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5.00 Credits
1 (0 + 4) Prerequisite: ECE 2340, ECE 2350, ECE 3150, ECE 3160, RDG 3120; and junior standing Corequisite: ECE 4370 This field experience provides 60 hours of guided participation and teaching in a preprimary school or center to prepare students to be responsible for an entire class. Students will develop competencies in classroom planning, organization, and management to achieve specific content and process goals in an early childhood education setting. A weekly pre-and post-conference is held to reflect or adjust practice or approaches. (Senior Experience)
12.00 Credits
6,12 (1 + 21.4 + 42.7) Prerequisite: completion of all requirements of the major, Early Childhood Licensure Program and General Studies. Initial sign-off on the program requirements (e.g., teacher work sample/portfolio) by the education advisor is required. This course requires student-teaching assignments in an accredited public or private school as follows: one assignment in either Pre-K or K grade levels for 8 weeks and one assignment in either first-, second-, or third-grade levels for 8 weeks for a total of 16 weeks. Both student teaching experiences require increasing responsibility for the teaching, supervision, and direction of a group of learners. Teacher candidates are required to complete a teacher work sample documenting impact on student learning and attend 10 hours of seminars. College supervisors provide regularly scheduled observations, seminars, and conferences which support work-sample development and standards- based proficiency. Upon completion of this course, teacher candidates must be minimally rated as "proficient" in all performance-based standards for Colorado teachers to receive MSCD recommendation for licensure. (Senior Experience)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading, writing, and mathematics preassessment placement tests This course introduces students to basic economic concepts and reasoning, the legal foundations of a market-based economic system, the fundamentals of the macroeconomy, and the foundations of the global economy. Students will be exposed to measurements of a nation's macreconomy, money and banking, the role of government in the economy, the importance of the international economy, and myths about markets. A key feature of the course is the application of economic reasoning to real world problems. (General Studies-Level II, Social Sciences) (GT-SS1)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Either ENG 1010 or the Level I Communications course, and satisfaction of the Level I Mathematics Requirement; or MTH 1120, or MTH 1320, or MTH 1400, or MTH 1410 An introduction to the principles of economics emphasizing the economy as a whole. Topics include: methods used in economics; gains from exchange and international trade, supply and demand-market outcomes and the impact of government interventions; measurement and determinants of macroeconomic performance-the national income and product, inflation, unemployment, and international balance of payments; business cycles (economic fluctuations) and economic growth; demand-side and supply-side fiscal policy; banking, central banking, and monetary policy; preliminary international financial markets; and open economy macro policy. (General Studies-Level II, Social Sciences) (GT-SS1)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Either ENG 1010 or the Level I Communications course; and satisfaction of the Level I Mathematics Requirement, or MTH 1120, or MTH 1320, or MTH 1400, or MTH 1410 An introduction to the principles of economics with an emphasis on individual economic units. Topics include: supply and demand-market outcomes and the impact of government interventions; consumer choice; production theory and economic costs, the theory of the firm; competition and monopoly; resource markets and factor prices; and the role of government in a market economy-the legal framework and property rights, economic efficiency, and competition policy, externalities and environmental protection, provision of public goods, and distribution of income and wealth. (General Studies-Level II, Social Sciences) (GT-SS1)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: With a grade of "C" or better, MTH 1310 or MTH 1110 or MTH 1400; and either ECO 2010 or ECO 2020.This course studies the quantitative methods that are commonly used to develop, understand, and apply economic analysis. The course will combine economic theory with quantitative tools to give students a deeper understanding of economic modeling.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: ECO 2020 and either ECO 2150 or MTH 1410 This course analyzes production, price, and distribution theory within a microeconomic framework. Studies include value and distribution theories under conditions of varying market structures. Topics will also include consumer theory; competitive, oligopoly, and monopoly pricing and output behavior; as well as pricing of factors of production and welfare theory.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: ECO 2010 The course is a survey of major aggregate economic models. Emphasis is on the role of consumption, investment, and government decisions on aggregate economic activity. Topics include an analysis of consumption and investment decisions, income determination models, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: ECO 2010 The study of money as a policy variable affecting economic activity. Money is examined both in its role in exchange and as an instrument of economic policy. The Federal Reserve System, money supply, money demand, and their respective effects on macroeconomic activity are stressed.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: ECO 2020 and either ECO 2150 or MTH 1410 This course applies mathematical techniques to problems in economics. Emphasis is on application rather than computational methods of mathematical rigor. The problems of acquiring, measuring, and using economic data are examined.
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