Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CJC 1010, CJC 2010, or Permission of instructor An in-depth analysis of the concept, techniques, and strategies of crime prevention and loss reduction, with emphasis upon the selection and implementation of comprehensive prevention systems and loss-reduction strategies.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course introduces the fundamental principles, aesthetics, and procedures necessary to perform nonlinear video editing. Students learn how to perform video edits, the importance of aesthetics in editing, and how to translate editing theory to practical applications.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite/Corequisite: COM 2400 or permission of instructor This course introduces students to the basics of audio and video techniques and standards for producing on location single camera programs. Students undertake a series of exercises that teach production methods and they produce and edit a final project.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course serves as an introduction to media used for industrial applications. Basic techniques, terminology, equipment characteristics, media selection, advantages, and disadvantages are studied.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: CMS 1010 or CSS 1010 or Permission of instructor This course is a survey of basic media production. Basic production techniques, terminology, equipment characteristics, media selection, and the advantages, and disadvantages of each are studied.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) The student will produce numerous computer graphics, both raster and vector, which can be used in electronic presentations, interactive programs, Web sites, videos, and printed publications. Basic graphic design principles including color theory, typography, visual hierarchy, etc., will be examined. Emphasis will be placed on optimizing file sizes and image repurposing techniques.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course is designed to introduce students to the tools and techniques necessary to produce a DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) application. Students will learn to design an interactive application and work with media assets such as graphics, audio and video and produce a DVD disc according to DVD specifications.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course introduces students to traditional animation techniques and the planning and production of computer animation. The course focuses on techniques used to create 2D objects and animate them in order to communicate a professional message. Students will create numerous computer animations to be viewed on the Internet.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) Prerequisite: ENG 1010 or Permission of instructor This course offers instruction and practice in the specific techniques required for writing in the areas of technology and science. Particular emphasis is placed on report contents and formats for government, science and industry, and the various audiences requiring technical information. The course incorporates the handling of statistical and other computational elements as well as graphic components.
5.00 Credits
3 (3 + 0) This course introduces the students to the major communication concepts and systems used by industry, government, science, engineering, and the media in transmitting and receiving information. It prepares the student to identify strengths and weaknesses in the communication process.
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