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5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 2610 or Permission of instructor This course prepares the student to write instructional manuals including maintenance, operations, and service manuals. The course emphasizes audience analysis, vocabulary, format and style, use of graphics, writing techniques, and productions.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 2610 or Permission of instructor This is a current-topics course that studies communication models and techniques for reporting industrial and governmental information to specialized and general audiences to advance corporate or agency goals and interests. The content of the course will change from semester to semester. It may be repeated for credit.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 2610 or Permission of instructor This course presents communication models and techniques for reporting industrial and governmental information related to the environment for specialized and general audiences.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite/Corequisite: six hours of COM, JRN or Business courses or permission of instructor This course presents U.S. legal practices that impact professional communicators and technical media producers. It places special emphasis on the federal and state court systems, defamation, intellectual property, privacy, and federal trade regulations as applied to print and digital media in physical and electronic formats.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 2800 or Permission of instructor Field recordings - those made on location outside of a controlled, studio environment - are a critical component to video and film production. This course explores the theory, required equipment, and practical application of recording audio specifically for video productions. Students gain hands-on experience creating field recordings, documenting the process, and evaluating the postproduction options for each recording.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 3780 This course emphasizes U.S. and international law relating to the Internet, Web, and satellite transmissions relevant to Technical Communications. The course focuses on such areas as intellectual property, privacy of information, fraud, security, adult materials, and penalties.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 2400, COM 3400 or Permission of instructor This course focuses on the teclmiques necessary to achieve properly edited video programs. Acquisition, manipulation, compression and digitization of video and audio footage for nonlinear systems is discussed and demonstrated. Students learn and practice advanced editing techniques. Students also learn when to employ specialized transition devices and how to transform video clips.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: senior standing or 12 COM designated hours (nine of which must be upper division), satisfaction of all Level I and Level II General Studies course requirements, or permission of instructor. This course stresses the methods and techniques for budgeting and planning media productions. Students analyze production scheduling in terms of time, equipment, materials and cost. Critical viewing and analysis of media programs also occurs. Evaluation techniques and ethical situations are studied. (Senior Experience).
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 3420; or permission of instructor This course covers advanced video production techniques including editing, lighting, graphics, scripting, and audio recording. Students formulate and track budgets, plan and execute remote shoots, and carry out all aspects of single-camera video production. Students obtain outside clients for the final video project.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: COM 2420 and COM 3420; or Permission of instructor This course presents various directing and lighting techniques used in the production of video programs. Students learn the theories and principles used to direct and light for video production in a remote location and in a studio setting.
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