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4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits), Spring (4 credits), May Term (3 credits). Students are acquainted with the structure that artists consider when creating twodimensional images. The elements of pictorial composition (line, shape, space, color, value, and texture) are used in concert with the principles (unity/variety,balance/ emphasis/rhythm, and proportion/scale) to create effective images. NU and EV only.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits), Spring (4 credits), May Term (3 credits). Introduction to the visual language of sculptural form. Students create projects using a variety of 3-D media to explore the use of design elements (line, form, space, volume, light, texture, etc.) organizing principles (unity, balance, rhythm, etc.) and compositional structures in creating interesting and effective sculptural form.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits), Spring (4 credits). Introduction to black-and-white photography as an expressive and creative art. Students work with camera, film, and paper. Darkroom work (enlarging and developing) leads to the production of a portfolio of black-and-white fine prints. Some of the history of black-andwhite photography is explored.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits), Spring (4 credits). Introduction to the shaping of clay with handbuilding techniques and on the potter's wheel. A variety of surface design and firing techniques are also taught.
3.00 Credits
May Term (3 credits). Mixed-level ceramics course focusing on Raku. Raku is a fast and active low temperature firing method using a post-firing combustion chamber and typically results in very active iridescent, crackle, and carbon black surface effects. Hand building and surface design will be emphasized. Offered as needed.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits) or Spring (4 credits) or May Term (3 credits). Concentrated course on handbuilding techniques such as pinch, slab, and coil. A variety of surface design and firing techniques will also be taught. May be repeated for degree credit for a maximum of 12 credits. Offered as needed.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits) or Spring (4 credits). Introduction to materials, techniques, concepts, and tools of sculpture. Techniques covered may include modeling, carving, construction, and mold making.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits) or Spring (4 credits). Students explore various ways and means to create artists' books. This includes binding and structures, printing, sequencing, and theoretical and conceptual approaches to the book as an art object.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits) or Spring (4 credits). Basic techniques of etching which involve drawing on a metal plate through an asphaltum ground. The plate is soaked in an acid bath and the drawing is "bitten" into theplate. The plate is subsequently inked and printed, using a press. Etching allows for rich line work and drawn textures. Offered in alternate years.
4.00 Credits
Fall (4 credits) or Spring (4 credits). Basic techniques of plate and stone lithography, involving drawing on a slab of limestone with greasy inks and crayons. The drawing is fixed to the stone. The stone is inked and printed, using a printing press. Lithography can yield an impressive range of tones and subtle "watercolor" textures.Offered in alternate years.
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