Minimum GPA:
Transfer applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPR on at least 24 graded semester hours of transferable coursework at the time of application to be considered. The GPR necessary to be competitive can vary by college and major.
Official Transcripts:
Official high school and college transcripts are required for all applicants.
SAT Scores:
Not required for admissions consideration.
Letters of Recommendation:
Not required for admissions consideration.
The essay, is considered to identify admissible candidates. Many of the colleges base their decisions, in part, on the content of Essay Topic A. Therefore, all applicants are required to complete the essay.
Application Fee:
Yes, $60 non-refundable fee must be submitted with the application. ($75 fee for international students)
Not required for admissions consideration.
Other Requirements:
Preference is given to applicants with the highest grade point ratio and the most courses completed in the Degree Track for the major designated on the application. See the college-specific information for the major for which you are applying.
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