TRANSFER ARTICULATION AGREEMENTTRANSFER ARTICULATION AGREEMENT ROCKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE and the UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY The following Programs of Study represent those majors for which RCC and the University at Albany have negotiated transfer agreements. The Programs of Study constitute the best possible preparation for completion of the bachelor's degree. The courses are listed using RCC course numbers and titles. The University at Albany course equivalents are noted in parentheses. Where no equivalent course exists, the notation will indicate the academic department or school in which the course will be transferred. A level designation (010 = Freshman. 020 = Sophomore). For examples, AENG 020 is a sophomore level English elective which has no equivalent at the University at Albany. Programs are grouped according to the general academic discipline which offers the major. Rockland Community College students should note that in addition to the recommended courses in each of the following program RCC requires two Physical Education activity courses to satisfy their degree requirements. ANTHROPOLOGY (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective ANR 201 Cultural Anthropology (AANT 108M) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective ANR 203 American Indians: Past & Present (AANT 240M) Mathematics Elective (MAT 104 or higher) Science Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER ANR 211 Prehistoric Archeology (AANT 104) Arts & Science Elective/Mathematics Elective Humanities Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ANR 286 Families in Five Cultures (AANT 010) Arts & Science Elective/Mathematics Elective Humanities Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective ART (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Fine Arts -A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective ART 102 Introduction to Drawing (AART 105) ART 119 Art History I (AARH 171L) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective ART 103 Life Drawing I (AART 205) ART 120 Art History II (AARH 171L) Mathematics Elective (MAT 104 or higher) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER ART 130 Black & White Camera (AART 244) ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design I (AART 110) Art Elective Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ART 121 Drawing Concepts (AART 010) ART 113 Three-Dimensional Design (AART 115) Art Studio Elective ART 176 Printmaking Workshop (AART 010) OR ART 201 Relief & Intaglio (AART 010) OR ART 202 Lithography (AART 010) Literature Elective Physical Education Elective ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE/METEOROLOGY (B.S.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science -Math & Science - A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective MAT 109 Pre-Calculus (AMAT 100) CHM 101 Inorganic Chm I (ACHM 120/ 124) Humanities Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective MAT 203 Calculus I (AMAT 112) GEO 210 Physical Geography (AGOG 101M) Arts & Science Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER MAT 204 Calculus II (AMAT 113) PHY 105 Engineering Physics I (APHY 120N/122) SCI 104 Topics in Environmental Pollution (AATM 102N) Arts & Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER PHY 106 Engineering Physics II (APHY 124N/126) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Arts & Science Elective Social Science Elective Science Elective Physical Education Elective BIOLOGY (B.S.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science -Math & Science - A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective BIO 105 General Biology I (ABIO 110N) CHM 101 Inorganic Chemistry I (ACHM 120, 124) Humanities Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective BIO 106 General Biology II (ABIO 111N) CHM 102 Inorganic Chemistry II (ACHM 121, 125) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER CHM 201 Organic Chemistry I (ACHM 220, 222) PHY 101 General Physics I (APHY 105N, 106) MAT 109* Precalculus (AMAT 100) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in Am (ACAS 150) Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER CHM 202 Organic Chemistry II (ACHM 221, 223) PHY 102 General Physics II (APHY 108N, 109) MAT 203 Calculus I (AMAT 112) OR MAT 125 Statistics (AMAT 108) Arts & Science Elective Physical Education Elective * This course does not meet the Mathematics requirement for the Biology B.S. program at the University at Albany. CHEMISTRY (B.S.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science -Math & Science - A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective CHM 101 Inorganic Chemistry I (ACHM 120, 124) MAT 109 Precalculus (AMAT 100) Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective CHM 102 Inorganic Chemistry II (ACHM 121, 125) MAT 203 Calculus I (AMAT 112) PHY 105 Engineering Physics I (APHY 120N, 122) SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER CHM 201 Organic Chemistry I (ACHM 220, 222) MAT 204 Calculus II (AMAT 113) PHY 106 Engineering Physics II (APHY 124N, 126) Humanities Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER CHM 202 Organic Chemistry II (ACHM 221, 223) MAT 205 Calculus III (AMAT 214) PHY 205 Engineering Physics III (APHY 220, 221) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in Am (ACAS 150) Physical Education Elective COMPUTER SCIENCE (UAlbany Equivalents) COMPUTER SCIENCE/APPLIED MATHEMATICS (B.S.) (Liberal Arts & Science -Math & Science - A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective MAT 109 Precalculus (AMAT 100) CSP 101 Intro to Computers (ICSI 102) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in Am (ACAS 150) Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective MAT 203 Calculus I (AMAT 112) CSP 125 Programming in Visual Basic (ICSI OR 010) CSP 215 Cobol Program I (ICSI 203) Humanities Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER MAT 204 Calculus II (AMAT 113) CSP 141 Intro to Programming in C (ICSI 010) PHY 105 Engineering Physics I (APHY 140, 145) Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER MAT 205 Calculus III (AMAT 214) CSP 241 Program in C++ (ICSI 201N) PHY 106 Engineering Physics II (APHY 150, 155) Computer Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective ECONOMICS (B.A., B.S.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science -Math & Science- A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective MAT 109 Precalculus (AMAT 100) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective ECO 101 American Economy (AECO 010) MAT 203 Calculus I (AMAT 112) Humanities Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER ECO 201 Economics I (AECO 110M) Social Science Elective MAT 125 Statistics (AMAT 108)/Unrestricted Elective CSP 101 Intro to Computers (ICSI 102) Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ECO 202 Economics II (AECO 111M) CSP 125 Program in Visual Basic (ICSI 010) Social Science Elective Unrestricted Elective Science Elective Physical Education Elective ENGLISH (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science -Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Humanities Elective Unrestricted Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective Mathematics Elective (Mathematics 104 or higher) Humanities Elective Unrestricted Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 205 Themes in British Lit I (AENG 291L) OR English Literature Elective ENG 201 World Literature (AENG 222L) OR English Literature Elective Arts & Science Elective Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 206 Themes in British Lit II (AENG OR 292L) English Literature Elective English Literature Elective Arts & Science Elective Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective FOREIGN LANGUAGE: FRENCH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, SPANISH (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective Elementary Language I * PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Science Requirement SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective Elementary Language II * Mathematics Elective (MAT 104 or higher) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER Intermediate Language I ANR 286 Families in Five Cultures (AANT OR 010) Unrestricted Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER Intermediate Language II GEO 201 Intro to Geography (AGEO 102M) OR Unrestricted Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Science Requirement Physical Education Elective Advisory Notes: * Students with high school background in the language may be expected to begin college study at a higher level in the first year and thus continue with advanced conversation, composition, literature, etc. in the second year. Where scheduling permits students are encouraged to begin study of a second foreign language. Students planning to take language courses at University at Albany, regardless of language background, are required to consult with Academic Department Chair or Advisor to determine appropriate entry level on this campus. Language credit applicable to the major requirements begins with the first intermediate language course in Italian; with the first intermediate language course in Russian, and after the second intermediate language course in French and Spanish. GEOGRAPHY (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science -Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective GEO 201 Introduction to Geography (AGOG 102M) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Humanities Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective GEO 210 Physical Geography (AGOG 101N) Humanities Elective Mathematics Elective (MAT 104 or higher) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER GEO 215 Geography of Global Economy (AGOG OR 120) Arts & Science Elective GEO 256 Latin Am & Caribbean (AGOG 250) OR Unrestricted Elective Arts & Science Elective Literature Elective Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER GEO 254 Pacific Century (AGOG 350) OR Unrestricted Elective SCI 103 Principles of Ecology (ABIO 230N) Arts & Science Elective Literature Elective Unrestricted Elective Physical Education Elective HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES (TEACHER EDUCATION) (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) HIS 101 Western Civilization I (AHIS 130) POL 101 Principles of American Gov't (RPOS 101M) Mathematics Elective (Mathematics 104 or higher) Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) HIS 102 Western Civilization II (AHIS 131) POL 102 Amer Gov't: State & Local (RPOS 321) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Science Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER HIS 201 American History I (AHIS 100) ECO 201 Economics I-Micro (AECO 110M) PSY 103 General Psychology (APSY 101M) Humanities Elective Literature Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER HIS 202 American History II (AHIS 101) ECO 202 Economics II-Macro (AECO 111M) SOC 201 Principles of Sociology (ASOC 115M) Humanities Elective Literature Elective Physical Education Elective MATHEMATICS (B.A., B.S.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Math & Science - A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective MAT 203 Calculus I (AMAT 112) Humanities Elective Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective MAT 204 Calculus II (AMAT 113) Humanities Elective Science Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER MAT 205 Calculus III (AMAT 214) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) CSP 241 Programming in C++ (ICSI 201N) OR Computer Science Elective * Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER MAT 206 Differential Equations (AMAT 311) MAT 207 Linear Algebra (AMAT 220) CSP 215 Cobol Programming I (ICSI 203) OR Computer Science Elective * Science Elective Social Science Elective * Courses should be selected from Biology, Chemistry or Physics. PHILOSOPHY (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science -Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective PHL 202 Practical Logic/Actual Thinking (APHI 112L) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Humanities Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective PHL 203 Social Ethics & Human Values (APHI 114L) Mathematics Elective (MAT 104 or higher) Humanities Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER PHL 210 Existentialism (APHI 010) OR Philosophy Elective RLS 101 World Religions (APHI 116L) Literature Elective Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER PHL 211 Six Great Thinkers (APHI 010) OR Philosophy Elective Arts & Science Elective Literature Elective Science Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective POLITICAL SCIENCE / PUBLIC POLICY (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) HIS 101 Western Civilization I (AHIS 130) POL 101 Principles of Amer Gov't (RPOS 101M) Mathematics Elective (Mathematics 104 or higher) Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) HIS 102 Western Civilization II (AHIS 131) POL 102 Amer Gov't: State & Local (RPOS 321) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Science Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER HIS 201 American History I (AHIS 100) ECO 201 Economics I-Micro (AECO 110M) Political Science Elective Humanities Elective Literature Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER HIS 202 American History II (AHIS 101) ECO 202 Economics II-Macro (AECO 111M) Political Science Elective Humanities Elective Literature Elective Physical Education Elective PSYCHOLOGY (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective PSY 103 General Psychology (APSY 101M) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective PSY 212 Psychology of Childhood (APSY 203) MAT 125 Statistics (AMAT 108) Science Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER PSY 206 Social Psychology (APSY 270) SOC 201 Principles of Sociology (ASOC 115M) Humanities Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER PSY 215 Theories of Personality (APSY 327) Psychology Elective Humanities Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective Advisory Note: Courses comparable to the University at Albany (APSY 210) Statistical Methods in Psychology and (APSY 211) Experimental Psychology must be satisfactorily completed with a grade of "C" or better before formal admission to the major can be granted. Courses equivalent to (APSY 210) and (APSY 211) are not offered at Rockland Community College, where possible, students are encouraged to cross-register at a local four year college where the equivalents are offered. Transfer students entering the University at Albany without these two courses will be advised by the Psychology Department as proposed Psychology majors. They will be directed to enroll in (APSY 210) the first semester on campus, and (APSY 211) the next semester. RHETORIC AND COMMUNICATION (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective SPE 101 Fundamental of Speech (ACOM 203) CSP 101 Intro to Computer (ICSI 102) OR Computer Science Elective Unrestricted Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective SPE 201 Small Group Communication (ACOM 204) MAT 125 Statistics (AMAT 108) COM 120 Mass Communication (ACOM 238) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER SPE 203 Power, Persuasion, Propaganda (ACOM 212) SOC 201 Principles of Sociology (ASOC 115M) Unrestricted Elective Literature Elective Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER Speech Elective PSY 103 General Psychology (APSY 101M) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Literature Elective Science Elective Physical Education Elective Advisory Note: (ACOM 100M) Human Communication: Language and Social Action is required for admission to the major and must be taken on the Albany campus if the student does not already have credit for it prior to matriculation at the University at Albany. SOCIOLOGY (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Liberal Arts & Science - Humanities & Social Science - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective SOC 201 Principles of sociology (ASOC 115M) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective SOC 203 Marriage and the Family (ASOC 250) MAT 125 Statistics (AMAT 108) Science Elective Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER Sociology Elective PSY 103 General Psychology (APSY 101M) Humanities Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER Sociology Elective PSY 206 Social Psychology (APSY 270) Humanities Elective Literature Elective Social Science Elective Physical Education Elective THEATRE (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Performing Arts - A.A.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) Social Science Elective PER 110 Intro to Performing Arts (ATHR 107L) PER 201 Acting I (ATHR 140) Mathematics Elective (Math 104 or higher) Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) Social Science Elective PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) PER 202 Acting II (ATHR 020) SPE 206 Voice and Dictation (ACOM 010) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER PER 203 Playwriting I (ATHR 010) ENG 212 Shakespeare (AENG 144L) PSY 103 General Psychology (APSY 101M) PER 156 Physical Acting (ATHR 010) Humanities Elective Science Elective SPRING SEMESTER PER 161 Shakespeare on Stage (ATHR 010) MUS 134 Singing/Beginning Voice (AMUS 010) OR PER 211 Singing for Musical Theatre (ATHR 010) ENG 214 Modern Drama (AENG 214) Science Elective Unrestricted Elective Physical Education Elective ACCOUNTING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (B.S.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Business Administration - A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) *ECO 201 Economics I-Micro (AECO 110M) ACC 101 Principles of Accounting I (BACC 010) *MAT 125 Statistics (AMAT 108) PDA 110 Pluralism & Diversity in Bus & Industry (ACAS 010) SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) *ECO 202 Economics II-Macro (AECO 111M) *ACC 102 Principles of Accounting II (BACC 211) MAT 109 Precalculus (AMAT 100) CSP 101 Intro to Computers (ICSI 102) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER *PSY 103 General Psychology (APSY 101M) BUS 203 Business Law I (BLAW 220) BUS 101 Introduction of Business (BBUS 000) OR INT 201 International Business (BBUS 000) CSP 141 Intro to Program in C++ (ICSI 010) Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER *SOC 201 Principles of Sociology (ASOC 115M) *CSP 241 Programming in C++ (ICSI 201N) MGT 150 Principles of Management (BMGT 000) BUS 260 Ethics in Business (APHI 010) Science Elective Physical Education Elective * Business Core Courses All students admitted to the University whose basis of admission is "TRANSFER" can be admitted to the School of Business by declaring their major as either Accounting or Business Administration at the time of their application to the University as long as they will have met the following criteria: Students must have completed a total of at least 24 degree applicable credits by the end of the spring semester preceding their summer or fall admission to the University, by the end of the FALL SEMESTER preceding their spring admission to the University. They must also have a final cumulative average of B (3.0) or higher and have maintained at least a B- (2.7) average in any designated core course categories completed elsewhere prior to matriculation. CRIMINAL JUSTICE (B.A.) (UAlbany Equivalents) (Criminal Justice - A.S.) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER ENG 101 English Composition (AENG 010Z) PSY 103 General Psychology (APSY 101M) CRJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice (RCRJ 201) CRJ 110 Fundamental of Admin (RCRJ 000) PDA 101 Pluralism & Diversity in America (ACAS 150) SPRING SEMESTER ENG 102 English Composition II (AENG 121L) SOC 201 Principles of Sociology (ASOC 115M) CRJ 103 Juvenile Justice Sys (RCRJ 308) CRJ 201 Criminal Law (RCRJ 201) MAT 125 Statistics (AMAT 108) Physical Education Elective SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER CRJ 222 Organized Crime in America (RCRJ OR 010) *CRJ Elective *Criminal Justice Elective POL 101 Principles of Amer Gov't (RPOS 101M) SPE 101 Fundamentals of Speech (ACOM 203) *Science Elective Physical Education Elective SPRING SEMESTER CRJ 226 Multicultural Law Enforcement (RCRJ OR 010) * CRJ Elective *Criminal Justice Elective POS 102 American Gov't: State and Local (RPOS 321) CRJ 205 Law of Criminal Evidence (RCRJ 000) OR CRJ 227 Community Policing (RCRJ 010) PSY 213 Adolescent Psychology (APSY 010) Physical Education Elective * Speak with your adviser about your options. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs processes all admissions in consultation with the School of Criminal Justice Admissions Committee. The following criteria will be considered by the committee: Completion of 42 graduation credits prior to application, and completion of 56 graduation credits at the time of admission. Overall GPA. Breadth and quality of liberal arts background. The admissions committee will view favorably students who have strong records in history, mathematics, English, languages, and/or natural sciences. B or higher in RCRJ 200 (or ASOC 381) or 201 to be taken in the sophomore year. Statement by student of reason for wanting to undertake a criminal justice major. For transfer students, admission requirements are stated above except that RCRJ 200 and 201 may be waived by examination if the student's prior record includes criminal justice courses of similar content. It should be noted that because this program is not intended for persons interested in police science, criminalistics, etc., transfer students who have taken courses in such areas may expect such credits not to be transferable into the major. Transfer students must also fulfill concentration requirements. Articulation of such courses will be processed on a case-by-case basis.