE4 FRE201Interm French I3FRE213Interm French I3 FRE202Interm French II3FRE214Interm French II3 FRE903French Review3FRE150Accelerated French3Foreign Language GE4 GEO101Geog Europe,Mideast,Af3Geog Europe,Mideast,Af3Foreign Language GE4 GEO102Geog Asia Pacif W Hem3Geog Asia Pacif W Hem3World Systems GE4 GER101Elem German I3GER111Elem German I3 GER102Elem German II3GER112Elem German II3Foreign Language GE4 GER201Interm German I3GER213Intermed German3 GER202Interm German II3Interm German II3 GIS901Intro Geographic Info3Intro Geographic Info3 GIS902Apps Geographic Info1Apps Geographic Info1 GLG110Soil & Water Tech4Environmental Sci El4 GLG121Physical Geology4GEL101General Geology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 GLG124Earth Through Time4GEL102Evol Of Earth4 GLG131Physical Geology4GEL101Physical Geology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 GLG291Field Geology Study1Field Geology Study1 GLG293Field Geol Study III3Field Geol Study III3 GLG294Field Geology Study IV4Field Geology Study IV3 GOV121American National Exp3PSC100US National Politics3Social Sciences GE4 GOV122State & Local Govt3PSC240State/Local Govt3 GOV151Introduction to Law3PSC290Introduction to Law3Social Sciences GE4 GOV211Media in Politics3Media in Politics3 GOV219Global Politics3PSC220Intro to World Politics3World Systems GE4 GOV220The War in Vietnam3Political Science El3Global Issues GE4 GOV706Persp on N. Ireland3Persp on N. Ireland3 GOV908American Pol & Media3American Pol & Media3 HED121Health Education I1Health Education I1 HED122Health Education II1Health Education II1 HED123Contemp Health Issues2HED310Found Persnl Hlth2 HED125Womens Health1Womens Health1 HED131Safety Ed & First Aid2Safety Ed & First Aid2 HED132CPR1CPR1 HED134Safety,First Aid3PED201CPR/1st Aid3 HED201Stress Management3Stress Management3 HED224Human Sexuality3HED450Human Sexuality3 HED271Special Study Project1Special Study Project1 HED904CPR/First Aid Lifegrd1CPR/First Aid Lifegrd1 HED905CPR/Rescuer-First Aid2CPR/Rescuer-First Aid2 HGE101Intro Contemp Society3Intro Contemp Society3Social Sciences GE4 HGE105Political Economy3Political Economy3Social Sciences GE4 HGE906Intro History of Spain3Intro History of Spain3Foreign Language GE4 HIS101West Civ: Anc - 17C3HIS121Eur Civ To 18153Western Civilization GE4 HIS101HWestrn Civ: Rome-17003HIS121European Civ to 18153Western Civilization GE4 HIS102West Civ:17th C-Pres3HIS122Europe Civ Since 18153Western Civilization GE4 HIS103United States I3HIS101US Civ To 18773U.S. History GE4 HIS104Hist of United States II3HIS102US Civ Since 18773U.S. History GE4 HIS104HHistory of USA II3HIS102US Civil Since 18773U.S. History GE4 HIS106American Civilization3American Civilization3U.S. History GE4 HIS107World Ciz to 17003World Ciz to 17003World Systems GE4 HIS108World Civ since 17003HIS132Mod Global His 1500-Pr3World Systems GE4 HIS120West Civ: 1700 - Pres3HIS122Eur Civ Snc 18153 HIS121Amer National Exper3Amer National Exper3U.S. History GE4 HIS181Overseas Study: American Mirr3Overseas Study: American Mirr3 HIS202Amer & Eur 20th Cent3Amer & Eur 20th Cent3 HIS206The Latin Americans3The Latin Americans3Foreign Language GE4 HIS207Russian History3HIS127Russian Civilztn3 HIS209His African Americans3His African Americans3 HIS210The Holocaust in Hist3The Holocaust in Hist3Global Issues GE4 HIS214Hist of Women in US3HIS303His of the Amer Woman3 HIS215Hist New York City3Hist New York City3 HIS220The War in Vietnam3The War in Vietnam3World Systems GE4 HIS711Irish History3Irish History3 HIS906Amer's Mirror:Eng His3Amer's Mirror:Eng His3 HIS911America'sMirror:Italy3America'sMirror:Italy3Foreign Language GE4 HTM101Hospitality & Tourism3HRT181Intro HRT Management3 HTM102Destinations3Destinations3 HTM107Destinations3Destinations3 HTM110Hospitlty Tour Intern3Hospitlty Tour Intern3 HTM202Front Office Admin3HRT383Rooms Division Mgmt3 HTM210Hospitality Intern II3Hospitalitu Intern II3 HTS101Health Tech Seminar1Health Tech Seminar1 HUM095Intro Film Apprec3CMM338Intro to Film Arts3 HUM205Intro Film Apprec3Intro Film Apprec3Arts GE4 ITL101Elem Italian I3ITA111Elementary Italian I3 ITL102Elem Italian II3ITA112Elementary Italian II3Foreign Language GE4 ITL201Interm Italian I3Interm Italian I3 ITL202Interm Italian II3Interm Italian II3 LAH100Liberal Arts/Hum Intro1Liberal Arts/Hum Intro1 LAH101Liberal Arts Seminar1Liberal Arts Seminar1 LAM100Mathematics Intro Sem1Mathematics Intro Sem1 LAT100Liberal Arts Teach Sem1Liberal Arts Teach Sem1 LAT200Learning Diversity3Learning Diversity3 LAT201Ed Setting: Adol Lrng Envir1Ed Setting: Adol Lrng Envir1 LAT901Lib Arts Teach Int Sm1Lib Arts Teach Int Sm1 LSS101The Honors Experience1The Honors Experience1 LSS101HThe Honors Experience1The Honors Experience1 LSS201Liberal Studies Sem3Liberal Studies Sem3 MAT091Beginning Algebra0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 MAT100Intermed Algebra3Intermed Algebra3 MAT106Data Process Math3Data Process Math3 MAT107Math Elem Teachers3MAT110Mod Math/Elem Tchrs I3 MAT109Survey of Mathematics3Survey of Mathematics3Mathematics GE4 MAT110College Algebra3MAT101Elem College Math3 MAT115Precalculus Math4MAT102Pre-Calculus Mat4 MAT118Elem Statistics3MAT161Intro Statistics3Mathematics GE4 MAT121Intr To Calculus3MAT221Calculus-Life/Mg/SS I3Mathematics GE4 MAT125Calculus w/Bus App3MAT221Calculus-Life/Mg/SS I3Mathematics GE4 MAT132Tech Math II3MAT101Elem College Math3 MAT140Discrete Mathematics3Discrete Mathematics3 MAT185Precalculus Math4MAT102Precalculus4 MAT214Discrete Mathematics3CSC217Discrete Math CSC Applications3 MAT215Intr Linear Algebra3MAT202Linear Algebra3 MAT216Seminar on Proofs1Seminar on Proofs1 MAT221Anly Geom & Calc I4MAT224Calculus I4Mathematics GE4 MAT222Anly Geom & Calc II4MAT225Calculus II4Mathematics GE4 MAT223Anly Geom & Calc III4MAT326Calculus III4 MAT224Diff Equations4MAT426Differential Equations4 MLT101Clinical Microbiology4BIO203Microbiology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 MLT105Clinical Hematology4Clinical Hematology4 MLT106Immunohemat/Serology3Immunohemat/Serology3 MLT202Parasitology/Body Fl3Parasitology/Body Fl3 MLT203Clinical Chemistry I4CHE271Organic/Biochemistry4 MLT204Clinical Chemistry II3CHE271Organic/Biochemistry3 MLT207Externship I4Externship I4 MLT208Externship II4Externship II4 MSO102Medical Terminology2Medical Terminology2 MUS101Music Appreciation3MUS110Music Appreciatn3Arts GE4 MUS115Theory I3MUS121Music Theory/Skills I3Arts GE4 MUS116Theory II3MUS220Music Theory/Skills II3 MUS121Chorus I1Chorus I1 MUS122Chorus II1Chorus II1 MUS131Jazz Ensemble I1Jazz Ensemble I1 MUS132Jazz Ensemble II1Jazz Ensemble II1 MUS133Instrumntl Ensemble 11Instrumntl Ensemble 11 MUS134Instrumntl Ensemble 21Instrumntl Ensemble 21 MUS135History of Jazz3History of Jazz3 MUS136Orchestra I1Orchestra I1 MUS137Orchestra II1Orchestra II1 MUS141Piano I1MUS181Applied Piano I1 MUS143Guitar Consort I1Guitar Consort I1 MUS144Guitar Consort II1Guitar Consort II1 MUS152Dut Madrigal Singers II1Dut Madrigal Singers II1 MUS201Hist Of Music I3MUS211Mus Hist/Ant - 17003 MUS202Hist Of Music II3MUS210Mus Hist/1700 - Pres3Humanities GE4 MUS210Adv Music Perf I3Adv Music Perf I3 MUS211Adv Music Perf II3Adv Music Perf II3 MUS221Chorus III1Chorus III1 MUS222Chorus IV1Chorus IV1 MUS232Jazz Ensemble1Jazz Ensemble1 MUS233Instrumntl Ensemble 31Instrumntl Ensemble 31 MUS236Orchestra III1Orchestra III1 MUS243Guitar Consort III1Guitar Consort III1 MUS244Guitar Consort IV1Guitar Consort IV1 MUS252Dut Madrigal Singers IV1Dut Madrigal Singers IV1 MUS909Wkshp Electronic Mus3Wkshp Electronic Mus3Arts GE4 MUS910Aural Skills I1Aural Skills I1 MUS911Aural Skills II1Aural Skills II1 MUS913Orchestra I1Orchestra I1 NCR221Prin of Conservation3Environmental Sci El3 NUR099Safety,First Aid&CPR3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 NUR100Intro Sem: Nursing1Nursing Elective1 NUR105Nursing Science6Nursing Elective6 NUR107Survey Prof Nrsg1Nursing Elective1 NUR3**A.A.S. Nursing26Nursing Tr Cred-Major26 NUR3XXNursing AAS Degree30Nursing AAS Degree30 NUR**2A.A.S. Nursing4Nursing Tr Cred-Elects4 OFT100Keyboard for Computers1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT108Word Process Fund1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT150Computer Skills for Mass Media1Computer Skills for Mass Media1 ORI093Orient to College0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 PAL290Paralegal Internship3Paralegal Internship3 PED096Stretch & Tone1Stretch & Tone1 PED101Self-Defense1Self-Defense1 PED102Aerobics Activity1PED105Aerobics1 PED103Fitness1Fitness1 PED104Jogging1Jogging1 PED105Cycling1Cycling1 PED106Weight Training1PED103Wt Training/Cond1 PED107Power Lifting1Power Lifting1 PED109Target Archery1Target Archery1 PED111Step Aerobics1Step Aerobics1 PED113Intro to Martial Arts1Intro to Martial Arts1 PED114Stretch and Tone1Stretch and Tone1 PED115Pilates1Pilates1 PED120Badminton1PED120Badminton1 PED121Physical Education I1Physical Education I1 PED122Physical Education II1Physical Education II1 PED123Racquetball: 1 Wall1Racquetball: 1 Wall1 PED124Tennis1PED142Beg Tennis1 PED125Volleyball1PED146Volleyball1 PED126Racquetball/ 4wall1PED136Racquetball1 PED127Baseball1Baseball1 PED128Softball1Softball1 PED129Basketball1PED122Basketball1 PED130Bowling1PED124Bowling1 PED131Golf1PED130Beg Golf1 PED132Soccer/Gym1Soccer/Gym1 PED140Fund Of Ballet1Fund Of Ballet1 PED141Intro To Dance1Intro To Dance1 PED142Folk & Novelty Dance1Folk & Novelty Dance1 PED143Jazz Dance1Jazz Dance1 PED144Modern Dance1Modern Dance1 PED145Aerobic Dance1Aerobic Dance1 PED146Perform & App Dan I1Perform & App Dan I1 PED147Perform & App Dan II1Perform & App Dan II1 PED150Gymnastics1Gymnastics1 PED151Apparatus1Apparatus1 PED162Roller Skating1Roller Skating1 PED170Downhill Skiing1PED132Beg Alp Skiing1 PED171Cross Country Skiing1Cross Country Skiing1 PED180Beg Swimming1PED138Beg/Int Swim1 PED181Lifeguarding1PED203Lifeguard Training1 PED190Camping & Hiking1Camping & Hiking1 PED191Fund Of Canoeing1Fund Of Canoeing1 PED192Adapt Indivl Purst I1Adapt Indivl Purst I1 PED196Dynamics of Play1Dynamics of Play1 PED197Fencing1PED128Fencing1 PED199Varsity Sports1Varsity Sports1 PED202Fitness Practicum I2Fitness Practicum I2 PED224Intermediate Tennis1Intermediate Tennis1 PED247Perf & Applied Dance1Perf & Applied Dance1 PED299Varsity Sports II1Varsity Sports II1 PED904Intro Martial Arts1Intro Martial Arts1 PED906Stretch and Tone1Stretch and Tone1 PHI107Intro Art of Reasoning3PHI112Introduction to Logic3Humanities GE4 PHI120Philosophy Prime Issues3Philosophy Prime Issues3Humanities GE4 PHI201Philosophy: Prime Iss3Philosophy: Prime Iss3Humanities GE4 / Western Civilization GE4 PHI203Maj Religions World3PHI301The World's Religions3Humanities GE4 / World Systems GE4 PHI205Ethics Theor & Issues3PHI312Ethics3Humanities GE4 PHI207Intro Logic/Clear Thnk3PHI112Introduction to Logic3 PHS101The Physical World4The Physical World4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHS102Earth Science4Earth Science4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHS103Technology & the Env4Technology & the Env4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHS105Amer Science & Tech4Amer Science & Tech4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHS107Technology & Energy4Technology & Energy4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHS111Weather & Climate4Weather & Climate4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHS112Water Resource Issues4Water Resource Issues4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHS804Race Save the Planet3Race Save the Planet3Global Issues GE4 PHS901Water Resource/Dilema4ENV248Intro Water Resources4 PHS906Oceanography4GEL291Oceanography4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY121General Physics I4PHY111Genrl Physics I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY122Genrl Physics II4PHY112Genrl Physics II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY123Engineering Physics I4PHY111General Physics I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY151Enginrg Physics I4PHY111General Physics I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY152Enginrg Physics II4PHY112General Physics II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY251Enginrg Physics III4PHY213Physics III4 PHY252Enginrg Physics IV4PHY314Intr Modern Physics4 PSY102Interview & Counseling3Interview & Counseling3 PSY111Psychology Prin I3PSY101Gen Psychology3Social Sciences GE4 PSY112Psychology Prin II3Psychology Prin II3 PSY124Group Dynamics3Group Dynamics3 PSY134Group Dynamics3Group Dynamics3Social Sciences GE4 PSY201Abnormal Psychology3PSY443Abnormal & Dev Behvr3 PSY202Therapeutic Intrntn Sk3Therapeutic Intrntn Sk3 PSY203Developmental Psych3PSY311Surv Human Developmnt3Social Sciences GE4 PSY204Adolescent Psychology3PSY415Adol/Youth/Early Adult3 PSY205Indust & Bus Psych3PSY462Indus/Organization Psy3 PSY206Social Psychology3PSY361Social Psychology3Social Sciences GE4 PSY207Art Therapy3Art Therapy3 PSY209Psychobiology3PSY331Intro Biopsych3 PSY210Psychology of Gender3Psychology of Gender3 PSY211Educational Psych3PSY412Educational Psychology3 PSY221Child & Adolescent Dev3Child & Adolescent Dev3 PSY222Adulthood & Aging3PSY416Adult Dvlp/Aging3 PSY235Psych Exceptionality3Psych Exceptionality3 PSY802The Growing Years3The Growing Years3 PSY901Educational Psych3PSY412Educational Psychology3 REA091Reading Improvement0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 REA100Reading for College1Reading for College1 REA103Content Reading3Content Reading3 REA105Effective Reading3Effective Reading3 REC101Recreation Activities1Recreation Activities1 REC102Program Development2Program Development2 RET100Retail Freshman Semnr1Retail Freshman Semnr1 RET103Color and Design3Color and Design3Arts GE4 RET104Merchandising Info3Merchandising Info3 RET105Fund of Fashion3Fund of Fashion3 RET106Mgmt of Retail Oper3Mgmt of Retail Oper3 RET108Fash Sales Prom & Pub3Fash Sales Prom & Pub3 RET109Prin Interior Design3Prin Interior Design3 RET203Merchandising Mgmt3Merchandising Mgmt3 RET204Visual Merchandising3Visual Merchandising3 RET205Fashion Direct/Coord3Fashion Direct/Coord3 RET206Current Retail Trends3Current Retail Trends3 RET209Creating an Interior3Creating an Interior3 RET211Cooperative Retail Exp3Cooperative Retail Exp3 RET903Freshmn Sem Retail1Freshmn Sem Retail1 SCI100Fr Seminar Science1Fr Seminar Science1 SCI901Comp Support/Science1Comp Support/Science1 SDS093Student Devel Seminar0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 SES105Elem Shorthand3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SES106Intermd Shorthand3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SOS101Intro Contemp Society3SOC101Intro to Sociology3Social Sciences GE4 SOS103Intro Behav Science3Intro Behav Science3Social Sciences GE4 SPA101Elem Spanish I3SPA111Elem Spanish I3 SPA102Elem Spanish II3SPA112Elem Spanish II3Foreign Language GE4 SPA199Spanish Grammer Review3SPA150Intensive Span/Review3Foreign Language GE4 SPA199ASpanish Grammar Rev 11SPA111Elementary Spanish I1 SPA199BSpanish Grammar Rev 21SPA150Intensive Span/Review2Foreign Language GE4 SPA201Interm Spanish I3SPA213Interm Spanish I3Foreign Language GE4 SPA202Interm Spanish II3SPA214Interm Spanish II3Foreign Language GE4 SPA301Advanced Spanish I3Advanced Spanish I3Foreign Language GE4 SPA901Spanish Review3SPA112Elementary Spanish II3Foreign Language GE4 SPE100Intro Speech Commun3CMM101Intro to Public Speaking3Oral Expression GE4 SPE101Public Speaking3CMM101Intro to Public Speaking3Oral Expression GE4 SPE102Oral Interp Of Lit3CMM201Oral Interpretation3 SPE111Pub Spkg-Take Terr Out1Pub Spke-Take Terr Out1 SPE115Effective Listening1Effective Listening1 SPE116Interview To Get Job1Interview To Get Job1 SPE201Persuasion: Arg & Emon3CMM407Persuasion3 SPE210Dynamic of Discussion3Dynamic of Discussion3 SPE211Communication Theory3CMM326Communication Theory3 SSOS103Intro Behavioral Sci3Intro Behavioral Sci3Social Sciences GE4 THE103Stagecraft3THE104Stagecraft I3Arts GE4 THE105Intro To Theatre3THE110Intro To Theatre3Arts GE4 THE109Acting3THE106Intro To Acting3Oral Expression GE4 THE120Perform Skills for Teachers3Perform Skills for Teachers3Arts GE4 THE703Irish Theatre3Irish Theatre3Arts GE4 WFE101Lifetime Wellness/Fit3PED271Wellness and Fitness3 YTH103Child/Youth Serv Pr I2Child/Youth Serv Pr I2 While we strive to maintain the accuracy of the transfer equivalency tables, please be aware that they are subject to change without notice. If you have questions or concerns about the information in these tables, please contact Sean Dermody, Assistant Director for Transfer Admissions at (518) 564-2040. Contact Information The Admissions Office is located on the 10th floor of the Kehoe Building. Our office hours are Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sean Brian Dermody Assistant Director for Transfer Admissions SUNY Plattsburgh 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 AIM Screen Name: SBDERMODY Phone: (518) 564-2040; Toll-Free: (888) 673-0012 (toll-free) FAX: (518) 564-2045 E-mail: This is an official publication of Plattsburgh State Copyright © 1996-2004 Plattsburgh State 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Phone: (518) 564-2000