Course Criteria
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1.00 - 4.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) Provides an opportunity to acquire relevant, practical experience in supervised paid employment within the discipline. Students are placed in private or public sector positions under the supervision of the employer and departmental Co-op coordinator. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. At most two units of MATH 4910 and/or MATH 4940 are applicable to the requirements for the majors or minor in mathematics. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; consent of department Cooperative Education coordinator.
2.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) Designed for students in mathematics who want to apply their educational experience as an intern to a practical situation in a public or private agency. At most two units of MATH 4910 and/or MATH 4940 are applicable to the requirements for the majors or minor in mathematics. Prerequisites: Consent of Department Internship Coordinator.
1.00 - 5.00 Credits
(1-5 Units) Development of a selected branch of mathematics. (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Topics vary each term. Different topics may be taken for credit. Prerequisites: Senior standing and consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Synthesizes mathematical knowledge and skills acquired in lower- and upper-division mathematics courses. Oral and written communication of mathematical ideas and problem solving will be emphasized. Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement. Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screen Test with a passing score; MATH 1620, 2410, 2530, each with a grade of C- or better, completion of General Education-Breadth Requirement A, Communication Skills, declared major in mathematics or enrollment in Mathematics Subject Matter Preparation Program, senior standing, and 15 upper-division units in mathematics applicable to a degree in mathematics or the Mathematics Subject Matter Preparation Program with a grade of C- or better.
6.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. Prerequisites: Senior standing and consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Introduction to the basic concepts and principles of microbiology as it affects human health. An overview of disease transmission, immunology, physical and chemical methods of disease prevention and control, as well as major infectious diseases of the body systems. Basic laboratory techniques will also be presented. This course may not be used as a Biology elective. Prerequisites: ZOOL 2250, ZOOL 2230, ZOOL 2232, and registration in the Nursing program or consent of instructor. (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Morphology, physiology, cultivation, and control of bacteria and other selected microorganisms; their role as agents of change in the natural process important to industry, agriculture, and health. This course is acceptable for section 1.c requirement for the major. This course is not offered on a yearly basis. Prerequisites: ZOOL 1050, BOTY 1050, and CHEM 1110 or equivalents. MBIO 3010 and 3032 together will satisfy the departmental diversity requirement. (Lecture, 3 hours) (Fall, Spring) (**)
2.00 Credits
(2 Units) Laboratory experiments and demonstrations to illustrate principles and techniques of bacteriology. This course is acceptable for section 1.c requirement for the major. Prerequisites: MBIO 3010 or concurrent enrollment. MBIO 3010 and 3032 together will satisfy the departmental diversity requirement. (Laboratory, 6 hours) (Fall, Spring)
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Principles of medical microbiology, including pathogenic microbes, epidemiology, infection, disease, and treatment. Prerequisites: MBIO 3010 and 3032. (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Examination of bacterial physiology including discussions of cell structure and function, energetics, regulation of growth and metabolism, and environmental adaptation. Prerequisites: MBIO 3010, MBIO 3032, BIOL 3310, and CHEM 3010, CHEM 3012, or equivalent. (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours) (Fall)
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