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2.00 - 4.00 Credits
(2-4 Units) Designed for students in Organizational Communication who want to apply, integrate, and explore their educational experience as an intern in a public or private organization. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Completion of 20 units in the Organizational Communication/Public Relations option. (Fall, Spring)
1.00 - 5.00 Credits
(1-5 Units) Development of a selected branch of human communication. (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Topics may vary each term, thus different topics may be taken for credit. Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor.
6.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
2.00 Credits
(3 Units) Introduction to the computer for the non-Computer Science major. Selected computer applications, beginning programming, review of hardware and software, social impact of computing, and the future of the computer. Use of microcomputers. (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours) (Fall, Spring)
1.00 Credits
(1 Unit) Introduction to the computer for the non-computer science major. Selected computer applications, review of hardware and software components of a computer, social impact of computing, and the future of the computer. Use of personal computers, particularly effective use of common tools like word processors and spreadsheets. Enrollment preference will be given to CAMP program participants. Freshman only. (Lecture, 1 hour) (Fall)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) The usual entry course for Computer Science majors. Algorithm development and problem-solving methods. Design and development of computer programs using a structured programming language such as C++. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra. (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours) (Fall, Spring)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) To familiarize students with current computing technologies used within education, home, and business environments. Topics include productivity tools such as word processing, spreadsheets, hardware, and operating systems. There also will be discussion of ethical and social issues concerning information technologies. Enrollment preference will be given to Liberal Studies majors. Students may not use both CS 2000 and CS 4000 to satisfy G.E. requirements. Satisfies G.E. area E1. Prerequisites: (Credit may not be given for both CS 2000 and CS 4000.) (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Continued development of discipline in program design, in style and expression, and in debugging and testing, especially for larger programs. Introduction to algorithmic analysis, string processing, recursion, internal search/sort methods, and simple data structures. Introduction to professional methodologies and ethics. Prerequisites: CS 1500. (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours) (Fall, Spring)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Computer programming at the machine level. Machine language and basic machine architecture, addressing modes, subprogram linkage, program sectioning and overlays, I/O programming, macros, and interrupts. Prerequisites: CS 2500. (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours) (Fall)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Introduction to the operation of computer networks. Communication standards and protocols, network layers, data and packet transmission, internetworking, network applications, emerging technologies, software monitoring tools, social and ethical issues. Prerequisites: CS 2500 (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)
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