Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
3 (1.5 + 3) Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDU 3200; RDG 3110; EDU 3540 and EDU 3650; or ECE 2340 and ECE 2350; or SED 3750; or SED 3800 This course focuses on first hand experiences with culture and the education system in London, England. Students will spend two weeks in the London metropolitan area. Focus of the course will be to compare and contrast cultural beliefs, and educational philosophies, methods, and outcomes of the London and Denver metropolitan areas.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: PAR 2050, HSP 2020, or Permission of instructor This course prepares students to develop, implement, and evaluate programs for the growing population of adult learners. It emphasizes a practical design process and teaching techniques that are particularly appropriate for the adult learner and provides the experience of implementing and evaluating a program.
6.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: RDG 3110, EDU 3640, EDU 3650; EDU 3660, or ENG 4650 This course overviews integrated methods, materials, and curricula currently in use in elementary social studies and literacy education. Social studies concepts and skills will be explored within the framework of age-appropriate context and methods. The course will emphasize decision-making skills to foster the integration of diverse literacy skills within social studies disciplines (history, geography, economics, civics). Teacher candidates will incorporate state and national standards, use technology, develop an integrated unit which will include appropriate assessment strategies to evaluate instruction and learning. Teacher candidates must take EDU 4105, a 55-hour field experience, and RDG 4000 concurrently with EDU 4100.
6.00 Credits
1 (0 + 35) Prerequisite: RDG 3110, EDU 3640, EDU 3650; EDU 3660 or ENG 4650 This is a field experience taken concurrently with EDU 4100 and RDG 4000. Teacher candidates will spend 55 hours in a public school elementary classroom making instructional, assessment, and management decisions in reading, language arts and social studies in diverse contexts.
6.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: SCI 2610 MTH 2620, RDG 3110, EDU 3640, EDU 3650; EDU 3660 or ENG 4650 Prerequisite/Corequisite: SCI 2620, MTL 3600 This course presents an overview of the integrated methods, materials, and curricula currently in use in elementary science, health, and mathematics education. Promotion of positive attitudes, gender equity, inquiry, discovery, and problem-solving techniques and strategies will be stressed. Teacher candidates will make decisions based on the diverse contexts of the classroom and pupils, incorporating state and national standards, including the appropriate use of technology and development of appropriate assessment strategies to support effective instruction. Teacher candidates must take EDU 4125, a 55-hour field experience, concurrently.
6.00 Credits
1 (0 + 35) Prerequisite: SCI 2610, MTH 2620, RDG 3110, EDU 3640, EDU 3650; EDU 3660 or ENG 4650 Prerequisite/Corequisite: MTL 3660, SCI 2620 This course is a field experience taken concurrently with EDU 4120. Teacher candidates will spend 55 hours in an elementary classroom practicing making instructional, assessment, and management decisions in mathematics, science, and health in the diverse contexts of a public school classroom.
12.00 Credits
6,12 (5 + 20), (1 + 40) Prerequisite: Successful completion of all requirements of the major and all other required courses for elementary education licensure including the specified General Studies courses; State Licensure Content Test; all student teaching application requirements, including cumulative GPA of 275, and Licensure Portfolio completed at developing 2 level This is a supervised, full-time field experience in an accredited public or private elementary school, providing increasing responsibility for the teaching, supervision, and assessment of learners (grades K-6). Ten hours of seminar are required (five hours for six credit course). To pass this course, and be recommended for licensure, teacher candidates must be minimally rated as proficient in all Performance-Based Standards for Colorado Teachers. Each student teacher is required to complete the Teacher Work Sample with all requirements rates as proficient or higher. (Senior Experience)
5.00 Credits
2 (2 + 0) Prerequisite: Satisfaction of all Level I General Studies Communication course requirements This class examines and explores the formation of classroom presence using a variety of acting, speaking and vocal techniques to develop, build, and encourage skills supporting an effective classroom persona. Students will practice and demonstrate body movement, posture, and deportment skills along with verbal and nonverbal communication skills to support classroom management and motivate pupil attention and engagement. Students will identify, learn, and practice intentional vocal and visual techniques to make instructional communication more effective.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: PSY 1800 or permission of instructor: and junior standing This course focuses on parents as partners in the education of their children and emphasizes planning and activities that encourage parent involvement. In addition to parent education and involvement, it covers the history of parent education, the family, communication skills, parentteacher conferences, the exceptional child, child abuse, and rights and responsibilities of parents.
5.00 Credits
4 (35 + 1) Prerequisite: EDU 3510 and satisfactory proficiency in Spanish reading, writing, listening, and speaking as determined by written and oral exams administered by MSCD Spanish speaking faculty This course is designed to help students identify appropriate integrated bilingual instructional materials aligned to Colorado model content standards in the areas of reading and writing, mathematics, science, social studies, health, and fine arts. It emphasizes planning, implementing, and evaluating integrated curriculum for the linguistically and culturally diverse student with alternatives in approaches and methodology. The course includes 15 hours of field experience in a bilingual classroom where students apply course concepts in real school settings.
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