Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
6 (1 + 214) Prerequisite: Successful completion of all requirements of the major, minor, linguistically diverse endorsement, teacher licensure program, and general studies Satisfaction of all student teaching application requirements by the required deadline. Passage of the Linguistically Diverse PLACE test. Corequisite: In addition to taking EDU 4590 students must complete eight weeks of student teaching (EDU 4190, EDS 4290, or ECE 4390) in an elementary, secondary, or early childhood classroom working with a cooperating teacher in their initial licensure area. This course is a supervised, full-time, eight-week student-teaching experience in an accredited public or private school's linguistically diverse program. The experience provides increasing responsibility for the teaching, supervising, and directing of an identified group of English language learners, K-12. Teacher candidates must attend 10 hours of seminar conducted by college supervisors of student teaching. For this course, teacher candidates work with a linguistically diverse teacher and demonstrate proficiency in all phases of linguistically diverse classroom instruction. Teacher candidates are required to complete components of the teacher work sample and demonstrate proficiency in Performance Based Standards for Colorado Teachers as well as Colorado Linguistically Diverse Endorsement Standards. Proficiency required for recommendation for linguistically diverse endorsement includes ability to impact English language learners' academic success and to develop their English language proficiency.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Advanced students in education An in-depth examination of selected current topics and issues in education. Topics vary but all are of current importance, requiring the study of recent writings, research, and legislation. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
5.00 Credits
1 (1 + 0) Prerequisite: Bachelor's degree or permission of instructor This course provides the background knowledge, methods, techniques and materials for substitute teachers at the elementary and middle school levels to be more confident and competent substitute instructors.
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) Prerequisite: High school algebra This course introduces physical foundations of electricity, electronics, and computers, emphasizing hands-on application of theory. Engineering ethics, technology related careers and the effect of technological changes on modern society will also be discussed. Students will assemble specific electronic projects. (General Studies-Level II, Natural Science)
5.00 Credits
4 (3 + 2) Corequisite: An intermediate algebra course or one and one-half years of secondary school algebra or equivalent and appropriate score on the mathematics preassessment placement test or higher level math course, with a grade of "C" or betterThis course covers DC circuit analysis, including mesh analysis, nodal analysis, Thevenin conversion, Norton conversion, power, magnetism and magnetic circuits, capacitance, and inductance. An introduction to electrical laboratory procedures and the measurement of basic circuit parameters is also included.
5.00 Credits
4 (3 + 2) Prerequisite: EET 1140 and (MTH 1120 or MTH 1400 or higher level math course), with grades of "C" or BetterThis course is a continuation of EET 1140, using trigonometry and complex algebra. Studies include single-time constant circuits, phasors, and the j operator, RLC circuits with sinusoidal, steady-state sources, impedance and admittance, AC formulation of classic network theorems, complex network equations, complex power, frequency response, transformers, and two-port network models.
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) This is a course to introduce students to the installation of computer hardware and software. An A+ certification book is used for the text, however this is not an A+ certification class.
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) Prerequisite: MTH 1120 or MTH 1400, PHY 2020 or PHY 2331, with grades of "C" or betterThis course introduces electric circuits for non-EET majors. It covers DC and AC circuits, generators, motors, transformers, elementary electronic devices, and circuits.
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) Prerequisite: EET 1140, and CHE 1100, with grades of "C" or betterThis course is a study of semiconductor diode and bipolar junction transistor devices and MOS field effect transistors. The course also covers frequency response of cascaded amplifiers.
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) Prerequisite: EET 2140 with a grade of "C" or betterThis course is a study of thyristors, basic operational amplifiers, and voltage regulators. Students will learn to use an internet browser to obtain data sheets for components.
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