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5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: GER 2310, 2320 or Permission of instructor This course is designed to prepare the student for the demands of the use of literary and scientific German at advanced levels. The student is led into an appreciation of the deeper structures of the language and the functional aspects of grammar in communication.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: GER 2310 or Permission of instructor This course is for students who plan to do business with people in German-speaking countries. The course incorporates specialized language pertaining to marketing, banking, the structure of corporations, and the code of behavior in the business world as well as the social protection of the gainfully employed, transportation, import, and export.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: GER 2320 or Permission of instructor This course is designed for the understanding of writings in the field of science. Attention is given to the specialized vocabulary, idioms, and sentence structure in this field. Translations on up-to-date topics are from German into English, facilitating reading and comprehension.
5.00 Credits
15-Jan (1-15 + 0) Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing in German or equivalent This course recognizes upper-division study in language, culture, and literature in a study abroad setting. It uses a variety of methods and includes reading, writing, and discussion seminars in German.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Three hours of third-year college German This course is an advanced study of the application of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and grammatical structures necessary for effective written communication. It includes review and expansion of various grammatical topics, exercises on stylistics, and considerable expansion of the student's vocabulary. Conducted in German.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Nine hours of German above 1020 or Permission of instructor, Senior standing necessary if used for Senior Experience requirement The course traces in representative works the artistic and intellectual development of major German authors who have gained a place in world literature. Class periods will be devoted to historical background, biographies, group discussions, and analysis. Class is conducted in German, requiring oral and written reports. (Senior Experience)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Three hours of third-year college German or Permission of instructor This course is designed to help the student develop an understanding of present-day Germany. Recent and current socioeconomic changes and political trends are emphasized. Articles in recent issues of a leading German periodical are used as basis for classroom discussion, student reports, and themes.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Nine hours of German above 1020 or Permission of instructor, Senior standing necessary if used for Senior Experience requirement The course focuses on business topics with specialized language pertaining to industry, marketing, finance, social welfare, the consumer in general, and the environment. Class is conducted in German, requiring oral and written reports. (Senior Experience)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: GER 3310 or Permission of instructor, Senior standing necessary if used for Senior Experience Requirement This course practices the different translation techniques (from German to English and from English to German) in a variety of materials taken from economics, law, medicine, the fine arts, biographies, geography, history, and others. Attention is given to the unique tone of each document. (Senior Experience)
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) Prerequisite: CSS 1010 or CIS 1010, with a grade of "C" or better; or permission of instructorMTH 1210 recommended Corequisite: GEG 1220 This is a foundation course that provides students with the basic knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with regard to theoretical, technical, and application issues. It introduces and provides direct experience with the techniques used to analyze and display spatial data using GIS. The skills and knowledge developed in this course will be used to support upper-division courses.
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