TRANSFER ARTICULATION AGREEMENTTRANSFER ARTICULATION AGREEMENT Mohawk Valley Community College and the UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY The following Programs of Study represent those majors for which Mohawk Valley Community College and the University at Albany have negotiated transfer agreements. The Programs of Study constitute the best possible preparation for completion of the bachelor's degree. The courses are listed using Mohawk Valley Community College course numbers and titles. The University at Albany course equivalents are noted in parentheses. Where no equivalent course exists, the notation will indicate the academic department or school in which the course will be transferred. A level designation (010 = Freshman. 020 = Sophomore). For examples, AENG 020 is a sophomore level English elective which has no equivalent at the University at Albany. Programs are grouped according to the general academic discipline which offers the major. Mohawk Valley students should note that in addition to the recommended courses in each of the following programs Mohawk Valley requires Physical Education activity courses to satisfy their degree requirements. Check each for the required number of credits. BIOLOGY (A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) BI101 General Biology I (ABIO 110) CH141 General Chemistry I (ACHM 120, 124) * Social Science - General Education ED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) BI102 General Biology II (ABIO 111) CH142 General Chemistry II (ACHM 121, 125) ** Western Civilization - General Education MA150 Precalculus (AMAT 100) Physical EducationSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER CH247 Organic Chemistry I (ACHM 220, 222) MA151 Calculus I (AMAT 112) PH151 General Physics I (APHY 105, 106) ** Foreing Language - General Education ** American History - General Education * Social Science - General Education SPRING SEMESTER CH248 Organic Chemistry II (ACHM 221, 223) MA152 Calculus II (AMAT 113) PH152 General Physics II (APHY 108, 109) ** The Arts - General Education ** Other World Civilizations - General Education Physical Education* Social Science courses: BM 101, PY 101, SO 101, AN 101, PS 101. ** Please consult with your advisor about exemptions and/or level. CHEMISTRY (A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) CH141 General Chemistry I (ACHM 120, 124) MA150 Precalculus (AMAT 100) * Social Science - General Education ED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideals & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) CH142 General Chemistry II (ACHM 121, 125) MA151 Calculus I (AMAT 112) ** Western Civilization - General Education ** The Arts - General Education Physical Education SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER CH247 Organic Chemistry I (ACHM 220, 222) MA152 Calculus II (AMAT 113) PH151 General Physics I (APHY 105, 106) OR PH261 Engineering Analysis (APHY 140, 145) ** Foreign Language - General Education * Social Science - General Education Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER CH248 Organic Chemistry II (ACHM 221, 223) MA153 Calculus III (AMAT 214) PH152 General Physics II (APHY 108, 109) OR PH262 Engineering Physics II (APHY 150, 155) ** Other World Civilizations - General Education ** American History - General Education Physical Education* Social Science courses: BM 101, PY 101, SO 101, AN 101, PS 101. ** Please consult with your advisor about exemptions and/or level. ENGLISH (A.A.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) *** Mathematics * Social Science ** Foreign Language HI101 History of Civilization I (AHIS 130)ED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) *** Mathematics * Social Science ** Foreign Language HI102 History of Civilization II (AHIS 131) Physical EducationSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN271 British Literature I (AENG 291) EN248 American Literature I (AENG 010) OR EN255 World Literature I (AENG 010) Tier I Natural Science EN150 Effective Speech (ACOM 203) **** The Arts - General Education Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN271 British Literature II (AENG 292) EN249 American Literature (AENG 010) OR EN256 World Literature II (AENG 010) Tier I Natural Science Social Science Elective **** American History - General Education Physical Education* Social Science courses: PS 101, SO 101, PY 101, BM 101, AN 101** Foreign Language consists of a six-hour sequence within the same language. Consult with your advisor about exemptions and/or level *** Mathematics courses: MA 108, MA 110, MA 131. Consult with your advisor about additional courses.**** Consult with your advisor. FINE ARTS (A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) FA101 General Drawing (AART 105) FA103 Figure Drawing (AART 205) FA105 Two-Dimensional Design (AART 110) * Tier I Social ScienceED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) FA104 Figure Drawing II (AART 010) FA106 Color Theory (AART 335) FA108 Three-Dimensional Design (AART 115) * Tier I Social Science Physical EducationSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER HU120 History of Art I (AART 170) ** Tier I Natural Science *** Tier I Mathematics **** General Education Elective ***** Restricted Elective ***** Restricted Elective Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER HU121 History of Art II (AART 171) ** Tier I Natural Science *** Tier I Mathematics **** Art History Elective ***** Restricted Elective ***** Restricted Elective Physical Education* Social Science courses - choose from: PS 101, SO 101, PY 101, AN 101, and BM 101. ** Natural Science courses - choose from: BI 108, BI 105, or PH 112. *** In consultation with your advisor, choose an appropriate Mathematics course. One college level course must be taken from: MA 110, MA 115, MA 108, and MA 131. **** In consultation with your advisor, choose an appropriate General Education course; and an appropriate Art History course. ***** Restricted elective courses may include: FA 113, FA 202, FA 209, FA 211, FA 212, FA 216, FA 218, FA 220, FA 226, FA 230, GC 126, and PT 207. MATHEMATICS (A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) MA151 Calculus I (AMAT 112) *** Lab Science ** Foreign Language HI101 History of Civilization (AHIS 130) ED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) MA152 Calculus II (AMAT 113) *** Lab Science The Arts - General Education HI102 History of Civilization II (AHIS 131) Physical Education SECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER MA253 Calculus III(AMAT 214) MA275 Discrete Algebraic Structures (AMAT 221) * Social Science EN150 Effective Speech (ACOM 203) ** Other World Civilizations - General Education Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER MA280 Linear Algebra (AMAT 220) MA260 Differential Equations (AMAT 311) * Social Science ** American History - General Education Physical Education * Social Science courses: PS 101, SO 101, PY 101, BM 101, AN 101. ** Consult with your advisor about exemptions and/or level. *** Consult with your advisor about recommendations. PUBLIC POLICY (A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) PS101 American National Government (RPOS 101) PS102 Introduction to Public Policy (RPUB 140) SP101 Introduction to Sociology (ASOC 115) IS101 Introduction to PC's (ICSI 102) ED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) PS203 State and Local Government (RPOS 321) MA110 Statistics (AMAT 108) IS102 Intermediate PC Operations (ICSI 000) * Science Elective Physical EducationSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER CJ106 Law & Ethics (RCRJ 010) PY101 Introduction to Psychology (APSY 101) BM100 Principles of Microeconomics (AECO 110) AC115 Accounting I (BACC 010) SO204 Contemporary Issues in Society (ASOC 180) * Foreign Language Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER HI111 American History - 1850 (AHIS 100) OR HI112 American History - Present (AHIS 101) PY210 Eval. Research & Measurement (APSY 010) PS206 Public Policy Tech. Writing (RPOS 010) * Criminal Justice Elective BM115 Principles of Macroeconomics (AECO 111) Physical Education* Please consult with your advisor about exemptions and/or level. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) AC115 Accounting I (BACC 010) IS101 Intro. to Personal Computers (ICSI 102) PY101¶ Intro. to General Psychology (APSY 101) MA150 Precalculus (AMAT 100) ED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) AC116¶ Accounting II (BACC 211) IS102 Intermediate PC Operations (ICSI 000) BM115¶ Principles of Macroeconomics (AECO 111) MA140 College Calculus (AMAT 106) Physical EducationSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER BM120 Principles of Marketing (BMKT 000) BM110¶ Principles of Microeconomics (AECO 110) SO101¶ Introduction to Sociology (ASOC 115) * Natural Science AC243¶ Cost Accounting (BACC 222) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER AC225¶ Business Statistics (BITM 220) AC131 Business Law (BLAW 220) * Natural Science ** Elective - General Education ** Elective - General Education Physical Education¶ University at Albany, Business Administration core course. * CH 141 and CH 142, or BI 101 and BI 102, or PH 151 and PH 152, or GL 101 and GL 102, or PH 141 and PH 142. ** Please consult with your advisor about exemptions and/or level. CRIMINAL JUSTICE (A.A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) CJ101 Intro. to Criminal Justice (RCRJ 201) SO101 Intro. to Sociology (ASOC 115) CJ107 Juvenile Delinquency (ASOC 283) PS101 American Nat'l Government (RPOS 101) SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) CJ106 Law & Ethics (RCRJ 010) PY101 Intro. to General Psychology (APSY 101) CJ108 Criminal Law (RCRJ 010) CH101 Physical Science (ACAS 010) ORBI105 Environmental Science (ABIO 010) Physical EducationSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER CJ202 American Constitutional Law (RPOS 010) CJ204 Criminology (RCRJ 200) MA110 Statistics (AMAT 108) Criminal Justice Elective * Restricted Elective Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER CJ214 Criminal Justice Comm. (AENG 010) CJ218 Methods of Research (RCRJ 010) Criminal Justice Elective * Restricted Elective * Restricted Elective Physical Education * Students must take three restricted electives, to be chosen in consultation with the student's academic advisor. HUMAN SERVICES (A.A.S.) at Mohawk Valley Community College (UAlbany Equivalent) FIRST YEAR FALL SEMESTER EN101 English I: Composition (AENG 010Z) BI103 Functional Human Anatomy (ABIO 010) PY101 Intro. to General Psychology (APSY 101) SO101 Intro. to Sociology (ASOC 115) HS101 Intro. to Human Services (RSSW 000)ED100 College Seminar (No Credit) Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER EN102 Ideas & Values in Literature (AENG 121Z) MA110 Elementary Statistics (AMAT 108) PY203 Abnormal Psychology (APSY 010) HS241 Chemical Dependencies (RSSW 000)PY210 Evaluation, Research, & Measurement (APSY 010) Physical EducationSECOND YEAR FALL SEMESTER HS251 Internship I (RSSW 290) PY212 Adolescent Psychology (APSY 010) HS231 Ethics, Policy, and Law (RSSW 210) PY204 Social Psychology (APSY 270) HS** Elective Physical Education SPRING SEMESTER HS252 Internship II (RSSW 390) HS104 Ident. & Report Child Abuse (RSSW 000) SO204 Contemp. Issues of Society (ASOC 180) PS101 American National Gov't (RPOS 101)HS** ElectiveHS** Elective¶ School of Social Welfare, University at Albany base courses. ** Consult with your advisor.