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5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 4250 or Permission of department This course provides students with exposure to a broad set of principles and practices affecting the success and failure of software development efforts and productivity of teams involved in such efforts. The role and tasks of the software development manager are explored in detail. Note that this course is specific to software development and is not a general management course (see MGT courses).
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 4250 or Permission of department This course exposes the student to the key concepts and practices in software testing and quality assurance. Topics covered include aspects of software quality assurance relevant to all phases of the software life cycle, alternative approaches to software testing, application of current automated tools, standards, and emerging trends.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 4250 or Permission of department This course surveys fundamental topics necessary for successful software product engineering, including usability engineering, software configuration management (SCM), and an overview of legal issues for software engineers.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 4260 or two of: CS 4281, CS 4282, CS 4283, CS 4284; or Permission of department This course exposes the student to current best practices and emerging methodologies in software engineering and software product development. Topics are chosen to reflect the current state of the care and practice. (A typical set of such topics includes: software architecture as a discipline, design patterns, eXtreme Programming, recent technology in security, and aspect-oriented programming.)
5.00 Credits
4-Jan (1-4 + 0) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor This course will include further topics in computer science and its applications. Topics will be chosen from analysis of algorithms, compiler design, simulation, artificial intelligence, or other chosen by the instructor. This course may be repeated for credit under different titles.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course is designed for students who wish to use a microcomputer in their academic pursuits and their career. The student will learn how to use a personal computer with application software featuring word processing, spreadsheets, file management, graphics, electronic communications, and thesaurus/spelling checker. This course also reviews the historical, societal, ethical, and technological aspects of computers. Credit will be granted for only one prefix: CSS or CIS. (CIS 1010)
5.00 Credits
2 (2 + 0) Prerequisite: One year of high school algebra or Permission of instructor This is an introductory computer programming course in which the major elements of the BASIC language are taught. Students will write computer programs to solve problems selected from mathematics and other sciences.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course is for anyone who uses or wants to access the World Wide Web or use the Internet. Students will master a set of basic skills including using electronic mail, logging in to remote computers, obtaining online documents and software, and using a browser like Netscape to search and explore the World Wide Web for information. Students will also learn the fundamentals of Web page construction. Credit will be granted for only one prefix: CSS or CIS. (CIS 1080)
5.00 Credits
3 (2 + 2) Prerequisite: CSS 1010, or equivalent knowledge, and satisfaction of the General Studies Level I Mathematics requirement or Permission of instructor This is an introductory course where students learn the basic concepts of computer programming, including the main constructs of object-oriented programming, problem solving, and design. A supportive programming language is used that provides a smooth transition to using the Java programming language.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CSS 1010 or equivalent knowledge and satisfaction of the General Studies Level I Mathematics requirement or Permission of instructor This is an introductory computer programming course in which the major elements of Visual Basic are taught. Visual Basic is one of Microsoft's versions of Basic and was created to specialize in easy graphical user interface development. It is an object-based programming language with many characteristics of object oriented programming languages. Students will write programs to solve problems selected from a variety of applications.
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