Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs, graph isomorphisms; tree applications: binary search trees, game trees, decision trees; PERT charts, critical paths, finite state machines and Turing machines. Prerequisite: MATH165.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
In-depth study of a mathematical topic of the student's choice, conducted under the guidance of a faculty member. Offered by arrangement.
4.00 Credits
Linear systems, vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, characteristic polynomials and eigenvectors, linear programming and other applications. Prerequisite: MATH165 or 170.
3.00 Credits
Functions of a complex variable, including analytic functions, Canchy Integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, poles and residues, conformal mapping. Prerequisite: MATH220 or permission of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Groups, rings, integral domains, fields; homomorphism and isomorphism, factor groups, quotient fields, unique factorization, principal ideal domains. Euclidean domains, field extensions. Prerequisite: MATH165, MATH320 (recommended) or permission of instructor.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Supervised internship experience in a business, industry or government setting. Prerequisite: departmental arrangement and approval.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Advanced in-depth study of a mathematical topic of the student's choice, conducted under the guidance of a faculty member. Offered by arrangement.
3.00 Credits
A two-semester senior course provides an opportunity for students majoring in mathematics, mathematics with a concentration in computer science, and mathematics with a concentration in economics to engage in independent research on a topic of their choice. Each student, working under the guidance of a faculty mentor, writes a research paper and presents it in a departmental colloquium. Students also take a written comprehensive examination which integrates knowledge from various areas of mathematics. Prerequisite: Senior status.
1.00 Credits
Laws governing the creation and dissolution of marriage with emphasis on current statutes and their historical evolution. Topics include marital statutes; annulment; legal separation and dissolution of marriage; child custody, visitation and support; alimony; family violence and spouse abuse.
2.00 Credits
Ethical and professional issues which arise in marriage and family therapy training, and are pertinent to professional practice in this field. Professional identity and attitudes are addressed.
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