Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(3 Units) A survey of Latin-American cultures, to include ethnic heritage, rural and urban lifestyles, major institutions, social classes, family life, views on reality, values, and contemporary issues. Taught in English. Satisfies G.E. area G.
2.00 - 4.00 Credits
(2-4 Units) Provides an opportunity to acquire relevant, practical experience in supervised, paid employment in a particular multidisciplinary program. Students are placed in private or public sector positions under the supervision of the employer and the departmental Cooperative Education Coordinator. May be repeated for a total of 8 units, depending upon program policy. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; consent of departmental Co-op coordinator. (Fall, Winter, Spring)
2.00 Credits
(2 Units) Explores principles for effectively communicating with individuals from diverse backgrounds in a group setting. Sociological analysis of transition and adaptation styles are included. Participant observation is employed as students impart information and become active listeners in the academic setting. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. (Lecture, 1 hour; activity, 2 hours)
2.00 Credits
(2 Units) Provides an opportunity to acquire supervised, practical experience as a peer adviser in the university setting. Attendance at regularly scheduled meetings and a written journal are required. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
1.00 - 5.00 Credits
(1-5 Units) Development of a selected topic in multidisciplinary study. (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Topics vary each term. Different topics may be taken for credit. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
6.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) For undergraduate students prepared for independent study designed to supplement regular course offerings. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Economic principles and modern decision-making techniques applied to farm management; organizing the farm operation; managing crop and livestock business enterprises; farm business administration; analysis of production risks. Prerequisites: ACC 2130 or 3140, ECON 2510.
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Introduction to the concepts, issues, and practices of contemporary management. Theory, research, and real world contributions to management are all presented. Emphasis is on the basic functions of management and introduction to behavioral theories, research, and practices. Prerequisites: Junior standing. (Fall, Spring)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) A comprehensive course covering the international environmental forces and their influence in all of the functional areas of the international firm - finance, management, marketing, personnel, production, the multinational's ethical responsibility to the host countries, balance of payments, foreign exchange risk hedging strategies, and international accounting. (Formerly MGT 3020) Prerequisites: MGT 3310. (Fall, Spring)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Examination of the complex relationships among environment, technology, and organizational design, structure, and performance. Attempts to provide an understanding of the organizational characteristics which enable firms to deal effectively with different environments. Prerequisites: MGT 3310 or concurrent enrollment in MGT 3310. (Fall, Spring)
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