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  • 3.00 Credits

    Students explore and practice reading children's literature in Yup'ik. Students are exposed to a variety of genres (fiction, nonfiction, traditional stories, poetry, songs, etc.). Reader leveling will be discussed. Students are required to write targeted readers for specific reading levels in Yup'ik. Kuskokwim campus only. Prerequisites: YUP F208 or equivalent reading and writing skills. Offered As Demand Warrants Prerequisite:    ESK F208 UF C- OR YUP F208 UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    Teaching strategies in Yup'ik literacy. Focus on reading and writing at the primary/early entry through intermediate levels. Students develop lessons for reading, writing and word study; manage instructional time; and use assessment for placement and instructional purposes. Materials, reading resources, and instructional guides will be reviewed and used for the development of lessons. Kuskokwim Campus only. Prerequisites: YUP F208 or equivalent reading and writing skills. Offered As Demand Warrants Prerequisite:    ESK F208 UF C OR YUP F208 UF C
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course in Eskimo language of St. Lawrence Island and the opposing area of Chukotka in Russia. Concentration on literacy and grammar with background given for conversation. Open to speakers of the language and to others if they have taken one or more years of Central Yup'ik or Inupiaq courses. Prerequisites: Ability to speak Siberian Yupik or one year study of other Eskimo language. Offered As Demand Warrants
  • 3.00 Credits

    A course in Eskimo language of St. Lawrence Island and the opposing area of Chukotka in Russia. Concentration on literacy and grammar (with background given for conversation.) Open to speakers of the language and to others if they have taken one or more years of Central Yup'ik or Inupiaq courses. Prerequisites: Ability to speak Siberian Yupik or one year study of other Eskimo language. Offered As Demand Warrants
  • 3.00 Credits

    Continuation of YUP F201 and YUP F202. Completes the basic study of the Central Yup'ik grammar. Prerequisites: YUP F101X; YUP F102X; YUP F201; YUP F202. Offered Fall Prerequisite:    (ESK F101 UF C- OR ESK F101X UF C- OR YUP F101X UF C- ) (AND ESK F102 UF C- OR ESK F102X UF C- OR YUP F102X UF C- ) AND ESK F201 UF C- OR YUP F201 UF C- AND ESK F202 UF C- OR YUP F202 UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    Central Yup'ik literature with exposure to a variety of literary styles, including qulirat, qaneryaraqegtaaraat, ak'allaat qulirat, qanruyutet/alerquutet. Broad range of regional, stylistic and orthographic traditions through a variety of short papers and a final paper/project. Specific content to be announced at time of registration. Taught entirely in Yup'ik. Kuskokwim Campus only. Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; YUP F208; YUP F240. Offered Fall Even-numbered Years Prerequisite:    (ESK F208 UF C- OR YUP F208 UF C- ) (AND ESK F240 UF C- OR YUP F240 UF C- ) (AND CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T (OR (ENGL F111X UF C- OR WRTG F111X UF C- OR WRTG F1X UF C- OR ENGL F1X UF C- OR EACE 60 OR S11 710 OR SATE 1340 ) (AND ENGL F211X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- ) ) )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Exploration of Yup'ik philosophy and spirituality, including exploration of the relationship between modern and traditional belief systems and the influence of western religion and philosophy. Taught entirely in Yup'ik. Kuskokwim Campus only. Prerequisites: COJO F131X or COJO F141X; YUP F240. Offered Fall Even-numbered Years Prerequisite:    (COMM F131X UF C- OR COJO F131X UF C- OR COJO F141X UF C- OR COJO F121X UF C- OR COMM F121X UF C- OR COMM F1OX UF C- OR COMM F141X UF C- OR CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T ) (AND ESK F240 UF C- OR YUP F240 UF C- )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Further study of Yup'ik linguistics. Includes text transcription, editing, analysis and discussion. Yup'ik dialectology. Study of related Eskimo languages from the standpoint of Central Yup'ik. Additional topics to be studied depending upon the interests of the students and the instructor. Prerequisites: YUP F101X; YUP F102X; YUP F201; YUP F202. Offered Spring Prerequisite:    (ESK F101 UF C- OR YUP F101X UF C- OR ESK F101X UF C- ) (AND ESK F102 UF C- OR YUP F102X UF C- OR ESK F102X UF C- ) (AND ESK F201 UF C- OR YUP F201 UF C- ) (AND ESK F202 UF C- OR YUP F202 UF C- )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Major research project relating to Yup'ik language and culture (e.g., traditional narratives, personal/local histories, local customs/beliefs). Project formats include (but are not limited to) research papers, video/audiotapes, curricula and public presentations. Note: As a writing-intensive course, all formats will include a significant written component. Taught entirely in Yu'pik. Kuskokwim Campus only. Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; YUP F330; senior standing. Offered Fall Even-numbered Years Prerequisite:    (ESK F330 UF C- OR YUP F330 UF C- ) AND CORE F1A UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T (OR (ENGL F111X UF C- OR WRTG F111X UF C- OR WRTG F1X UF C- OR ENGL F1X UF C- OR EACE 60 OR S11 710 OR SATE 1340 ) (AND ENGL F211X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- ) )
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