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5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CSS 1247 or CS 1050 or MTH 1510 or previous knowledge of a programming language, and MTH 1110 or Permission of instructor The course presents a study of the C programming language and its applications in computing with emphasis on the design and development of efficient algorithms. C is one of the currently more popular programming languages because it is particularly well suited to the development of systems software.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CSS 1247 or CS 1050 or MTH 1510 or previous knowledge of a programming language, and MTH 1110 or Permission of instructor This course presents a study of the C++ programming language and its applications in computing with emphasis on the design and development of efficient algorithms and object-oriented programming.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CSS 1201 or CSS 1247 or previous knowledge of a programming language, and satisfaction of General Studies Level I Mathematics requirement or Permission of instructor This course presents a study of the Java programming language and its applications in computing for experienced programmers. Students will write Java application programs and Java applets. In addition, students will write programs that are event-driven and have graphical user interfaces.
5.00 Credits
2 (2 + 0) Prerequisite: CSS 1201 or CSS 1247 or CS 1050 or previous knowledge of a programming language This course presents fundamental UNIX concepts, including file system organization, standard commands for file manipulation, utility programs, filters, editors, basic shell programming, and remote access using telnet and file transfer commands such as FTP. The course emphasizes skill acquisition to perform common operations on UNIX systems.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CSS 2425 and knowledge of a programming language, or Permission of instructor This course presents a study of UNIX programming using the C programming language. Students will write C programs that interact with the UNIX file system, create processes and threads, utilize UNIX signals, and use interprocess communication.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 1050 or CSS 1247 or CSS 2267 or Permission of instructor This course presents programming for the World Wide Web. Topics include server-side CGI programming using Perl as well as programming in the Java programming language. The course will introduce stand-alone Java applications, threads, Java applets that can be included in Web documents, building user interfaces using the Java AWT library, and computer animation using Java. Students will develop Web pages that include forms processed by a CGI program written in Perl, write Java programs, and create Web pages that include Java applets.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 1050 or CSS 1247 or Permission of instructor This is an advanced course in multimedia programming. The full power of a contemporary multimedia authoring language is explored. Topics include data structures, manipulating text strings and full text editing, advanced control structures and subroutines, file input/output, advanced animation techniques, dynamic data exchange (DDE), object linking and embedding (OLE), and the use of dynamic link libraries (DLL's) as well as methods for handling such multimedia elements as sound, video, and animation.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: knowledge of TCP/IP networking and the Java programming language, or permission of instructor The TCP/IP protocol provides the dominant form of client/server communications. This course enables the student to write both client and server applications for use on the Internet. Topics include methods for connecting physically disparate programs, using protocols between a client and server, and creating long-running servers.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Corequisite: ECE 2350 This course introduces the historical and philosophical foundations of early childhood education as well as current social, educational, multicultural, and law-related issues and trends. Emphasis will be on the knowledge, attitudes, and decision-making skills essential for continued academic work in a standards-based curriculum and corequisite field experience course, ECE 2350, in urban, multicultural, early childhood settings serving children from birth through age eight.
5.00 Credits
1 (0 + 4) Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Corequisite: ECE 2340 This laboratory experience provides 60 hours of guided observation and participation in the Metropolitan State College of Denver's Child Development Center, ensuring practical application of the instruction received in the companion course, ECE 2340. The emphases are on observation skills; interactions with children of preschool ages from diverse ethnic, cultural, and economic backgrounds; and implementation of developmentally appropriate activities. An exploration will be made of what makes a good teacher and how one creates a community of learners in a well-managed program.
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