SUNY Potsdam: Transfer Course Search Results Choose another school to learn which credits transfer Try your search again SUNY Potsdam Admissions home page College Catalog SUNY Potsdam home page Here are results 1 through 353 of the 353 total that your search produced: North Country Community CollegeSUNY Potsdam DeptCrse #Course TitleSem HrsDeptCrse #Course TitleGen Ed (Gen Ed Designation key) ANT100Cultural Anthropology3ANTH 202 Cultural AnthropologyXC ANT135Archaeology3ANTH 204 ArchaeologySA ANT140Introduction to Human Origins3ANTH 201 Introduction to Human OriginsSB ART100Art Appreciation3ARTH 100 Idea and ImageAC ART101Drawing I3ARTS 110 Drawing IAE ART105Introduction to Computer Graphics3ARTS art studio elective ART108Introduction to Studio3ARTS 109 Introduction to Art StudioAE ART111Design I3ARTS 120 Color and DesignAE ART131Sculpture3ARTS 141 Sculpture SurveyAE ART150Photography I3ARTS 142 Basic PhotographyAE ART151Photography II3ARTS art studio electiveAE ART155Introduction to Pottery3ARTS 140 Ceramic SurveyAE ART169Relief Printing3ARTS art studio elective ART201Watercolor I3ARTS art studio electiveAE ART202Watercolor II3ARTS art studio electiveAE ART203Painting I3ARTS art studio electiveAE ART2353D Modeling3ARTS art studio elective ART251Color Photography3ARTS art studio electiveAE BIO100Human Biology4BIOL 107 Human BiologyLB,SB BIO101College Biology I4BIOL 151 General Biology ILB,SB BIO102College Biology II4BIOL 152 General Biology IILB,SB BIO103Introduction to Biological Sciences3BIOL 125 Biological ProcessesLB,SB BIO104Environmental Science3BIOL 106 Environmental BiologySB BIO108Environmental Science Lab1BIOL Environmental Biology LabLB BIO111Physiology and Pharmacology of Alcohol and Drugs3BIOL biology elective BIO114Life on Earth3BIOL biology elective BIO125Ecology3BIOl biology elective BIO160Adirondack Biology3BIOL biology electiveSB BIO201Microbiology4BIOL 120 Microbes and Human WelfareLB,SB BIO212Introduction to Genetics4BIOL 105 Introduction to GeneticsLB,SB BIO215Anatomy and Physiology I4BIOL 210 Human Anatomy and PhysiologyLB,SB BIO216Anatomy and Physiology II4BIOL biology electiveLB,SB BIO230Introduction to Kinesiology4BIOL biology elective BIO240Myology3BIOL biology elective BIO260Neurology and Pathology I3BIOL biology elective BIO261Neurology and Pathology II3BIOL biology elective BUS100Business Organization and Management3MGMT 301 Principles of Management BUS101Accounting I4ACCT 201 Principles of Accounting I BUS102Accounting II4ACCT 202 Principles of Accounting II BUS110Business Mathematics3 non-liberal arts elective BUS135Computerized Accounting3ACCT business accounting elective BUS153Hospitality Management3MGMT business management elective BUS154Small Business Accounting3ACCT business accounting elective BUS200Administrative Internship3MGMT business management elective BUS203Business Law I3MGMT 330 Legal Environment of Business BUS204Business Law II3MGMT business management elective BUS211Human Resource Management3EMRE 330 Human Resource Management BUS212Marketing Principles3MKTG 301 Principles of Marketing BUS214Advertising3MKTG business marketing elective BUS215Small Business Management3MGMT business management elective BUS220Business Communications3MGMT business management elective BUS221Computerized Accounting3ACCT business accounting elective BUS223Management Internship I3MGMT business management elective BUS224Management Internship II3MGMT business management elective BUS231Organizational Behavior3MGMT 310 Organizational Behavior and Ethics BUS233Cost Accounting3ACCT 485 Cost Management BUS243E-Commerce3MKTG business marketing elective CHE101College Chemistry I4CHEM 105 General Chemistry ILB,SP CHE102College Chemistry II4CHEM 106 General Chemistry IILB,SP CHE105Forensic Science4CHEM 315 Forensic ScienceLB,SP CHE201Organic Chemistry I4CHEM 341 Organic Chemistry I CHE202Organic Chemistry II4CHEM 342 Organic Chemistry II CIS100Introduction to Computer Information Systems3CMPT 101 Intro. to Computing and Information Systems CIS102Computing Essentials1CMPT information technology elective CIS103Effective Internet Use1CMPT information technology elective CIS104Word Processing Basics1CMPT information technology elective CIS105Introduction to Computer Graphics3CMPT information technology elective CIS106Spreadsheet Basics1CMPT information technology elective CIS107Presentation Graphics Basics1CMPT information technology elective CIS110Introduction to Programming Methodology3CIS computer science elective CIS130Concepts of Windows Based Software3CMPT information technology elective CIS132Introduction to Digital Illustration3CMPT information technology elective CIS135Info Systems and Programming Method3CMPT information technology elective CIS200Desktop Publishing3CMPT information technology elective CIS220Database Design3CMPT information technology elective CIS225Digital Photography3 non-liberal arts elective CIS230Multimedia Software3CMPT information technology elective CIS231Web Site Design and Management3CMPT information technology elective CIS235Problem Solving with Computers3CIS computer science elective CRA130Community Residence Training3 non-liberal arts elective CRA139Practicum I1 non-liberal arts elective CRA142Strategies in Crisis Intervention and Prevention1 non-liberal arts elective CRA172Medication Administration3 non-liberal arts elective CRA205Behavior Modification3 liberal arts elective CRA206Developmental Disabilities3 liberal arts elective CRA210Clinical Internship I4 non-liberal arts elective CRA220Clinical Internship II5 non-liberal arts elective CRA230Community Residence Skills3 non-liberal arts elective CRJ106Criminal Justice3 liberal arts elective CRJ107Police in Contemporary Society3 liberal arts elective CRJ135Introduction to Corrections3 liberal arts elective CRJ145Criminology3 liberal arts elective CRJ155Juveniles, Justice and Delinquency3 liberal arts elective CRJ190Evidence3 non-liberal arts elective CRJ202Substantive Criminal Law3 liberal arts elective CRJ203Criminal Procedure3 non-liberal arts elective CRJ206Police and the Family Crisis3 non-liberal arts elective CRJ208Criminal Investigation3 non-liberal arts elective CRJ218Criminal Justice Field Study3 non-liberal arts elective CRJ238Issues in Law Enforcement3 liberal arts elective CRR101Job Preparedness Seminar1 non-liberal arts elective CSP100College Success Seminar1 non-liberal arts elective DRA100Introduction to Drama3DRAM drama electiveAC DRA101Introduction to Theatre3DRAM 208 Orientation to TheatreAC DRA115Plays and Production3DRAM drama elective DRA133Acting I3DRAM 235 Acting IAE DRA233Acting II3DRAM 336 Acting IIAE EAS100The Physical Earth3GEOL 125 Cycles of NatureLB,SP EAS101College Geology4GEOL 103 Physical GeologyLB,SP EAS110Astronomy I3PHYS 335 AstronomySP EAS115Meteorology3PHYS 330 MeteorologySP EAS220Geographic Information Systems3 non-liberal arts elective ECO101Introduction to Macroeconomics3ECON 110 Principles of MacroeconomicsSA ECO102Introduction to Microeconomics3ECON 105 Principles of MicroeconomicsSA EDU201Foundations of Education3EDLS 201 Principles of EducationPI ENG100Essentials of Effective Writing3COMP writing elective ENG101English Composition I3COMP 101 Writing and Critical ThinkingFW ENG102English Composition II3COMP 201 Intermediate WritingWI ENG105Speech Fundamentals3COMM 106 Principles of SpeechFS ENG108Introduction to Creative Writing3COMP 202 Creative WritingAE,WI ENG112Literature Appreciation3LITR 100 Introduction to LiteratureAC,FC ENG115Modern World Literature3LITR 112 Modern LiteratureAC ENG120Short Fiction3LITR 250 Short StoryAC ENG122Drama3LITR literature electiveAC ENG129Poetry3LITR literature electiveAC ENG135Fantastic Literature3LITR literature electiveAC ENG202Short Story Writing3COMP writing electiveWI ENG205Poetry Writing3COMP writing electiveWI ENG210Children's Literature3LITR 322 Children's LiteratureAC ENG222Technical Writing3COMP writing electiveWI ENG230Journalism3COMM 212 Principles of Journalism ENG248Major American Writers3LITR 111 American LiteratureAC ENG250Naturalist Writing3COMP writing electiveWI FRE101Introductory French I3FREN 101 Contemporary French I FRE102Introductory French II3FREN 102 Contemporary French II FRS110College Success Seminar1 non-liberal arts elective GEO100Introduction to Geography3GEOG 350 World and U.S. GeographyXC HEA105Introduction to Electrocardiography1 non-liberal arts elective HEA106Introduction to Phlebotomy1 non-liberal arts elective HEA200Medical Terminology3 non-liberal arts elective HED100Personal and Family Health3HLTH health elective HED101Concepts of Wellness and Physical Fitness3HLTH health elective HED102Introduction to Nutrition3HLTH 333 Human Nutrition HED103Stress Management3 non-liberal arts elective HED105Perceptual Motor Learning3 non-liberal arts elective HED110Emergency Care and Safety3 non-liberal arts elective HED111Teambuilding and Challenge Activities1 non-liberal arts elective HED115Cardiopulminary Resuscitation1 non-liberal arts elective HED120Health Aspects of Aging3HLTH health elective HED150Somatic Kinesiology3 non-liberal arts elective HED160Wilderness First Responder3WILD wilderness education elective HIS103World History I3HIST history electiveXC HIS104World History II3HIST 100 World HistoryXC HIS121Adirondack History3HIST history elective HIS150The French and Indian Wars3HIST history elective HIS151United States History I3HIST 201 The United States to 1877AH HIS152United States History II3HIST 202 The United States since 1877AH HIS210Modern Latin American History3HIST history elective HUM100Introduction to Film3COMM 120 Film FoundationsAC HUM101Art and Music in the Western World3 liberal arts electiveAC HUM104Popular Culture3 liberal arts electiveSA HUM106Native American Culture3 liberal arts elective HUM112Introduction to Women's Studies3WMST 100 Introduction to Women's Studies HUM155Religion and the Modern World3 liberal arts elective HUM246World Mythology3 liberal arts electiveAC HUS100Introduction to Human Services3 liberal arts elective HUS110Personal Growth and Effective Behavior3 non-liberal arts elective HUS140Community Residence Training3 non-liberal arts elective HUS141Strategies in Crisis Intervention and Prevention1 non-liberal arts elective HUS142Medication Administration3 non-liberal arts elective HUS143Practicum I1 non-liberal arts elective HUS145Clinical Internship I4 non-liberal arts elective HUS200Human Services Delivery3 non-liberal arts elective HUS201Basic Counseling Skills3 non-liberal arts elective HUS205Human Service Internship3 non-liberal arts elective HUS220Critical Skills for Chemical Dependency Counselors3 non-liberal arts elective HUS221Chemical Dependency Counseling I3 non-liberal arts elective HUS222Chemical Dependency Counseling II3 non-liberal arts elective HUS230Introduction to Substance Abuse Prevention3 non-liberal arts elective HUS240Community Residence Skills3 non-liberal arts elective HUS241Behavior Modification3 liberal arts elective HUS242Developmental Disabilities3 liberal arts elective HUS245Clinical Internship II5 non-liberal arts elective MAS110Western Massage I4 non-liberal arts elective MAS111Western Massage II4 non-liberal arts elective MAS120Oriental Massage I3 non-liberal arts elective MAS121Oriental Massage II3 non-liberal arts elective MAS210Western Massage III4 non-liberal arts elective MAS211Western Massage IV4 non-liberal arts elective MAS220Oriental Massage III3 non-liberal arts elective MAS250Massage Clinical I3 non-liberal arts elective MAT095Fundamentals of Math0MATH no college credit MAT099Elementary Algebra0MATH no college credit MAT100Elementary Algebra3MATH mathematics elective MAT120Introduction to Mathematical Concepts3MATH 101 Elements of Mathematics IFM MAT121Elementary Statistics3MATH 125 Probability and Statistics IFM MAT123Introduction to Geometry and Trigonometry3MATH mathematics elective MAT125Finite Mathematics3MATH mathematics elective MAT128Elements of Technical Mathematics3MATH mathematics elective MAT129Intermediate Algebra3MATH mathematics elective MAT130College Algebra and Trigonometry I3MATH mathematics electiveFM MAT131College Algebra and Trigonometry II3MATH 110 PrecalculusFM MAT132Precalculus3MATH 110 PrecalculusFM MAT240Calculus I4MATH 151 Calculus IFM MAT241Calculus II4MATH 152 Calculus IIFM MHT100Introduction to Human Services3 liberal arts elective MHT110Delivering Human Services3 non-liberal arts elective MHT125Personal Growth and Effective Behavior3 non-liberal arts elective MHT192Alcohol and Chemical Dependency3HLTH 250 Drug Studies MHT215Basic Counseling Skills3 non-liberal arts elective MHT220Mental Health Internship & Seminar5 non-liberal arts elective MHT240Chemical Dependency Counseling Skills3 non-liberal arts elective MUS100Music Appreciation3MULH 101 Crane Live!AC MUS103Music Theory and Composition I3MUCB basic musicianshipAE MUS107Performance Ensemble I1MUAP music ensembleAE MUS108Performance Ensemble II1MUAP music ensembleAE MUS109Performance Ensemble III1MUAP music ensembleAE MUS115American Popular Music3MUAH music history electiveAC MUS116Jazz3MULH music history/appreciation electiveAC NUR101Nursing I7 non-liberal arts elective NUR102Introduction to Pharmacology1 non-liberal arts elective NUR104Nursing II7 non-liberal arts elective NUR200Transition to AD Nursing2 non-liberal arts elective NUR201Maternal and Child Nursing5 non-liberal arts elective NUR202Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing5 non-liberal arts elective NUR203Managing Patient Care1 non-liberal arts elective NUR204Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing9 non-liberal arts elective NUR205Professional Seminar1 non-liberal arts elective OFT101Beginning Keyboarding3 non-liberal arts elective OFT102Intermediate Keyboarding3 non-liberal arts elective OFT116Microcomputer Keyboarding1 non-liberal arts elective OFT118Machine Transcription3 non-liberal arts elective OFT124Legal Terminology and Transcription3 non-liberal arts elective OFT140Office Procedures and Administration3 non-liberal arts elective OFT240Office Internship and Seminar3 non-liberal arts elective PED129Basic Rock Climbing1PE physical education activity PED137Wellness Through Movement1PE physical education activity PED138Introduction to Yoga1PE 116 Yoga PED153Orienteering1PE 161 Orienteering PED155Introduction to Ice Skating1PE 121 Ice Skating PED166Water Safety Instructor2PE physical education activity PED167Lifeguarding2PE 132 Lifeguarding PED168Water Safety Instructor2PE physical education activity PED170Winter Mountaineering1PE physical education activity PED171Adirondack Hiking1PE physical education activity PED175Olympic Winter Sports1PE physical education activity PED176Soccer1PE physical education activity PED177Lacrosse1PE physical education activity PED179Snowboarding1PE physical education activity PED180Aerobic Dance1PE physical education activity PED181Alpine Skiing1PE physical education activity PED182Archery and Badminton1PE physical education activity PED183Basketball1PE physical education activity PED184Bowling1PE physical education activity PED185Canoeing1PE 144 Canoeing I PED186Cross-Country Running1PE physical education activity PED187Cross-Country Ski Touring1PE physical education activity PED188Golf1PE 114 Golf PED189Ice Hockey1PE physical education activity PED190Physical Conditioning1PE physical education activity PED191Self Defense1PE 125 Self Defense PED192Softball1PE physical education activity PED193Soccer1PE physical education activity PED194Beginning Swimming1PE 126 Elementary Swimming PED195Intermediate Swimming1PE 130 Intermediate Swimming PED196Tennis1PE 133 Tennis PED197Volleyball1PE 135 Volleyball PED198Open Water Kayaking1PE physical education activity PED199Mountain Biking1PE physical education activity PED200Foundations of Physical Education3PE physical education elective PED238Intermediate Yoga1PE 116 Yoga PED283Basketball1PE physical education activity PED284Advanced Bowling1PE physical education activity PED288Advanced Golf1PE physical education activity PED289Ice Hockey1PE physical education activity PED290Advanced Physical Conditioning1PE physical education activity PED293Soccer1PE physical education activity PED297Advanced Volleyball1PE 135 Volleyball PED299Advanced Mountain Biking1PE physical education activity PHI100Philosophical Issues3PHIL 100 Introduction to PhilosophyFC,PI PHI110World Religions3PHIL 359 Philosophy of ReligionPI PHI112Critical Thinking3PHIL philosophy electiveFC PHI115Ethics3PHIL 120 Introduction to EthicsPI PHY100Concepts of Physics4PHYS 100 Physical ScienceLB,SP PHY101Principles of Physics I4PHYS 101 College Physics ILB,SP PHY102Principles of Physics II4PHYS 202 College Physics IILB,SP POS101Principles of Political Science3POLS 200 Political IdeasSA POS102American Government and Politics3POLS 110 Introduction to U.S. PoliticsSA POS105Constitutional Law3POLS political science elective POS110State and Local Government3POLS political science electiveSA POS120Comparative World Politics3POLS 130 Introduction to Comparative PoliticsXC POS130Politics in Canada3POLS political science elective PSY101Introductory Psychology3PSYC 100 Introduction to PsychologySA PSY105Leadership3PSYC psychology elective PSY130Psychology of Personal Growth3PSYC psychology elective PSY138Psychology of Human Relations3PSYC psychology electiveSA PSY202Developmental Psychology3PSYC 220 Child DevelopmentSA PSY203Abnormal Psychology3PSYC 375 Abnormal Psychology PSY220Counseling Theories3PSYC psychology elective PSY222Human Sexuality3PSYC psychology electiveSA PSY250Group Dynamics3PSYC psychology elective PSY253Child Psychology3PSYC 220 Child DevelopmentSA PSY254Adult Development and Aging3PSYC 323 Adulthood, Middle Age and Aging PSY263Health Psychology3PSYC psychology elective PSY265Personality3PSYC 370 Theories of Personality PSY270Social Psychology3PSYC 330 Social Psychology PSY275Psychology of Consciousness3PSYC psychology elective RAD100Introduction to Radiologic Technology2 non-liberal arts elective RAD120Radiographic Positioning I3.5 non-liberal arts elective RAD130Radiographic Equipment4 non-liberal arts elective RAD136Clinical Education I0.5 non-liberal arts elective RAD140Radiographic Positioning II3.5 non-liberal arts elective RAD150Radiographic Exposures3.5 non-liberal arts elective RAD155Clinical Education II3 non-liberal arts elective RAD190Mammography3 non-liberal arts elective RAD225Medical Radiation Biology and Protection1 non-liberal arts elective RAD251Advanced Imaging and Pharmacology3 non-liberal arts elective RAD255Clinical Education III6 non-liberal arts elective RAD261Topics in Radiography I3 non-liberal arts elective RAD265Clinical Education IV6 non-liberal arts elective RAD275Clinical Education V3 non-liberal arts elective RAD290Seminar in Mammography I1 non-liberal arts elective RAD292Seminar in Mammography II1 non-liberal arts elective RAD295Introduction to Ultrasonography3 non-liberal arts elective RDG100College Reading3 non-liberal arts elective REC101Introduction to Leisure Services3 non-liberal arts elective REC115Introduction to Wilderness Recreation Leadership3WILD wilderness education elective REC117Outdoor Equipment Maintenance1 non-liberal arts elective REC120Introduction to Recreation Management3 non-liberal arts elective REC130Outdoor Leadership3WILD wilderness education elective REC135Hunting and Fishing3 non-liberal arts elective REC201Recreational Management Internship I3 non-liberal arts elective REC202Recreational Management Internship II3 non-liberal arts elective REC220Programming for Recreation, Leisure and Human Services3WILD wilderness education elective REC235Wilderness Recreation Leadership Seminar1WILD wilderness education elective REC239Wilderness Fall Practicum2WILD wilderness education elective REC249Wilderness Winter Practicum3WILD wilderness education elective REC250Wilderness Recreation Leadership Internshp3WILD wilderness education elective REC251Wilderness Management3WILD wilderness education elective SCI105Survey of Physical Science3PHYS 100 Physical ScienceLB,SP SCI110Forensic Science3CHEM 315 Forensic ScienceLB,SP SOC100Introductory Sociology3SOCI 101 Introduction to SociologySA SOC107Sociology of Addiction3SOCI sociology elective SOC109Sociology of the Family3SOCI 305 Sociology of the FamilySA SOC110Contemporary Social Problems3SOCI 102 Contemporary Social ProblemsSA SOC125Death and Dying3SOCI sociology electiveSA SOC165Issues and Perspectives of Aging3SOCI 335 Sociology of AgingSA SOC200Introduction to Social Welfare3SOCI sociology elective SOC205Race and Ethnic Relations3SOCI 310 Racial and Cultural Minorities SOC206Gender and Society3SOCI sociology electiveSA SOC215Deviant Behavior3SOCI 455 Deviance and Social Control SPA101Introductory Spanish I3SPAN 101 Contemporary Spanish I SPA102Introductory Spanish II3SPAN 102 Contemporary Spanish II You can choose another school to search for courses and credits that transfer to Potsdam. If you need information that you didn't find on this search, please try searching again, or contact Susan Manfred, Director of Academic Transfer Services at 315/267-2237. This page displays 1 through 353 of 353 records found. Return to top of page Thu, 5/22/2008, 8:10 PM General Education Designation Key ACAesthetic Expression - CriticalMLModern Language AEAesthetic Expression - ExperientialPIPhilosophical Inquiry AHAmerican HistorySASocial Analysis FCFreshman Critical ThinkingSBScientific Inquiry - Biological FMFreshman MathematicsSISpeaking Intensive FSFreshman Speaking and ReasoningSPScientific Inquiry - Physical FWFreshman WritingWCWestern Civilization HIHistorical InvestigationWIWriting Intensive LBScientific LaboratoryXCCross-Cultural Perspective Return to top of page Home | Academics | Admissions | Athletics | Continuing Education | Directories | Libraries Investing in Potsdam | News & Events | Potsdam Region | Student Life | Help | Search | Site Index Information for: Prospective Students | Current Students | Faculty and Staff | Alumni and Friends | Community and Visitors SUNY Potsdam 44 Pierrepont Ave. Potsdam NY 13676 Web page maintained by C. Carroll Questions or comments, contact Admissions/Transfer Services