Admissions Transfer Colleges / CoursesSkip to content (access key: 2) Skip to universal navigation (access key: I) Skip to sub navigation (access key: T) Admissions Transfer Colleges / Courses Information For Admissions | Current Students | Faculty & Staff | Alumni & Friends | Visitors You Are Here: Plattsburgh State > Admissions > Transfers > Course Equivalencies Transfer Admissions Requirements Important Dates Application Process Credit Equivalencies Forms Transfer Facts Class Profile FAQs Quick Facts Information For Accepted Students EOP Applicants Contact Us Admissions Staff Ask a Student Meet Our Tour Guides Academics Majors & Minors College Calendar Honors Program Tuition & Costs College Costs Financial Aid Scholarships & Grants Campus Life Athletics Food & Dining Housing & Residence Life Getting Here Accommodations Campus Map Directions Regional Highlights NORTH COUNTRY CC Transfer Courses Below, please find a list of the transfer courses from this institution. On the left, the course at the source institution is listed and on the right the equivalent at SUNY Plattsburgh, as well as any general education category it meets. Unless otherwise noted, courses will transfer as either direct equivalents or as departmental electives provided a sufficient grade is attained. If a course is not listed, it has yet to be evaluated. CourseTitleCredits- PSU CoursePSU TitlePSU CreditsGeneral Ed ANT100Cultural Anthropology3ANT102Comparative Cultures3Social Sciences GE4 ANT101Physical Anthropology3ANT101Intro Human Evolution3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 ANT135Archaeology3Archaeology3Social Sciences GE4 ANT140Intro Human Origins3ANT101Intro Human Evolution3Social Sciences GE4 ANT335Archaeology3ANT220Archaeology3 ART100Art Appreciation3ART100Art Appreciation3Arts GE4 ART101Drawing I3ART161Intro Drawing3Arts GE4 ART102Drawing II3ART262Intermed Drawing3 ART103Video Film Making3Video Film Making3 ART105Intro to Comp Graphics3Intro to Comp Graphics3 ART108Intro to Studio3Intro to Studio3Arts GE4 ART111Design I3ART104Design I: Blk & Wht3Arts GE4 ART112Design II3ART105Design II: Color3Arts GE4 ART130Sculpture3ART231Intro to Sculpture3Arts GE4 ART131Sculpture3ART231Intro Sculpture3Arts GE4 ART133Woodcarving0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 ART136Frame Loom Weaving3Frame Loom Weaving3 ART142Beginning Jewelry3Beginning Jewelry3Arts GE4 ART150Photography I3ART211Intro Photography3Arts GE4 ART151Photography II3Photography II3 ART154Intro to Crafts3Intro to Crafts3 ART155Intro Pottery3ART255Intro Ceramics3Arts GE4 ART160Art Workshop3Art Workshop3 ART169Relief Painting3Relief Painting3Arts GE4 ART171Photog of Crafts3Photo of Crafts3 ART178Floor Loom Weaving3Floor Loom Weaving3 ART201Watercolor I3Watercolor I3Arts GE4 ART202Watercolor II3Watercolor II3 ART203Painting I3ART221Intro Painting3Arts GE4 ART204Painting II3Painting II3 ART205Digital Painting3Digital Painting3 ART210Silk Screen3Silk Screen3 ART215Photo Silk Screen3Photo Silk Screen3 ART230Adv Weaving Wkshp1Adv Weaving Wkshp1 ART2353D Modeling33D Modeling3 ART245Digital Photography3Digital Photography3Arts GE4 ART251Color Photography3Color Photography3Arts GE4 ART291Per Study/Weaving3Per Study/Weaving3 BIO100Human Biology4BIO100Concepts in Biology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO101College Biology I4BIO101General Biology I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO102College Biology II4BIO102General Biology II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO103Intro Biological Sci3Intro Biological Sci3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO104Environmental Science3ENV101Environmental Science3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO105Mammalian Anatomy4Mammalian Anatomy4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO107Human Physiology4Human Physiology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO108Environmental Sci Lab1Environmental Sci Lab1 BIO109Human Biology4BIO100Concepts in Biology4 BIO110Clinical Lab Orient1Clinical Lab Orient1 BIO111Phys/Pharm Alcohol/Drugs3Phys/Pharm Alcohol/Drugs3 BIO113Microbiology4BIO203Microbiology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO115Anatomy/Physiology I4BIO326Human Anat & Phys I4 BIO116Anatomy/Physiology II4BIO327Human Anat & Phys II4 BIO120Clinical Hematology4Clinical Hematology4 BIO121Clin Bio-Chemistry I4Clin Bio-Chemistry I4 BIO122Clin Bio-Chemistry II4CHE371General Biochemistry4 BIO125Ecology3Ecology3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO134Disease and Health3Disease and Health3Global Issues GE4 BIO147Social Biology3Social Biology3 BIO150Clinical Lab Pract4Clinical Lab Pract4 BIO151Clin Lab Intern4Clinical Lab Intern4 BIO160Adirondack Biology3Adirondack Biology3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO201Microbiology4BIO203Microbiology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO210Medical Microbiology4BIO203Microbiology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 BIO215Anatomy/Physiology I4BIO326Human Anat & Phys I4 BIO216Anatomy/Physiology II4BIO327Human Anat & Phys II4 BIO230Kinesiology4Kinesiology4 BIO240Mycology3Mycology3 BIO254Health Aspects Aging3Health Aspects Aging3 BIO260Neurology/Pathology I3Neurology/Pathology I3 BIO261Neurology/Pathology II3Neurology/Pathology II3 BIO291Pers Study/Biology3Pers Study/Biology3 BUS100Bus Organztn/Managmnt3Business Org & Mgt3 BUS101Accounting I4ACC201Accounting I4 BUS102Accounting II4ACC202Accounting II4 BUS110Business Mathematics3Business Math3 BUS120Fund Supervision2Fund Supervision2 BUS134Micro Literacy3Micro Literacy3 BUS137Mgmt by Objectives1Mgt by Objectives1 BUS153Hospitality Mgmt3Hospitality Mgmt3 BUS154Sml Bus Accounting3Sml Bus Accounting3 BUS172Indty Dist & Consumer3Indty Dist & Consumer3 BUS200Admin Internship3Admin Internship3 BUS201Interm Accounting I3Interm Accounting I3 BUS202Interm Accounting II3Interm Accounting II3 BUS203Business Law I3ACC351Legal Environ Busn3 BUS204Business Law II3ACC352Bus Law/Acc Maj II3 BUS207Financial State I1Financial State I1 BUS208Financial State II2Financial State II2 BUS211Human Resource Mgmt3Human Resource Mgt3 BUS212Marketing Principles3MKE290Prin of Marketing3 BUS213Fund of Data Process3Fund Data Process3 BUS214Advertising3Advertising3 BUS215Small Bus Management3Small Business Mgt3 BUS216Retailing Intern6Retailing Intern6 BUS220Bus Communications3Busn Communications3 BUS221Computerized Acctg3Computerized Acctg3 BUS223Mgmt Internship I3Mgmt Internship I3 BUS224Mgmt Internship II3Mgmt Internship II3 BUS231Organiztn Behavior3Organiztn Behavior3 BUS233Cost Accounting3Cost Accounting3 BUS237Auto Acctg/Microcomp3Auto Acctg/Microcomp3 BUS240Money and Banking3Money and Banking3 BUS241Prin of Banking3Prin of Banking3 BUS252Prin Real Estate3Prin Real Estate3 BUS291Personal Study/Busn3Personal Study/Busn3 CFT131Adiron Wood Craft Prod3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 CFT141Word Processing Applin3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 CFT151Quiltmaking3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 CHE101College Chemistry I4CHE111Princ Chemistry I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE102College Chemistry II4CHE112Principle Chemistry II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE105Forensic Science4Forensic Science4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE201Organic Chemistry I4CHE241Organic Chemistry I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE202Organic Chemistry II4CHE242Organic Chemistry II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 CHE210Organic Chem I4CHE241Organic Chemistry I4 CHE220Organic Chem4CHE241Organic Chemistry I4 CIS100Intro Cmptr Info Syst3Intro Cmptr Info Syst3 CIS101Microcomputer Applic3Microcomputer Applic3 CIS102Computing Essentials1Computing Essentials1 CIS103Effective Internet Use1Effective Internet Use1 CIS104Word Process Basics1Word Process Basics1 CIS105Intr Computer Graphics3Intr Computer Graphics3 CIS106Spreadsheet Basics1Spreadsheet Basics1 CIS107Presentation Graphic Basics1Presentation Graphic Basics1 CIS110Intro Progrmng Method3CSC221Intro Comp Science3 CIS111Computer Prog Basic3Computer Prog Basic3 CIS120Computer Prog/Basic3Computer Prog/Basic3 CIS130Window Based Software3MGM275Bus Appl & Info Systems3 CIS132Digital Illustration3Digital Illustration3 CIS151Intro Prob Solve/Prog3Intro Prob Solve/Prog3 CIS190Survey Micro Applicatn3CSC105App of Microcomputers3 CIS200Desktop Publishing3Desktop Publishing3 CIS220Data Base Design3Data Base Design3 CIS224Cobol3Cobol3 CIS225Digital Photography3Digital Photography3 CIS230Multimedia Software3Multimedia Software3 CIS231Web Site Design3Web Site Design3 COM091Basic Writing & Comm3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 COM100Essntls Effective Comm3ENG100Writing Skills3 COM101English Comp I3ENG101Composition3Written Expression GE4 COM102English Comp II3English Comp II3 COM104Newswriting I3JOU206Intro Newswriting3 COM105Newswriting II3Newswriting II3 COM106Speed Reading1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 COM107Text Reading/Study Skl1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 COM108Listen,Notetkng,Memory1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 COM121Speech Fundamentals3CMM101Intro to Public Speaking3Oral Expression GE4 COM124Interviewing Skills1Interviewing Skills1 COM149Film Appreciation3CMM338Understanding Film3 COM200Creative Writing Wrksh3ENG201Creative Writing3 COM202Short Story Writing3Short Story Writing3 COM222Technical Report Wrtng3Technical Report Wrtng3 COM252Creative Graph Journ2Creative Graph Journ2 COM291Person Study/Com1Person Study/Com1 CRA130Comm Res Training3Comm Res Training3 CRA139Practicum I1Practicum I1 CRA140Practicum II1Practicum II1 CRA205Behavior Modification3Behavior Modification3 CRA206Develop Disabilities3Develop Disabilities3 CRA210Clinical Internship I4Clinical Internship I4 CRA220Clinical Internship II5Clinical Internship II5 CRA230Comm Res Skills3Comm Res Skills3 CRJ101Criminal Justice3SOC150Intro to Criminal Justice3 CRJ106Criminal Justice3SOC150Intro Criminal Justice3 CRJ107Police Contemp Soc3Police Contemp Soc3 CRJ135Intro to Correction3SOC353Punishment/Correction3 CRJ138Crit Iss Law Enforce3Crit Iss Law Enforce3 CRJ145Criminology3SOC250Intro to Criminology3 CRJ155Juvenile Delinq3SOC370Juvenile Delinquency3 CRJ190Evidence3Evidence3 CRJ202Substantive Crim Law3Substantive Crim Law3 CRJ203Criminal Procedure3Criminal Procedure3 CRJ206Police & Family Crisis3Police & Family Crisis3 CRJ207Community Corrections3Community Corrections3 CRJ208Criminal Investigation3SOC270Criminal Investigation3 CRJ218Crim Just Field Study3Crim Just Field Study3 CRJ228Olympic Security Pract3Olympic Security Pract3 CRJ238Issues in Law Enforcement3Issues in Law Enforcement3 CRJ290Laws of Evidence3Laws of Evidence3 CRJ291Personal Study-Crim J6Personal Study-Crim J6 CRS205Behavior Modification3Behavior Modification3 CSD302Intro Child Care3Intro Child Care3 CSP100College Success Seminar1FRX100Freshman Experience1 DB1282Psych Interpersnl Relt3Psych Interpersnl Relt3 DEV001Basic English3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 DEV005Basic Math0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 DEV020Basic Sci & Lab Skl3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 DRA100Intro to Drama3ENG162Intro To Drama3Arts GE4 DRA101Intro Theatre3THE110Intro Theatre Art3Arts GE4 DRA115Plays and Production3Plays and Production3 DRA130Musical Theatre Prod3Musical Theatre Prod3 DRA133Acting I3THE106Intro Acting3Arts GE4 DRA134Play Directing3Play Directing3 DRA150Play Production3Play Production3 DRA233Acting II3Acting II3 EAS100The Physical Earth3GEL101Physical Geology3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 EAS101College Geology4GEL101Physical Geology4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 EAS110Astronomy I3AST102Intro Astronomy3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 EAS115Meteorology3MET102Intro Meteorology3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 ECO101Intro Macroeconomics3ECO111Intro Macroeconomics3Social Sciences GE4 ECO102Intro Microeconomics3ECO110Intro Microeconomics3Social Sciences GE4 ECO291Pers Stdy/Micro Eco3ECO110Intro Microeconomics3 EDU201Found of Education3EDU380Social Found of Educ3 ENG100Essen Effective Write3ENG100Writer's Workshop3 ENG101English Comp I3ENG101Composition3Written Expression GE4 ENG102English Comp II3English Comp II3 ENG105Speech Fundamentals3CMM101Intro to Public Speaking3Oral Expression GE4 ENG108Intro to Creative Writing3ENG201Creative Writing3 ENG112Literature Apprec3ENG195Intro/Literary Study3Humanities GE4 ENG115Modern World Lit3Modern World Lit3Humanities GE4 ENG120Short Fiction3ENG161Introduction/Fiction3Humanities GE4 ENG122Intro to Drama3ENG162Introduction to Drama3Arts GE4 ENG125Modern Short Stories3Modern Short Stories3Humanities GE4 ENG129Poetry3ENG160Introduction to Poetry3Humanities GE4 ENG130The Novel3ENG161Introduction/Fiction3Humanities GE4 ENG135Fantastic Literature3ENG339Science Fiction3Global Issues GE4 / Humanities GE4 ENG139Poetry3ENG160Introduction to Poetry3Humanities GE4 ENG202Short Story Writing3Short Story Writing3 ENG205Poetry Writing3Poetry Writing3 ENG210Children's Literature3ENG260Children's Literature3Humanities GE4 ENG222Technical Writing3Technical Writing3 ENG230Journalism3JOU110Intro to Journalism3 ENG248Maj American Writers3Major Amer Writers3Humanities GE4 ENG250Naturalist Writing3Naturalist Writing3Humanities GE4 ENG291Personal Study/Engl3Personal Study English3 FRE101College French I3FRE111Elem French I3 FRE102College French II3FRE112Elem French II3Foreign Language GE4 FRS100New Student Orientatn0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 FRS103Studying to Win0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 FRS104Time Management0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 FRS105Comp Word Proc0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 FRS107Using the LRC0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 FRS110College Success Sem1College Success Sem1 FRS113Coping with Stress0NOT CREDIT BEARING0 GE0100Intro Geography3GEG121Cultural Geography3Social Sciences GE4 GEO100Intro to Geography3Intro to Geography3Social Sciences GE4 GRN128Gerontological Nurs1Gerontological Nurs1 GRN132Coping w/Depression1Coping w/Depression1 GRN139Explain Death/Dying1Explain Death/Dying1 GRN149Phys Fitness-Elderly1Phys Fitness-Elderly1 GRN152Aging Serv Network1Aging Serv Network1 GRN157Advis Bd Dev & Part1Social Science Elect1 GRN173Mental Health/Aging1Mental Health/Aging1 HEA100Int Hlth Pro2Int Hlth Pro2 HEA105Intro Elec/Card/Gra1Intro Elec/Card/Gra1 HEA106Intro Phlebotomy1Intro Phlebotomy1 HEA200Medical Terminology3Medical Terminology3 HEA291Pers Study/Med Term3Pers Study/Med Term3 HED100Personal/Family Health3HED310Foundatns Pers Hlth3 HED101Wellness/Phys Fitness3Welness/Phys Fitness3 HED102Intro Nutrition3FNI191Nutrition & Well-Being3 HED103Stress Management3Stress Management3 HED105Perceptual Motor Learn3Perceptual Motor Learn3 HED110Basic Emergency Care3Basic Emergency Care3 HED112Dynam of Women3Dynam of Women3 HED115Cardio Pul Resus1Cardio Pul Resus1 HED120Health Aspects of Aging3Health Aspects of Aging3 HED131Health Aspect Geron1Health Aspect Geron1 HED140Stand First Aid1PED201CPR/1st Aid1 HED150Somatic Kinesiology3Somatic Kinesiology3 HED160Wilder 1st Responder3PED360Wilderness First Responder3 HED291Personal Study - Health Ed3Personal Study - Health Ed3 HIS101Western Civ I3HIS121European Civ to 18153Western Civilization GE4 HIS102Western Civ II3HIS122European Civ since 18153Western Civilization GE4 HIS103World History I3World History I3World Systems GE4 HIS104World History II3World History II3Western Civilization GE4 HIS110The Civil War3The Civil War3 HIS115Soc His of Amer Woman3Soc His of Amer Woman3U.S. History GE4 HIS121Adirondack History3Adirondack History3 HIS122History NY Indians3History NY Indians3 HIS150French & Indian War3French & Indian War3 HIS151U.S. History I3HIS101US Civ to 18773U.S. History GE4 HIS152U.S. History II3HIS102US Civ since 18773U.S. History GE4 HIS155Depres-Crisis, Chang3Depres-Crisis, Chang3 HIS163Hist US Const Law3Hist US Const Law3 HIS210Mod Latin Amer Hist3Mod Latin Amer Hist3World Systems GE4 HIS252America since 19601America since 19601 HIS291Personal Study-Hist3Personal Study-Hist3 HUM100Intro to Film3Intro to Film3Humanities GE4 HUM101Art/Music West World3Art/Music West World3Humanities GE4 HUM102Alter Futures/Film3Alter Futures/Film3Humanities GE4 HUM104Popular Culture3Popular Culture3 HUM106Native American Cult3Native Amer Culture3Humanities GE4 HUM107Intro to Mohawk Lang & Cult3Intro to Mohawk Lang & Cult3 HUM112Intro to Women's Studies3WMS101Intro Women's Studies3Social Sciences GE4 HUM120Humanities Seminar3Humanities Seminar3Humanities GE4 HUM121Cultural Events Sem3Cultural Events Seminar3Humanities GE4 HUM135Myth and Meaning3Myth and Meaning3Humanities GE4 HUM150Adir Folklore/Culture3Adir Folklore/Culture3 HUM155Religion & the Mod World3Religion & the Mod World3Humanities GE4 HUM200Adventure on Screen3Adventure on Screen3Arts GE4 HUM246World Mythology3World Mythology3Humanities GE4 HUM291Pers Stud/Human Field3Pers Study-Humanities3 HUS100Deliv Human Servcs3Deliv Human Servcs3 HUS110Pers Growth/Eff Behvr3Pers Growth/Eff Behvr3 HUS200Human Services Delivery3Human Services Delivery3 HUS201Basic Counseling Skills3Basic Counseling Skills3 HUS205Human Service Intern3Human Service Internship3 HUS220Clin Skills/Chem Dep Cou3Clin Skills/Chem Dep Cou3 HUS221Chem Dep Counseling I3Chem Dep Counseling I3 HUS222Chem Dep Counseling II3Chem Dep Counseling II3 HUS230Intro Sub Abuse Prev3Intro Sub Abuse Prev3 HUS241Behavior Modification3Behavior Modification3 HUS242Developmental Disabilities3Developmental Disabilities3 IDS100Pers Assessment3Pers Assessment3 IDS101Effective Communicatn3Effective Communicatn3 LIT100Literature Appreciatn3ENG195Intro Literary Study3Humanities GE4 LIT115Modern World Lit3Modern World Lit3Humanities GE4 LIT120Short Fiction3ENG161Intro Fiction3Humanities GE4 LIT139Verse Writing3Verse Writing3 LIT149Poetry of Millay2Poetry of Millay2 LIT150The Novel3The Novel3Humanities GE4 LIT151The Novel1The Novel1 LIT152North Country Lit3North Country Lit3Humanities GE4 LIT165Science Fiction3ENG339Science Fiction3Global Issues GE4 LIT167Mod American Fiction3Mod American Fiction3Humanities GE4 LIT170Modern Short Stories3Modern Short Stories3 LIT213Greek Literature3Greek Literature3 LIT239Adv Verse Writing3Adv Verse Writing3 LIT241World Literature I3ENG250His West World Lit I3 LIT261Black Amer Lit3Black Amer Lit3 LPN100Nursing-Daily Life9DOES NOT TRANSFER0 LPN101Nursing in Daily Life10DOES NOT TRANSFER0 LPN102Illness & Intervention10DOES NOT TRANSFER0 LPN110Nurse in Daily Life9DOES NOT TRANSFER0 LPN115Body Struct & Funct3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 LPN120Basic Clinical Exp2DOES NOT TRANSFER0 LPN130Illness & Interventns9DOES NOT TRANSFER0 LPN140Adv Clinical Exp2DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS110Western Massage I4DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS111Western Massage II4DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS120Oriental Massage I3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS121Oriental Massage II3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS210Western Massage III4DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS211Western Massage IV4DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS220Oriental Massage III3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAS250Massage Clinical3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAT051Basic Concepts of Math3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAT095Fund of Math3NOT CREDIT BEARING0 MAT096Fund of Math I1.5NOT CREDIT BEARING0 MAT097Fund of Math II1.5NOT CREDIT BEARING0 MAT098Fund of Math III1.5DOES NOT TRANSFER0 MAT099Elementary Algebra3NOT CREDIT BEARING0 MAT100Elementary Algebra3MAT101Elem College Math3 MAT120Intro Math Concepts3MAT101Elem College Math3 MAT121Elementary Statistics3MAT161Intro Statistics3Mathematics GE4 MAT123Intro Geometry & Trig3Intro Geometry & Trig3 MAT125Finite Mathematics3MAT163Finite Mathematics3Mathematics GE4 MAT128Technical Math3MAT101Elem College Math3 MAT129Intermed Algebra3MAT101Elem College Math3 MAT130College Alg/Trig I3MAT101Elem College Math3 MAT131College Alg/Trig II3MAT102Precalculus3 MAT132Precalculus3MAT102Precalculus3 MAT240Calculus I4MAT224Calculus I4Mathematics GE4 MAT241Calculus II4MAT225Calculus II4 MAT242Calculus III3MAT326Calculus III3 MAT243Calculus IV3Calculus IV3 MHT100Intro Human Services3Intro Human Services3 MHT110Delivering Human Serv3Delivering Human Serv3 MHT125Per Gro & Eff Beh3Per Gro & Eff Beh3 MHT130Community Res Train1Community Res Train1 MHT139Mental Hlth Pract I1Mental Hlth Pract I1 MHT140Mental Hlth Pract II1Mental Hlth Pract II1 MHT141Mental Health Pract II1Mental Health Pract II1 MHT142Beh Mgt/Agg Client1Beh Mgt/Agg Client1 MHT155Human Services Skll3Human Services Skll3 MHT172Med Administration3Med Administration3 MHT192Alcohl/Chem Depend3Alcohl/Chem Depend3 MHT210Mental Hlth Intern I4Mental Hlth Intern I4 MHT215Basic Counseling Skls3Basic Counseling Skls3 MHT220Mental Hlth Intern5Mental Hlth Intern5 MHT230Comm Residence Skills3Comm Residence Skills3 MHT240Chem Depend Counsel3Chem Depend Counsel3 MUS100Music Appreciation3MUS110Music Appreciation3Arts GE4 MUS103Music Theory/Comp I3MUS120Elementary Musicianship3Arts GE4 MUS105Music Theory/Keyboard3MUS120Elementary Musicianshi3Arts GE4 MUS107Perform Ensemble I1Perform Ensemble I1 MUS108Perform Ensemble II1Perform Ensemble II1 MUS115American Popular Mus3American Popular Mus3Arts GE4 MUS116Jazz3Jazz3Arts GE4 MUS117Survey US Music3Survey US Music3Arts GE4 MUS134Symphonic Band I1Symphonic Band I1 MUS135Symphonic Band II1Symphonic Band II1 MUS138Folk Guitar1Folk Guitar1 MUS143Private Piano I1MUS181Piano1 MUS153Private Piano II1MUS182Piano1 MUS159Choral Seminar3Choral Seminar3Arts GE4 MUS163Private Piano III1MUS281Piano1 MUS173Private Piano IV1MUS282Piano1 NUR101Nursing I7Nursing Elective7 NUR102Intro Pharmacology1Nursing Elective1 NUR104Nursing II7Nursing Elective7 NUR150App Nursing Process2Nursing Elective2 NUR200Transition to AD Nurs2Nursing Elective2 NUR201Maternal Child Nursing5Nursing Elective5 NUR202Psych/Mntl Hlth Nursng5Nursing Elective5 NUR203Managing Patient Care1Nursing Elective1 NUR204Med/Surgical Nursing9Nursing Elective9 NUR205Professional Seminar1Nursing Elective1 NUR3XXNursing AAS Degree30Nursing Trf Credit-Major30 NURXX2Nursing AAS Degree4Nursing Elective4 OFT100Typing (Keyboard)3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT101Beginning Keyboarding3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT102Intermed Keyboarding3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT104Advanced Keyboarding3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT116Microcomputer Keybdng1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT118Machine Trascription3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT121Shthnd/Transcrip I3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT122Shthnd/Transcrip II3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT124Legal Term/Transcript3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT130Office Acctng3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT140Office Proced/Administ3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT141Word Processing Applic3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT143Adv Word Proc Applic3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT200Office Automtn Concept3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT221Shthnd/Trans III3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT222Shthnd/Trans IV3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 OFT240Office Intern Seminar3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 PED100Personal & Fam Health2Personal & Family Health2 PED101Archery.5Archery.5 PED102Badminton.5PED120Badminton.5 PED103Basketball.5PED122Basketball.5 PED104Bowling.5PED124Bowling.5 PED105Canoeing.5PED126Canoeing.5 PED106Cross-Country Skiing.5PED133Beg Cross Country Ski.5 PED108Golf.5PED131Intermed/Adv Golf.5 PED109Ice Hockey.5Ice Hockey.5 PED110Lacrosse.5Lacrosse.5 PED111Sailing.5Sailing.5 PED112Skating.5Skating.5 PED113Skiing.5PED132Beg Alpine Skiing.5 PED114Softball.5Softball.5 PED115Soccer.5PED135Indoor Soccer.5 PED116Tennis.5PED142Beg Tennis.5 PED117Tumble/Stunts.5Tumble/Stunts.5 PED118Volleyball.5PED146Volleyball.5 PED120Physical Conditioning.5PED103Weight Tranining/Cond.5 PED121Slimnastics.5Slimnastics.5 PED122Self Defense.5Self Defense.5 PED123Field Hockey.5Field Hockey.5 PED124Aerobic Dancing.5Aerobic Dancing.5 PED126Intermediate Tennis.5PED143Int/Adv Tennis.5 PED127Jazzersize.5Jazzersize.5 PED128Adv Volleyball.5Adv Volleyball.5 PED129Basic Rock Climbing1PED180Rock Climbing I1 PED129ABasic Rock Climbing1Basic Rock Climbing1 PED130Dance Fund.5Dance Fund.5 PED131Modern Dance.5Modern Dance.5 PED133X-Country Cycle.5X-Country Cycle.5 PED135Teaching Phys Ed I1Teaching Phys Ed I1 PED136Teaching Phys Ed II1Teaching Phys Ed II1 PED137Wellness Thru Movement1Wellness Thru Movement1 PED138Intro Yoga1Intro Yoga1 PED140Standard First Aid1Standard First Aid1 PED143Orienteering.5Orienteering.5 PED156Intermd Tennis.5Intermd Tennis.5 PED160Synchronized Swim.5Synchronized Swim.5 PED161Beg Swim/Water Safety.5Beg Swim/Water Safety.5 PED162Int Swim/Water Safety.5Int Swim/Water Safety.5 PED163Advanced Swimming.5Advanced Swimming.5 PED165Life Guarding1PED203Adv Lifesaving/Guardin1 PED166Water Safety Instruc2PED205Water Safety Instructo2 PED167Life Guarding2PED203Lifeguard Training2 PED168Beginning Water Skiing.5Begn Water Skiing.5 PED170Winter Mountaineer1Winter Mountaineer1 PED171Mountaineering1Mountaineering1 PED174Wilderness Recreation.5Wilderness Recreation.5 PED176Co-Ed Soccer1Co-Ed Soccer1 PED177Lacrosse (Coed)1Lacrosse (Coed)1 PED179Snowboarding1Snowboarding1 PED180Aerobic Dance1Aerobic Dance1 PED181Alpine Skiing1Alpine Skiing1 PED182Archery & Badminton1Archery & Badminton1 PED183Basketball1Basketball1 PED184Bowling1PED124Bowling1 PED185Fund of Canoeing1Fund of Canoeing1 PED187X Country Ski Tour1X Country Ski Tour1 PED188Golf1PED130Beginning Golf1 PED189Ice Hockey1Ice Hockey1 PED189AIce Hockey (Women)1Ice Hockey (Women)1 PED190Physical Conditioning1PED103Weight Training1 PED191Self-Defense1Self-Defense1 PED192Softball1Softball1 PED193Soccer (Women Team)1Soccer (Women Team)1 PED194Beginning Swimming1Beginning Swimming1 PED195Intermed Swimming1PED138Beg/Intermed Swimming1 PED196Tennis1PED142Beginning Tennis1 PED197Volleyball1PED146Volleyball1 PED199Mountain Biking1Mountain Biking1 PED200Fndtns Phys Educ3Fndtns Phys Educ3 PED201Adv Archery.5Adv Archery.5 PED202Adv Badminton.5Adv Badminton.5 PED203Adv Basketball.5Adv Basketball.5 PED204Adv Bowling.5Adv Bowling.5 PED205Adv Canoeing.5Adv Canoeing.5 PED206Adv Cross-Co Skiing.5Adv Cross-Co Skiing.5 PED208Adv Golf.5Adv Golf.5 PED209Adv Ice Hockey.5Adv Ice Hockey.5 PED212Adv Skating.5Adv Skating.5 PED213Adv Skiing.5Adv Skiing.5 PED214Advanced Softball.5Advanced Softball.5 PED215Adv Soccer.5Adv Soccer.5 PED216Adv Tennis.5Adv Tennis.5 PED218Adv Volleyball.5Adv Volleyball.5 PED220Adv Phys Conditioning.5Adv Phys Conditioning.5 PED222Adv Self Defense.5Adv Self Defense.5 PED223Adv Field Hockey.5Adv Field Hockey.5 PED224Adv Aerobic Dancing.5Adv Aerobic Dancing.5 PED227Advanced Aerobics.5Advanced Aerobics.5 PED238Intermediate Yoga1Intermediate Yoga1 PED261Adv Swim/Water Safety.5Adv Swim/Water Safety.5 PED284Bowling - Advanced1Bowling - Advanced1 PED288Golf (Advanced)1Golf (Advanced)1 PED291Personal Study/Phy Ed.5Personal Study/Phy Ed.5 PED295Adv Self Defense1Adv Self Defense1 PHI100Philosophical Issues3PHI102Intro Philosophy3Humanities GE4 PHI110World Religions3World Religions3Humanities GE4 PHI112Critical Thinking3Critical Thinking3Humanities GE4 PHI115Intro to Ethics3PHI104Moral Problems3Humanities GE4 PHI120Logic3PHI112Introduction to Logic3 PHI140Meanings of Life3Meanings of Life3Humanities GE4 PHY100Concepts of Physics4PHY101Introduction: Physics4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY101College Physics I4PHY111General Physics I4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 PHY102College Physics II4PHY112General Physics II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 POS101Intro Political Science3Intro Political Science3 POS102American Govt & Pol3PSC100US National Politics3Social Sciences GE4 / U.S. History GE4 POS110State & Local Govt3PSC240State/Local Government3Social Sciences GE4 POS120Comparative World Politics3PSC220Intro to World Politics3 POS201American Govt/Politics3PSC100U.S. National Politics3Social Sciences GE4 POS20520th Century Dictator320th Century Dictator3Western Civilization GE4 POS291Personal Study-Pol Sc6Personal Study-Pol Sc6 PSY101General Psychology3PSY101General Psychology3Social Sciences GE4 PSY103Pers Dev & Interp Skl3Pers Dev & Interp Skl3 PSY105Leadership3Leadership3 PSY106Pers Dev & Interp Skls3Pers Dev & Interp Skls3 PSY110Mental Health I3Mental Health I3 PSY130Psy of Personal Growth3Psy of Personal Growth3 PSY138Psych of Human Reltns3Psych of Human Reltns3Social Sciences GE4 PSY154Human Psych Seminar2Human Psych Seminar2 PSY158Transactional Anlys3Transactional Anlys3 PSY172Theory of Personality3PSY340Personality3 PSY200Psych of Adjustment3Psych of Adjustment3 PSY202Developmental Psych3PSY311Surv Human Developmnt3Social Sciences GE4 PSY203Abnormal Psychology3PSY443Abnormal & Dev Behvr3 PSY205Behavior Modification3Behavior Modification3 PSY206Developmental Disab3Developmental Disab3 PSY207Social Psychology3PSY361Social Psychology3 PSY218Exceptional Child3Exceptional Child3 PSY220Counseling Theories3Counseling Theories3 PSY222Human Sexuality3PSY364Sex Roles & Sexuality3 PSY230Hu Devel:Adult Years3PSY416Adult Develop/Aging3 PSY235Personality3PSY340Personality3 PSY240Psych of Ind Assess3Psych of Ind Assess3 PSY250Group Dynamics3Group Dynamics3 PSY253Child Psychology3PSY414Infancy & Childhood3 PSY254Adult Develop & Aging3PSY416Adult Develop & Aging3 PSY263Health Psychology3Health Psychology3Global Issues GE4 PSY265Personality3PSY340Personality3 PSY270Social Psychology3PSY361Social Psychology3 PSY275Psych Consciouseness3Psych Consciouseness3 PSY291Per Stdy/Psych3Per Stdy/Psych3 RAD100Intro Radiologic Tech1Intro Radiologic Tech1 RAD101Intro Rad Tech/Medical Term3Intro Rad Tech/Medical Term3 RAD120Rad Positioning I3.5Rad Positioning I3.5 RAD125Clinical Education1Clinical Education1 RAD130Radiologic Science I3.5Radiological Science I3.5 RAD136Clinical Education I.5Clinical Education I.5 RAD140Radiologic Technol III3.5Radiologic Technol III3.5 RAD150Radiologic Technol IV3.5Radiologic Technol IV3.5 RAD155Clinical Education II3Clinical Education II3 RAD250Radiologic Technol V3Radiologic Technol V3 RAD255Clinical Education III6Clinical Education III6 RAD261Radiologic Technol VI3Radiologic Technol VI3 RAD265Clinical Education IV6Clinical Education IV6 RAD270Radiologic Technol VII1Radiologic Technol VII1 RAD275Clinical Education V3Clinical Education V3 RDG100College Reading3College Reading3 RDG103Speed Reading3Speed Reading3 REC101Intro Leisure Services3Intro Leisure Services3 REC110Intro Wilderness Rec2Intro Wilderness Rec2 REC113Basic Rock Climbing1Basic Rock Climbing1 REC115Intro Wilderness Rec3Intro Wilderness Rec3 REC120Intro Rec Mgmt3Intro Rec Mgmt3 REC130Outdoor Leadership3Outdoor Leadership3 REC135Hunting & Fishing3Hunting & Fishing3 REC136Trip & Camping Manag3Trip & Camping Manag3 REC148Wilderness Management3Wilderness Management3 REC200Rec Facil Mgt Intern6Rec Facil Mgt Intern6 REC201Recreational Mgmt I3Recreational Mgmt I3 REC202Recreational Mgmt II3Recreational Mgmt II3 REC235Wilderness Seminar1Wilderness Seminar1 REC238Wilderness Rec Pr I5Wilderness Rec Pr I5 REC239Wilderness Fall Pract2Wilderness Fall Pract2 REC248Winter Practicum4Winter Practicum4 REC249Wilderness Winter Pract3Wilderness Winter Pract3 REC250Wild Rec Lead-Intern3Wild Rec Lead-Intern3 REC251Wilderness Managemnt3Wilderness Managemnt3 REC252Wild Rec lead Intern6Wild Rec lead Intern6 SCC210Marriage and Fam3CDF311Family/Contemp Society3 SCI100Forensic Science3Forensic Science3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 SCI103Cur Sci & Tech II4Cur Sci & Tech II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 SCI104Current Sci Tech II4Current Sci Tech II4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 SCI105Surv Physical Sci3Surv Physical Sci3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 SCI110Forensic Science3Forensic Science3Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 SCI115Forensic Science4Forensic Science4Natural Sci Tech NST GE4 SCI140Solar Energy3Solar Energy3 SEC101Beginning Typing3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC102Intermed Typing2DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC104Advanced Typing3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC115Office Machines2DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC116Microcomp Keybrdg1DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC118Machine Trans3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC121Shorthand/Trans I3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC122Shorthand/Trans II3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC130Secretarial Acctg3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC140Office Practice I3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC141Office Practice II3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC150Office MAchines2DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC151Med Offc Asst I I3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC152Med Offc Asst II3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC221Short & Trans III3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SEC222Short & Trans IV3DOES NOT TRANSFER0 SOC100Intro Sociology3SOC101Intro Sociology3Social Sciences GE4 SOC107Sociology of Addiction3Sociology of Addiction3 SOC109Sociology of Family3SOC312Sociology of Family3Indiv, Society & Resp GE4 SOC110Contemp Soc Problems3SOC202Social Problems3Social Sciences GE4 SOC112Women in Contemp Soc3Women in Contemp Soc3Global Issues GE4 SOC114Equity Issues/Soc Inst3Equity Issues/Soc Inst3 SOC120Urban Crises3Urban Crises3 SOC125Death and Dying3SOC309Sociology: Aging/Death3Global Issues GE4 SOC127Urban Sociology3SOC325Urban Life/No America3 SOC145Criminology3SOC250Intro Criminology3 SOC155Juvenile Justice/Delinquency3SOC370Juvenile Delinquency3 SOC165Issues & Pers Aging3Issues & Pers Aging3 SOC180Child Abuse & Neglect1Child Abuse & Neglect1 SOC200Intro to Social Welfare3SWK260Intro Social Welfare3 SOC205Race & Ethnic Reltns3SOC321Sociology:Minorities3Global Issues GE4 SOC206Gender & Society3Gender & Society3Global Issues GE4 SOC210Marriage & Family3SOC312Sociology of Family3Indiv, Society & Resp GE4 SOC213Study of the Future3Study of the Future3 SOC215Deviant Behavior3Deviant Behavior3 SOC253Soc Asp Drug Addctn1Soc Asp Drug Addctn1 SOC254Urban Soc Trip2Urban Soc Trip2 SOC265Issues/Perspec Aging3SOC309Aging and Death3Global Issues GE4 SPA100Conversational Spanish3Conversational Spanish3 SPA101Intro to Spanish I3SPA111Elem Spanish I3 SPA102Intro to Spanish II3SPA112Elem Spanish II3Foreign Language GE4 SPA291Pers Study/Spanish3Pers Study/Spanish3 While we strive to maintain the accuracy of the transfer equivalency tables, please be aware that they are subject to change without notice. Contact Information The Admissions Office is located on the 10th floor of the Kehoe Building. Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m Sean Brian Dermody, Assistant Director for Transfer Admissions Phone: (518) 564-2040 Toll-Free: (888) 673-0012 Fax: (518) 564-2045 E-mail: Mailing Address: Admissions SUNY Plattsburgh 101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901