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Southern Vermont College

  • Private
    4 year
  • 0%
    Transfer Student Ratio
Southern Vermont College will close following the Spring 2019 semester. We have in place a preferred teach-out agreement with the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts that provides clear pathways and financial equity for most SVC programs. MCLA will launch a special website with details specifically for our students on all aspects of transferring there. For those programs without a direct match, and for students who would like to explore other options, we continue to work with multiple transfer partners, including Norwich University, Castleton University and others, to provide the best possible opportunities for students.
painted moose sculpture on a field with hills


Programs 19 Programs
Courses 285 Courses
Transfer Agreements 26 incoming Transfer Agreements
Equivalencies 208 outgoing Equivalencies

Financial Information

Transfer Application Requirements

Southern Vermont College

Main Phone:
Last updated on 5/23/2022 by AcademyOne.