ECC - Articulation Agreement in MathematicsSUNY Fredonia - Erie Community College Articulation Agreement in Mathematics By this agreement, students who complete the Associate of Science in Liberal Arts and Science at Erie Community College, including CS 121 and MT 167, 181, 182, 283, 284, and 292, are guaranteed admission with full junior standing to the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program at SUNY Fredonia. Such students will be able to graduate within 4 additional full-time semesters at SUNY Fredonia. GPA Criteria: To be guaranteed admission, students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. SUNY General Education Categories: Students should complete courses in at least 7 of the 10 SUNY categories as follows: S01 MAT 181 S02 approved SUNY course S03 approved SUNY course1 S04 approved SUNY course S05 approved SUNY course S06 approved SUNY course S07 CHE 300/301or PHY 480/4812 S08 approved SUNY course S09 approved SUNY course S10 ENG 110 Notes: 1. SUNY Fredonia’s College Core Curriculum (CCC) requires two courses in the social sciences from two different disciplines. Students interested in the Applied Mathematics – Economics option are encouraged to take EC 103 at MCC. 2. The CCC also requires two courses in the natural sciences from two different disciplines. The mathematics major at SUNY Fredonia requires a college-level chemistry or physics course with lab. 3. The CCC includes a speaking intensive requirement that will be met by taking MATH 405 and an approved MATH/STAT elective at SUNY Fredonia. 4. The CCC also includes an upper-level requirement; this will be completed at SUNY Fredonia. Courses to be Completed at ECC: ECCSUNY Fredonia CS 121 – Computer Science ICSIT 121 – Computer Science I MT 167 – Discrete MathematicsMATH 210 – Discrete Mathematics MT 181 – Calc. and Analytic Geometry IMATH 122 – University Calculus I MT 182 – Calc. and Analytic Geometry IIMATH 123 – University Calculus II MTH 283 – Calc. and Analytic Geom. IIIMATH 223 – University Calculus III MTH 284 – Intro. to Differ. EquationsMATH 224 – Differential Equations MTH 292 – Intro. to Linear AlgebraMATH 231 – Linear Algebra Sample Schedules Liberal Arts Track: Sample Schedule FallSpring JuniorMATH 323 MATH/STAT electiveMATH 420 MATH/STAT elective SeniorMATH 331 MATH/STAT electiveMATH 405 MATH/STAT elective Applied Mathematics – Economics Option: Sample Schedule FallSpring JuniorSTAT 350 MATH 329 ECON 310MATH 365 ECON 305 SeniorMATH 405 ECON 400 MATH/STAT elective ECON 300 ECON 410 Applied Mathematics – Statistics/Operations Research Option: Sample Schedule FallSpring JuniorMATH 329 STAT 350MATH/STAT elective STAT 351 or MATH 359 SeniorMATH 375 MATH 405 STAT 355 Note: This option also requires students to complete a minor in a field that uses statistics or operations research. Duration of Agreement This agreement is expected to become effective in September 2002 and shall be reviewed every two years, or earlier, if significant changes are made in either the two-year or the four-year program.