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3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Special relativity, origin of quantum theory, the nuclear atom and Bohr theory, elements of quantum mechanics and applications, atomic and nuclear physics, some properties of solids, and elementary particles. Satisfies G.E. area F1. Prerequisites: PHYS 2260 or consent of instructor. (Lecture, 3 hours)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Discusses the scientific background behind some of the technologies which have found applications in both the civilian and military spheres. Satisfies G.E. area F1. One of two paired courses in the G.E. Summit Program (War and Peace). Prerequisites: Completion of lower-division area C2 requirements and consent of Summit Program Coordinator. (Lecture, 3 hours)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) An introduction to the concepts, principles, systems, and applications of nuclear processes; structure of atoms and nuclei; radioactivity, nuclear reactions, fission, fusion, nuclear systems, radioactive waste disposal, biological effects of radiation, and applications of nuclear radiation to biology, agriculture, art, and archaeology. Satisfies G.E. area F1. Prerequisites: A lower-division science course. (Lecture, 3 hours)
1.00 Credits
(1 Unit) Project type experiments in mechanics, heat, electricity, and magnetism, optics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, etc. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Prerequisites: PHYS 3520 or consent of instructor. (Laboratory, 3 hours)
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) An introduction to analog and digital electronics. Topics will be chosen from the following: AC and DC circuit analysis, diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers, feedback, active filters, transducers, Boolean logic, basic gates, sequential logic, flip-flops, counters, and an introduction to microprocessors. (Formerly PHYS 4210 and PHYS 4220) Prerequisites: PHYS 2260. (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Basic concepts and principles of microcomputer designs; microprocessor programming and operation; input and output; interfacing with other circuits, including analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions. Prerequisites: PHYS 2260. (Lecture, 3 hours)
1.00 Credits
(1 Unit) Laboratory to accompany PHYS 4300. Prerequisites: PHYS 4300 or concurrent enrollment in PHYS 4300.
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Elements of nuclear structure; nuclear transformation; nuclear models; electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions; properties of Leptons and Hadrons; symmetries and conservation laws; resonance particles, quarks and subhadronic particles; tools of nuclear and particle physics research. Prerequisites: PHYS 2260 or consent of instructor. (Lecture, 3 hours)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Development of Schrodinger's equation and its interpretations. Mathematical techniques for solution of problems in one and three dimensions. Perturbation and scattering theory. Solution of the hydrogen atom problem. Application to atomic phenomena. Prerequisites: PHYS 3520 or consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Continuation of PHYS 4510. Prerequisites: PHYS 4510. (Lecture, 3 hours)
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