Course Criteria

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  • 5.00 Credits

    3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: EDS 3130, EDS 3140 Corequisite: EDS 3240 Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDS 3150 Teacher candidates synthesize content knowledge, educational theories and pedagogy into standards-based instruction. An Assessment Cycle approach is used to develop an outcomes-based model of teaching and learning. Teacher candidates plan lessons and units integrating Colorado's Model Content Standards in their endorsement areas, integrating literacy,mathematics, and technology, They investigate a variety of approaches to classroom management and learn to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of diverse groups of learners.
  • 5.00 Credits

    1 (0 + 4) Prerequisite: EDS 3130, EDS 3140 Corequisite: EDS 3210 This course integrates content knowledge, educational theories and pedagogy in a 60-hour, standards-based field experience in a secondary school. Field placements are arranged by education faculty. Teacher candidates apply the principles of teaching and classroom management in making appropriate decisions for diverse learners. This course requires concurrent enrollment in EDS 3210.
  • 5.00 Credits

    1 (0 + 4) Prerequisite: EDS 3210, EDS 3240 Corequisite: SCI 3950 This 60-hour field experience provides opportunities to develop teacher candidates' professional and pedagogical skills in a science classroom. In coordination with the classroom teacher, teacher candidates design and implement science content lessons, prepare for and supervise laboratory investigations, and adjust science instruction for students with diverse needs. Course assignments and evaluations are designed to help teacher candidates become reflective practitioners. Field placements will be arranged by MSCD faculty in collaboration with local schools.
  • 12.00 Credits

    6,12 (1 + 40) Prerequisite: Completion of all requirements of the teaching major and the Secondary Education Program; initial sign-off on program requirements (eg, teacher work sample/portfolio) by faculty advisor This is a supervised, full-time, 16-week student teaching experience in an accredited public or private secondary school, providing increasing responsibility for the instruction, assessment, and supervision of an identified group of learners, 7-12 grade levels. Regularly scheduled observations and 10 hours of seminars conducted by an appointed college supervisor are part of the student-teaching requirement. Teacher candidates must complete a teacher work sample and be rated as proficient in all Performance-Based Standards for Colorado Teachers to receive MSCD recommendation for teacher licensure. Students enrolled for 12 credits spend 16 weeks full-time in a single placement. Only students needing two student-teaching placements and seeking K-12 special education, linguistically diverse or second endorsement enroll for EDS 4290 for 6 credits and spend 8 weeks full-time in the EDS 4290 placement. (Senior Experience)
  • 5.00 Credits

    2 (2 + 0) Prerequisite: HSP 2030 and HSP 2040 Child abuse, neglect and substance abuse are underlying issues for gang members. This course explores the reasons youth are attracted to and join gangs and the correlation between psychoactive substances and violence. (HSP 4540, CJC 405B)
  • 5.00 Credits

    2 (1 + 2) Prerequisite: Literacy and software application skills equivalent to CMS/CSS 1010 or 1080 (as evidenced by previous coursework in high school or college, work, personal experience, or Permission of instructor) Students enrolled in this course will learn the concepts and terminologies associated with the use of stand-alone computers in learning environments. Participants will be introduced to Macintosh and Windows hardware and software, operating systems, and common configurations and typical integrations in K-12 educational and instructional training venues. In order to facilitate interaction with professional computer technicians and systems administrators, students will gain knowledge in current vocabulary, concepts, and structures. Students will learn to apply critical analysis to situations and scenarios which hamper the implementation of instructional technologies in learning environments. This course will also explore rules, trends, issues, and future developments in the utilization of instructional technologies in learning environments.
  • 5.00 Credits

    2 (1 + 2) Prerequisite: EDT 2100 or Permission of instructor Students enrolled in this course will focus on the concepts and terminologies of multi-platform (MacOS and Windows) networked learning environments for the purpose of instruction in K-12 educational and instructional training settings. Participants will learn networking concepts, terminology, vocabulary, and structures which will enable communication among teaching and technical professionals. Students will learn to apply critical thinking to situations and scenarios which hamper the implementation and utilization of networks in learning environments. Students will be exposed to copyright law and fair-use guidelines including the implementation and enforcement of Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs). This course will also explore legal and ethical usage of networks, including accessibility issues with adaptive software.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3-Feb (1 + 2-4) Students registering for the 3-credit class will be expected to complete an additional 30 independent lab hours for a total of 60 lab hours. Prerequisites: Literacy and software application skills equivalent to CMS/CSS 1010 and 1080 (as evidenced by previous course work in high school or college, work, personal experience, or permission of instructor) This course is designed to give students an overview of currently available adaptations that permit people with various disabilities access to computer technology and how it can be used to support teaching and learning. Participants will have an increased awareness and understanding of the challenges presented by various disabilities, as well as an increased awareness of the range of adaptations available, including screen text enlargers, screen-reading systems, alternative keyboards, typing enhancers, alternative entry methods, voice recognition systems, Braille, and scanning and editing techniques to aid the disabled. Students choosing the 3 credit hour option will complete an additional project requiring a minimum of 30 hours to complete. The project requires consultation with and formal approval from the instructor. Restriction: The class will consist of 15 lecture hours and 30 supervised lab hours
  • 5.00 Credits

    3 (1 + 2) Prerequisite: Literacy and software application skills equivalent to CMS/CSS 1010 and CMS/CSS 1080 (as evidenced by previous coursework in high school or college, work, personal experience, or Permission of instructor); and sophomore standing In this course, students will focus on advanced concepts related to the design of instructional material. Participants will explore a variety of instructional design models that apply to diverse learning environments and human performance tasks. Students will learn and apply fundamental visual design concepts and procedures to enable the design of effective instructional materials. They will also learn and apply procedures and processes for evaluating instructional materials. This course is a mix of theory and practice/development. Participants will also critically examine the role of visual design as it applies to visual media created for instructional purposes. This process will include examining the role of visual design and instructional materials evaluation, developmental considerations and pedagogical considerations, cultural impacts, and accessibility.
  • 3.00 Credits

    2-3 (1 + 2-4) Prerequisite: literacy and software application skills equivalent to CMS/CSS 1010 and 1080 or as evidenced by previous course work in high school or college or from work or personal experience; and sophomore standing Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in any field-experience course is highly recommended This course is designed to prepare teacher candidates to make decisions regarding the role of technology in support of content standards, learning, and assessment in P-12 education. Teacher candidates become proficient in beginning, intermediate, or advanced skills and specialized content-area/grade-level applications. They select, operate, and use media, computing, Internet, and related technologies to facilitate teaching/learning, communication, professional development, and productivity to meet the educational needs of diverse groups of learners. This course can be taken for 2 credits (minimum required to fulfill elementary and secondary program requirement in technology) or 3 credits (to provide advanced or specialized technology in teaching competencies). All students meet for 15 lecture hours and 15 supervised lab hours. Additional independent lab hours are expected from all students-15 for 2 credits and 45 for 3 credits. Teacher candidates select two or three credit hours based on their particular program requirements and their individual goals for growth in instructional technology.
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