Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(3 Units) A practical course about the nature of professional geologic work. Includes discussions about engineering geology (the application of geology to the solution of engineering problems, including civil and sanitary engineering), soil mechanics, rock mechanics, hydrogeology, resource exploration (minerals and petroleum), and environmental geology. Prerequisites: Pre- or corequisites: GEOL 3250, GEOL 4350, and GEOL 4390, or consent of instructor. (Spring, even-numbered years)
3.00 Credits
(1 Unit) Laboratory to accompany GEOL 4400. Soil mechanics, rock mechanics, slope stability analysis, rockfall analysis, seismic engineering, coastal erosion, waste management, exploration for mineral resources, environmental geology. Corequisites: GEOL 4400. (Laboratory, 3 hours, including some field trips) (Spring, even-numbered years)
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Four projects, up to one week in length each, allow for experience in measurement of stratigraphic sections, and geologic mapping in faulted and folded sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and in areas underlain by intrusive and metamorphic rocks. Students will prepare a report for each field project, to synthesize the field data and present a professional geologic map and cross sections. Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement. Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score and GEOL 4360. (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field work, 6 hours) (Winter or Spring of alternate years)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Study of plate tectonic theory - the unifying theory in geology. Continental drift, sea-floor spreading, paleomagnetism, seismic evidence, petrology, geochemistry, structural geology, paleontology, and ore geology, both in support of and implied by the theory, are examined. (Formerly GEOL 3400) Prerequisites: Prerequisites or corequisites: GEOL 3250, GEOL 4100, and GEOL 4380. (Spring of odd-numbered years)
3.00 Credits
(4 Units) Addresses the growing challenges related to water supply, sustainable solutions to these challenges, strategies for development of water resources, watershed management, and drought management. ITV lectures, three field visits, and one Forum Day. (Formerly Water Resources Development and Management) Satisfies G.E. area F1. (Lecture, 3 hours; activity, 2 hours) (Fall of even-numbered years)
6.00 Credits
(1-3 Units) Intended for students who are serving as interns or conducting fieldwork with private or governmental agencies. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of adviser. (Fall, Spring)
1.00 - 5.00 Credits
(1-5 Units) Special studies in selected areas of geology. (Topics to be specified in the Schedule of Classes.) Course content may vary each term; different titles may be taken for credit. Prerequisites: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring)
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) For the student capable of independent study in geology; may be field-oriented or the study of some specialized topic. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring)
1.00 - 2.00 Credits
(1-2 Units) Readings in a selected historical era. Concurrent enrollment in a related history course is required. Papers on works read will be required. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
2.00 Credits
(2 Units) Survey of abstracts, bibliographies, biographical directories, book review indexes, dictionaries, documents, encyclopedias, and indexes for historical research, and the application of footnote and bibliographical methods for history majors.
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