Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
3 (1 + 4) Prerequisite: Literacy and software application skills equivalent to CMS/CSS 1010 or 1080 (as evidenced by previous coursework in high school or college, work, personal experience, or permission of instructor) In this course, students will work collaboratively to write funding proposals for a current request for proposal (RFP). Participants will learn how to write a persuasive narrative, supported by a strong needs analysis, plan for implementation, budget, and evaluation. Special attention will be given to formative and summative evaluations, focusing on evaluation of implementation as well as impact of the proposed project. At the end of the semester, students will submit their proposals to funding sources.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement Tests This course provides students with a basic understanding of American Sign Language including conversational skills and linguistic structures. Students are also introduced to Deaf culture. Credit will only be granted for one prefix: SLHS, EDU, or MDL. (MDL 1610, SLHS 1610)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: SLHS/MDL/EDU 1610 or Permission of instructor This course is a continuation of SLHS 1610 emphasizing expressive language as well as increasing competence with receptive language skills. The course continues to build vocabulary and familiarity with the complex grammar (morphology and syntax) of this visual language. The Deaf experience and culture is integrated throughout. Credit will be granted for only one prefix: SLHS, MDL or EDU. (General Studies-Level I, Communications) (MDL 1620 / SLHS 1620)
5.00 Credits
1 (1 + 0) Prerequisite: Completion of all Level I General Studies requirements; and sophomore status This course is designed to acquaint the student with the historical, philosophical, financial, legal, and societal foundations involved in elementary education in a changing society. The characteristics and requirements of the professional teacher will be clarified.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CHS 2000 This course presents the Chicano perspective on current public education policy and its implementation in the schools. Examines learning and teaching differences in students and teachers. Credit will be granted for only one prefix: EDU or CHS. (CHS 3300)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Completion of all Level I General Studies requirements; and sophomore standing Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDU 3000 The focus of the class is to establish understanding of the four major diverse groups of students in American schools, their historical, cultural, and individual differences. This course is designed to increase student awareness of the values and beliefs, traditions, identifiers, and contributions of African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and women. Historical, cultural, and individual variations, including socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, language background will be investigated to help develop respect for all students, parents, and educators in school settings. Students will discover how personal attitudes may affect expectations and decisions in the elementary school. (Multicultural)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: SED 3600 This class focuses on the history, myths, and characteristics of gifted and talented students as learners. It presents procedures for identification and service models, as well as teaching and learning models for appropriate curriculum.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: PSY 1800, SED 3600; and junior standing Corequisite: EDU 3650, EDU 3660 Teacher candidates are introduced to effective decision-making regarding standards and objectives, assessment and evaluation, instructional planning, teaching methodology, and classroom management. Teacher candidates will become aware of diversity in students and student learning and methods to accommodate these differences. Teacher candidates must take EDU 3650, a 55-hour field experience in a diverse urban school, and either EDU 3660 or ENG 4650 concurrently with EDU 3640.
5.00 Credits
1 (0 + 35) Prerequisite: PSY 1800, SED 3600; and junior standing Corequisite: EDU 3640, EDU 3660 Teacher candidates are placed in a diverse multicultural, urban classroom for 55 hours to practice effective decision making regarding standards and objectives, assessment and evaluation, instructional planning, teaching methodology, and classroom management. Teacher candidates will become aware of diversity in students and their learning styles, and methods to accommodate these differences. Teacher candidates must take EDU 3640 and either EDU 3660 or ENG 4650 concurrently with EDU 3650.
6.00 Credits
2 (2 + 0) Prerequisite: PSY 1800, EDU 3000, EDU 3200; and junior standing Corequisite: EDU 3640, EDU 3650 Teacher candidates will apply various components of a K-6 developmental writing program for literacy instruction with emphasis on the Colorado Content Literacy Standards to aid in the development of writing skills for diverse learners. This course provides teacher candidates the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to lessons and assessments in conjunction with techniques of instruction, management and assessment.
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