SUNY-ESF, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Home | Gateways | Academics | Admission | Directories | Site Index SEARCH: Undergraduate Admissions Home Freshman Entry Transfer Entry Degree Programs Financial Aid & Scholarships Frequently Asked Questions Rankings & Ratings Visit with us How to Apply International Students Housing Staff & Contact Information Information Request Form ...for answers to any questions you have about ESF or the admissions process Office of Admissions 1-800-777-7373 SEARCH: Home > admissions > transfer > tags Sullivan County Community College (2855) Transfer Articulation Guidelines (TAG) Course Equivalents for SUNY College off Environmental Science and Forestry Back to Cooperative Transfer Colleges page Back to Admissions Home The following Transfer Articulation Guidelines (TAG) display the lower division course requirements for all ESF majors for students entering in the fall 2002 semester or after. Students should match the lower division requirements with the list of approved course equivalents at Sullivan County Community College. Refer to the notes below for further information on the transfer agreement between ESF and Sullivan County Community College. Associate Degree Programs at The Ranger School Campus Forest Technology Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Associate in Applied Science Degree Freshman Year: All Students (Completed at a college of the student's choice) Students interested in the 1+1 articulation agreement into one of the Associate Degree Programs at the Ranger School should complete the following courses: Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English with a Focus on Writing6 creditsENG1001 & ENG2001 Electives10 credits* See note below Trigonometry3 creditsMAT1205 or MAT1206 or MAT1301 * Students planning to continue in the B.S. degree program in Forest Resources Management after earning an A.A.S. degree in Forest Technology are recommended to select from the following courses as free electives: American History3 creditsSBS1221 or SBS1222 or SBS1224 Calculus I3 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 Land Surveying Technology Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Associate in Applied Science Degree Freshman Year: All Students (Completed at a college of the student's choice) Students interested in the 1+1 articulation agreement into one of the Associate Degree Programs at the Ranger School should complete the following courses: Biology I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 or SCI1124+SC1125 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English with a Focus on Writing6 creditsENG1001 & ENG2001 Electives10 credits Trigonometry3 creditsMAT1205 or MAT1206 or MAT1301 Bachelor Degree Programs at the Syracuse Campus Aquatic and Fisheries Science Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 Electives7-9 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI2208+SCI2209 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 Organic Chemistry II or Physics II or Calculus II4 creditsSCI2210+SCI2211 or SCI2300+SCI2301 or MAT2301 *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501, Genetics SCI1141+SCI1142, and Global Environment SCI1515. Bioprocess Engineering Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I, II, III12 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 & MAT2302 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Computer Programming3 creditsCPT1405 or CPT2216 Differential Equations3 creditsMAT2401 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI2208+SC2209 & SCI2210+SC2211 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1302+SCI1303 or SCI1300+SC1301 ** *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. ** Engineering Physics is preferred. Biotechnology Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I & II8 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Genetics w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1141+SCI1142 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Microbiology4 creditsSCI1122+SCI1123 Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI2208+SC2209 & SCI2210+SC2211 Physics I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1300+SC1301 & SCI2300+SC2301 *General Education requirement - American History **3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts**3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization**3 credits *General Education requirement - Social Science**3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization**3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. ** 9 credits of general education coursework may be completed during the junior and senior year at ESF. Chemistry Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I & II8 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Computer Applications3 creditsCPT1200 or CPT1214 or CPT1224 or CPT1225 or CPT1310 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Math Elective (Calculus III recommended)3 credits Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI2208+SC2209 & SCI2210+SC2211 Physics I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1300+SC1301 & SCI2300+SC2301 *General Education requirement - American History**3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts**3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization**3 credits *General Education requirement - Social Science**3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization**3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. ** Two of the general education requirements may be completed spring of the junior year at ESF. Conservation Biology Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Electives15 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Global Environment3 creditSCI1515 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501, Genetics SCI1141+SCI1142, and Global Environment SCI1515. Construction Management Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Calculus I & II8 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1202+SC1203 Computer Applications3 creditsCPT1200 or CPT1214 or CPT1224 or CPT1225 or CPT1310 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Global Environment3 creditSCI1515 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Physics w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SC1301 Related discipline electives and/or liberal arts electives28 credits *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Note: Surveying for engineers should be taken for those in Construction Management. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501 and Principles of Management BUS1310. Environmental Biology Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Electives7-9 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Global Environment3 creditSCI1515 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI2208+SCI2209 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 Organic Chemistry II or Physics II or Calculus II4 creditsSCI2210+SCI2211 or SCI2300+SCI2301 or MAT2301 *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501 and Genetics SCI1141+SCI1142. Student Note: Environmental Biology requires 1 and recommends 2 semesters of physics. Certain graduate/professional programs (e.g. medical, veterinary schools) generally require two semesters of calculus-based physics. SCI1302+SCI1303 & SCI2302+SCI2303 will fulfill the program requirements and are recommended for students planning on graduate programs. Environmental Resources and Forest Engineering Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Engineering Science major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 or SCI1124+SC1125 Calculus I, II, & III12 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 & MAT2302 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Computer Programming3 creditsCPT1405 or CPT2216 Differential Equations3 creditsMAT2401 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 Electrical Science3 creditsNot offered Engineering Graphics1 creditNot offered Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics2 creditsENS2002 Engineering Mechanics - Statics3 creditsENS2001 Engineering Physics I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1302+SCI1303 & SCI2302+SCI2303 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Student Note: One of the general education requirements may be completed spring of the junior year at ESF. Environmental Science Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Advanced Science and Math6-8 credits** See note below American History3 creditsSBS1221 or SBS1222 or SBS1224 Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I & II8 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Computer Programming3 creditsCPT1405 or CPT2216 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 Engineering Physics I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1302+SCI1303 & SCI2302+SCI2303 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. ** Examples of advanced science and math courses would be calculus 3 or 4, organic chemistry 1 or 2, quantum physics, analytical chemistry, or microbiology. Please consult the ESF Office of Undergraduate Admissions for assistance with course selection. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501 and Global Environment SCI1515. Environmental Studies Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. American History3 creditsSBS1221 or SBS1222 or SBS1224 Biology I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 or SCI1124+SC1125 Biology II w/ Lab or Environmental Geology**4 creditsSCI1113+SC1114 or SCI2152+SC2153 or SCI1005+SCI1006 Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 Computer Applications3 creditsCPT1200 or CPT1214 or CPT1224 or CPT1225 or CPT1310 Ecology3 - 4 creditsNot offered Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 Electives***9 - 14 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Government/Political Science3 creditsSBS1301 or SBS1341 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Pre-Calculus or Calculus****3 - 4 creditsMAT1206 or MAT1301 Probability & Statistics3 creditsMAT2501 *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. In the event that the college does not have an approved SUNY General Education program, contact the ESF Admissions Office for assistance with course selection. ** Students must take either Biology II or Geology. Students interested in the Biological Science Applications option must take Biology II. *** Students interested in the Biological Science Applications option must complete Chemistry II in place of one of their elective courses. **** Students interested in the Biological Science Applications option must complete Calculus I. Additional credit may be granted for Global Environment SCI1515. Forest Ecosystem Science Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. American History3 creditsSBS1221 or SBS1222 or SBS1224 Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I 4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Ecology4 creditsNot offered Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 Principles of Management3 creditsBUS1310 Probability & Statistics3 creditsMAT2501 *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Forest Health Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Electives13 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Global Environment3 creditSCI1515 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI2208+SCI2209 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501, Genetics SCI1141+SCI1142, and Global Environment SCI1515. Forest Resources Management Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. American History3 creditsSBS1221 or SBS1222 or SBS1224 Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SCI1112 & SCI1113+SCI114 or SCI1124+SCI1125 & SCI2152+SCI2153 Calculus I4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English w/ Focus on Writing6 creditsENG1001 & ENG2001 Forest Ecology3 creditsNot offered Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 Principles of Management3 creditsBUS1310 Probability & Statistics3 creditsMAT2501 Public Speaking3 creditsENG1301 *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Humanities3 credits** *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. ** Students may choose to take a literature course that is writing intensive to meet their second English requirement. The literature course would also fulfill the Humanities General Education requirement, resulting in 3 additional humanities elective credits. Landscape Architecture Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. American History3 creditsSBS1221 or SBS1222 or SBS1224 Art or Architectural History6 creditsNot offered Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SCI1112 & SCI1113+SCI114 or SCI1124+SCI1125 & SCI2152+SCI2153 Drawing/Freehand Drawing3 creditsART1001 or ART2001 Ecology3 - 4 creditsnot offered Electives9 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Mathematics3 creditsMAT1205 or MAT1206 or MAT1301 or MAT2501 Natural/Physical Science6 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 or SCI2300+SC2301 or SCI1202+SCI1203 or SCI2202+SCI2203 or SCI1018 or SCI1005 Public Speaking3 creditsENG1301 *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Social Science3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Natural History and Interpretation Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Electives16 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Global Environment3 creditSCI1515 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 Probability & Statistics3 creditsMAT2501 *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Additional credit may be granted for Global Environment SCI1515 and Genetics SCI1141+SCI1142. Natural Resources Management Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. American History3 creditsSBS1221 or SBS1222 or SBS1224 Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SCI1112 & SCI1113+SCI1114 or SCI1124+SCI1125 & SCI2152+SCI2153 Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 Chemistry II w/ Lab or Physics I4 creditsSCI2202+SCI2203 or SCI1300+SCI1301 General Ecology4 creditsNot offered Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English w/ Focus on Writing6 creditsENG1001 & ENG2001 Pre-Calculus3 - 4 creditsMAT1206 Principles of Management3 creditsBUS1310 Probability & Statistics3 creditsMAT2501 Public Speaking3 creditsENG1301 Sociology or Psychology3 creditsSBS1500 or SBS1600 *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Humanities**3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. ** Students may choose to take a literature course that is writing intensive to meet their second English requirement. The literature course would also fulfill the Humanities General Education requirement, resulting in 3 additional humanities elective credits. Paper Engineering Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Calculus I, II, & III12 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 & MAT2302 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Computer Programming3 creditsCPT1405 or CPT2216 Differential Equations3 creditsMAT2401 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 Engineering Graphics1 creditNot offered Engineering Physics I & II w/Lab8 creditsSCI1302+SCI1303 & SCI2302+SCI2303 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI2208+SCI2209 & SCI2210+SCI2211 Quantative Analysis3 creditsNot offered *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Paper Science Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Calculus I & II8 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Computer Programming3 creditsCPT1405 or CPT2216 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 Electives3 credits Engineering Graphics1 creditNot offered English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI2208+SCI2209 & SCI2210+SCI2211 Physics I & II w/Lab8 creditsSCI1302+SCI1303 & SCI2302+SCI2303 or SCI1300+SCI1301 or SCI2300+SCI2301 Quantative Analysis3 creditsNot offered *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Wildlife Science Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 & SCI1113+SC1114 or SCI1124+SC1125 & SCI2152+SC2153 Calculus I4 creditsMAT1301 Chemistry I & II w/ Lab8 creditsSCI1202+SCI1203 & SCI2202+SCI2203 Electives15 credits English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Global Environment3 creditSCI1515 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Physics I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SCI1301 *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501, Genetics SCI1141+SCI1142, and Global Environment SCI1515. Wood Products Engineering Students interested in this major at ESF are encouraged to enroll in the Liberal Science, A.S. major at Sullivan County Community College. Biology I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1111+SC1112 or SCI1124+SC1125 Calculus I & II8 creditsMAT1301 & MAT2301 Chemistry I w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1202+SC1203 Computer Applications3 creditsCPT1200 or CPT1214 or CPT1224 or CPT1225 or CPT1310 Economics3 creditsSBS1401 or SBS1402 English w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG1001 Global Environment3 creditSCI1515 Literature w/ Focus on Writing3 creditsENG2001 Physics w/ Lab4 creditsSCI1300+SC1301 Principles of Management3 creditsBUS1310 Related discipline electives and/or liberal arts electives25 credits *General Education requirement - American History3 credits *General Education requirement - The Arts3 credits *General Education requirement - Other World Civilization3 credits *General Education requirement - Western Civilization3 credits * Choose one course from the list of approved General Education courses from Sullivan County Community College. In the event that the college does not have an approved SUNY General Education program, contact the ESF Admissions Office for assistance with course selection. Additional credit may be granted for Statistics MAT2501. Date Reviewed: 9/14/06 Catalogue date: 2006 Reviewed by: Beth Minard Questions, please call: 1-800-777-7373 Advisor Note: Students entering ESF with 60 or more transferable credits will be given junior class standing. However, students may enroll at ESF with fewer than 60 credits and complete the remaining lower division and upper division requirements. Sullivan County Community College, Loch Sheldrake For more information, use the Information Request Form ABOUT ESF | GIVING TO ESF | LIBRARIES | MyESF | VISIT ESF State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry SUNY-ESF | 1 Forestry Drive | Syracuse, NY 13210 | 315-470-6500 Copyright © 2008 | Information | Webmaster anju rochester