Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 2050 with a grade of "C" or better, MTH 1410, and either MTH 2140 or MTH 3140, or Permission of instructorThis course is a survey of graphics hardware and software. The topics covered include raster scan displays, windowing transformation, algorithms for vector generators, clipping, area fill, space transformations in two and three dimensions, perspective viewing methods, and graphical input. Other topics will be chosen from hidden surface processing, curve and surface modeling, fractals and animation. Programming projects will be done using a standard graphics function library. This is a course in the principles of computer graphics; it is not a course in using existing commercial software for artistic design or drafting. Students wanting design or drafting courses should consult offerings of the Art Department.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 2400 and CS 3050 with grades of "C" or better, or Permission of instructorThis course is an introduction to the design, development, and implementation of modern computer operating systems. The topics covered include input/output processing, interrupt handling, system resource management, multitasking, communication between processes, file system implementation, process and thread control, and virtual memory management.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 2050 and CS 2400 with grades of "C" or better, or Permission of instructorThis course provides a comprehensive study of computer networks, from the physical aspects to the high-level application protocols with which most people interact. The software that provides the communication is emphasized. The methods for creating connections, making sure they are error-free and in order, performing routing, and creating client/server interactions are discussed.
5.00 Credits
3 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 3600 and CS 3700 with grades of "C" or better or Permission of instructorThis course will cover how computers are compromised, what one needs to do to build security into every program, how cryptography assists in securing data, how operating systems affect computer security, how networks are secured, and the social and ethical aspects of computer security.
5.00 Credits
2 (2 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 2050 and MTH 3100 with grades of "C" or better, or Permission of instructorThis is a course in relational database theory. Topics covered include entity-relationship schema, relational algebra, SQL queries, normalization, decompositions of a relational schema that are dependency-preserving and/or lossless.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 3210, CS 3240, MTH 3210 with grades of "C" or better, or Permission of instructorThe emphasis of this course is on the design, analysis, and evaluation of efficient algorithms for a wide variety of computing problems.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 3210 with a grade of "C" or better, or Permission of instructorThis course includes a study of the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence, including the algorithms and techniques and programming languages used to design and implement intelligent systems. The topics covered include search strategies, resolution theorem proving, rule-based deduction, expert systems architecture, plan-generating systems, analysis of languages, and machine learning. LISP and PROLOG, the most commonly used AI programming languages, will be covered and used for programming assignments.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 3050 with a grade of "C" or better, COM 2610, PHI 3370, and Senior standing, or Permission of instructorThis course focuses on the software development life cycle. Special emphasis is placed on the earlier phases in the life cycle that precede the actual writing of the code, and the later phases in which the software is tested and evaluated after it is written. Finally, the post-implementation phases that represent the eighty percent of the life cycle during which the software is evolving as it is in use are studied in depth. Students will perform various role-playing activities in which they represent users and implementors during these phases of the development process.
5.00 Credits
4 (4 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 4250 with a grade of "C" or betterThis course is a continuation of CS 4250, Software Engineering Principles. Students will work in teams of four to six and apply the principles to the development of a real-world project. Projects will be solicited from industry and progress will be evaluated in conjunction with industry representatives. (Senior Experience)
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CS 4250 or Permission of department This course develops basic competency in software requirements engineering and management. Students gain knowledge and practical experience with the fundamentals of requirements elicitation, explication, validation, management, and assessment.
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