Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Planning, direction, and control of sales personnel and selling activities. The role of personal selling in the marketing of consumer and industrial products and services. Analysis of successful sales opportunities, characteristics, and techniques. Includes practices in sales presentation. (Formerly Seminar in Sales Management and Personal Selling) Prerequisites: MKT 3410.
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Focus on the role of marketing in the management of channel activities and product flows. Emphasizes management of purchasing, retailing, wholesaling, and physical distribution functions. (Formerly Channel Management and Logistics) Prerequisites: MKT 3410.
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Basics of conducting marketing operations outside of the domestic market. Methodologies for estimating foreign market potential, and market entry strategy design. Issues involving the management and control of the marketing mix variables after foreign market entry are examined. Export readiness simulation, experiential exercises, and international marketing plan. (MGT 3400 may be taken concurrently) (Formerly International Marketing) Prerequisites: MGT 3400 and MKT 3410. (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Examination of product and price strategies in marketing. Topics include finding and creating product value, planning for new and established products, value in pricing, pricing for profit, life cycle pricing, and competitive cost and product advantages. (Formerly Seminar in Product and Price Management) Prerequisites: MKT 3410.
4.00 Credits
(4 Units) Examination of the strategic and managerial role of the marketing manager in fostering a market driven orientation and in orchestrating the pursuit of a sustainable competitive advantage in chosen markets. (Formerly Seminar in Strategic Marketing Management) Prerequisites: MKT 3410.
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Supervised field experience in a selected area of marketing. Formal written report(s) will be required. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. (Formerly Internship) Prerequisites: Consent of internship coordinator prior to registration.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) Innovative course of study. Different topics may be taken for credit. (Formerly Selected Topics in Marketing) Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
6.00 Credits
(1-4 Units) For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. (Formerly Individual Study) Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and approval of department chair prior to registration.
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) A beginning course in music reading, notation, intervals, scales, theory, and eartraining. Designed primarily for the student pursuing the liberal studies major, the general student, and the music student who does not qualify for enrollment in MUS 1220. Satisfies G.E. area C1. (Fall, Winter, Spring)
3.00 Credits
(3 Units) Review of rudiments of music notation, scales, key signatures, intervals, triads, and inversions of triads. Emphasis is placed on analysis, creations of melodies based upon techniques of various musical periods, and four-part chorale style harmony. May be taken concurrently with MUS 1320 (CAN MUS 2). Prerequisites: Ability to read treble and bass clefs, music major or minor, or consent of instructor. (Fall)
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