Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: RDG 3110, PSY 1800; and Junior standing Corequisite: ECE 3160, RDG 3120 Students will learn to make effective developmentally appropriate decisions regarding standards and objectives, instructional planning, methodology, assessment, and classroom management. They will analyze characteristics of development of six- to eight-year-olds as they relate to literacy. This course also focuses on parents as partners in the education of their children and emphasizes planning and activities that encourage parent involvement. Students must take ECE 3160 concurrently, a 45-hour field experience completed in a primary grade in a public school. Theory, research, and content in ECE 3150 are directly and substantially related to observations and participation in ECE 3160.
5.00 Credits
1 (0 + 3) Prerequisite: PSY 1800, RDG 3110; and junior standing Corequisite: ECE 3150, RDG 3120 This 45-hour field experience is taken in conjunction with ECE 3150 and RDG 3120. The student will spend three hours per week practicing decision-making, planning instructional techniques, and assessing skills in an urban multicultural public school classroom. They will also be planning developmentally appropriate standards-based literacy lessons. Each teacher candidate will develop a partnership with a parent to promote student development and achievement.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: PSY 1800; and sophomore standing This course requires teacher candidates to document, analyze, design, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate social studies and expressive arts curriculum and learning environments. Emphasis is on ways to make decisions in a democratic society as well as to maintain a classroom atmosphere and environment that allows creative expression and encourages and supports creativity in art, music, and movement.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: ECE 2340, 2350, PSY 1800 or equivalent This course provides an overall view of program administration and specific concepts applicable in a variety of early childhood settings: preschools, child care, infant/toddler care, and after-school programs. It also examines personnel management, program development, fiscal administration, marketing, and fund-raising.
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) Prerequisite: PSY 1800; and junior standing This course emphasizes the basic foundations for documentation, assessment, and decision making to facilitate children's growth and emerging, standards-based curriculum for children from birth to age eight. Informal and observational methods of assessment will be stressed, along with portfolio development, more traditional teacher-made tests, and standardized tests. Candidates will observe and assess infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and primary age children for the purpose of planning developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for a total of 30 hours in supervised field-based settings. Various forms of technology will be used to document children's work.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course in English language learning is designed to acquaint the early childhood teacher candidate with background knowledge and methods of effective instruction for English language learners. Through this course, teacher candidates will gain a practical and theoretical knowledge base which will enable them to work effectively with children from birth to age eight by applying knowledge of English-language learners into play integration, language acquisition, and integration of subject matter in a developmentally appropriate way. Assessment and parent involvement will be emphasized.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Completion of Level I General Studies requirements This course uses a multidiscplinary approach to show students how to develop positive, respectiful, and inclusive relationships with young children and families of diverse cultures.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: PSY 1800 and completion of General Studies Level I Mathematics and Level II Natural Science Requirements; and junior standing This course emphasizes the practical application of methods used by teachers of young children to build appropriate knowledge and conceptual foundations for science, health, and mathematics. Students will make decisions regarding planning, implementing, and evaluating lessons and activities appropriate for children through the third grade by utilizing the Colorado model content standards.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course examines the socialization of children using a multidisciplinary approach, e.g., anthropology, psychology, sociology, biology, and education. Emphasis is on the study of human attachment, modeling and social learning theory. From this base the student analyzes the effect that cultural and socialization patterns have on the family and the individual's development. (General Studies-Level II, Social Sciences)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: ECE 2340, ECE 2350, ECE 3150, ECE 3160, RDG 3120; and junior standing Corequisite: ECE 4380 Students learn how to organize, schedule, sequence, and integrate available resources and technology in order to implement developmentally appropriate early childhood programs responsive to children's diverse needs and state and national standards. Content areas include planning, classroom organization and management, curriculum, technology, securing and implementing resources to achieve child and program outcomes, and practices of effective developmentally appropriate teaching techniques. This course is accompanied by ECE 4380, which provides the field-based setting for the performance tasks.
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