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  • 3.00 Credits

    Examination of relationships between language and gender, drawing on both ethnographic and linguistic sources. Topics include power, socialization and sexism. Cross-listed with ANTH F308; LING F308. Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; LING F101X; LING F216X; ANTH F100X; ANTH F101X or WGS F201X. Offered As Demand Warrants Prerequisite:    CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T (OR (ENGL F111X UF C- OR ENGL F1X UF C- OR WRTG F111X UF C- OR WRTG F1X UF C- OR EACE 60 OR S11 710 OR SATE 1340 ) (AND ENGL F211X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- ) ) AND LING F101X UF C- AND LING F216X UF C- (AND ANTH F100X UF C- OR ANTH F101X UF C- ) (AND WGS F201 UF C- OR WGS F201X UF C- )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Comprehensive survey of sociological inquiry and feminist revisions for studying gender in U.S. society and culture. Interrogates the meanings of gender, and the interactional, cultural, organizational and institutional arrangements that underlie the social construction of gender and gender inequality. Cross-listed with SOC F320. Recommended: One lower-division WGS or SOC course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The history of sexuality from a worldwide comparative perspective. Theories and debates about the history of sexuality in selected times and places, with an emphasis on the modern period. Cross-listed with HIST F325. Prerequisites: HIST F100X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X. Offered Summer Prerequisite:    HIST F100X UF C- (AND ENGL F211X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Selected novels, short stories, poems and diaries by Japanese women from the tenth century to the present which reveal the personal, social, aesthetic and intellectual concerns of women in different periods of Japanese history. Focus on the changing role of women in Japanese society, the role of women writers as social critics, and cross-cultural differences and similarities in women's issues. Cross-listed with JPN F331. Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; ENGL F200X or FL F200X. Recommended: HIST F121, HIST F122X, HIST F331. Prerequisite:    (ENGL F200X UF C- OR FL F200X UF C- ) (AND CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T (OR (ENGL F111X UF C- OR WRTG F111X UF C- OR WRTG F1X UF C- OR ENGL F1X UF C- OR EACE 60 OR S11 710 OR SATE 1340 ) (AND ENGL F211X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- ) ) )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Exploration of how people in a variety of cultures, both contemporary and historical, construct the meaning and experience of sexuality and express themselves as sexual beings. Interdisciplinary study includes psychology, sociology, anthropology, gender studies and related fields, with particular focus determined by which department is offering the course. Cross-listed with PSY F333; SOC F333. Prerequisites: SOC F101X or SOC F201X or PSY F101X or WGS F201X. Recommended: PSY F275 or SOC F373. Offered Alternate Fall Odd-numbered Years Prerequisite:    (SOC F100X UF C- OR SOC F101X UF C- ) OR SOC F201 UF C- OR SOC F201X UF C- OR PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C- OR WMS F201 UF C- OR WGS F201 UF C- OR WGS F201X UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    Reading, discussing and analyzing literary works dealing with the social, cultural and political implications of patriarchal structures and traditions from the perspective of feminist theory and criticism. Focus may be on a particular theme, period or genre, but readings will include both primary and secondary texts. Cross-listed with ENGL F333. Prerequisites: WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing. Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years Prerequisite:    CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T OR EACE 60 OR S11 710 OR SATE 1340 OR ENGL F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    An exploration of gender and crime including the extent of female crime, victimization, masculinity and violence, and women professionals in the justice system. Cross-listed with JUST F335. Prerequisites: JUST F110X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; junior standing. Offered Spring Prerequisite:    (JUST F110 UF C- OR JUST F110X UF C- ) (AND CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T (OR (ENGL F111X UF C- OR WRTG F111X UF C- OR WRTG F1X UF C- OR ENGL F1X UF C- OR EACE 60 OR S11 710 AND SATE 1340 ) (OR ENGL F211X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- ) ) )
  • 3.00 Credits

    In-depth examination of the relevance of gender in political thought and action. Topics vary and may include: an historical perspective of political ideas on the nature and status of women; women's involvement in national and/or international political movements and organizations; feminist approaches to the social sciences; feminism as a political ideology. Cross-listed with PS F340. Prerequisites: One political science course. Recommended: WGS F201X. Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
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