Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Exploration of how people in a variety of cultures, both contemporary and historical, construct the meaning and experience of sexuality and express themselves as sexual beings. Interdisciplinary study includes psychology, sociology, anthropology, gender studies and related fields, with particular focus determined by which department is offering the course. Cross-listed with SOC F333 and WGS F332. Prerequisites: SOC F101X; or SOC F201X or PSY F101X or WGS F201X. Recommended: PSY F275 or SOC F373. Offered Alternate Fall Odd-numbered Years Prerequisite:    SOC F100X UF C- OR SOC F101X UF C- OR SOC F201 UF C- OR SOC F201X UF C- OR PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C- OR WGS F201 UF C- OR WGS F201X UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    Study of the biological bases of human behavior. Emphasis on functional anatomy of the nervous system to understand normal behavior and behavioral disorders in terms of their psychology, development, evolution and function. Meets one-half of core upper division oral communication intensive requirement. Prerequisites: COJO F131X or COJO F141X; PSY F101X; PSY F275. Recommended: BIOL F112X or BIOL F116X. Offered Alternate Fall Odd-numbered Years Prerequisite:    (PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C- ) AND PSY F275 UF C- (AND COMM F131X UF C- OR COJO F121X UF C- OR COJO F141X UF C- OR COJO F131X UF C- OR COMM F121X UF C- OR COMM F141X UF C- OR COMM F1OX UF C- ) (OR CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Theoretical and practical applications of psychological issues related to participation in physical activities, including exercise adherence, performance enhancement, group dynamics, leadership and coaching behaviors, arousal/anxiety, intervention strategies and lifespan participation. Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; PSY F101X. Offered As Demand Warrants Prerequisite:    (PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C- ) (AND CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T (OR (ENGL F111X UF C- OR WRTG F111X UF C- OR WRTG F1X UF C- OR ENGL F1X UF C- OR EACE 60 OR S11 710 OR SATE 1340 ) (AND ENGL F211X UF C- OR WRTG F211X UF C- OR ENGL F212 UF C- OR WRTG F212X UF C- OR WRTG F213X UF C- OR WRTG F214X UF C- OR WRTG F2X UF C- OR ENGL F213X UF C- OR ENGL F2X UF C- ) ) )
  • 3.00 Credits

    A study of abnormal behavior, its causes, treatment and social impact. The major classifications of disorders are presented. Prerequisites: PSY F101X. Offered Fall Prerequisite:    PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    An integrated multidisciplinary behavioral approach emphasizing basic premises, causal factors, functional consequences and interrelationships. Synthesis of animal behavior and ethology in development and maintenance of behavioral patterns in individual organisms and social groups. Prerequisites: PSY F101X and PSY F275. Offered As Demand Warrants. Prerequisite:    PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C- AND PSY F275 UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    Major theories, research and empirical data which describes the psychology of women as a discrete field, philosophical values of feminism and history of women's roles in society. The impact of culture on women interpersonally and intrapsychically examined across cultures. Cross-listed with WGS F360. Prerequisites: COJO F131X or COJO F141X; PSY F101X or WGS F201X. Offered As Demand Warrants Prerequisite:    (PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C- OR WGS F201 UF C- OR WGS F201X UF C- ) (AND COMM F131X UF C- OR COJO F121X UF C- OR COJO F141X UF C- OR COJO F131X UF C- OR COMM F121X UF C- OR COMM F1OX UF C- OR COMM F141X UF C- OR CORE F1 UF T T OR CORE F1AA UF T T OR CORE F1AS UF T T )
  • 3.00 Credits

    Explores the effects of licit, illicit, therapeutic, and non-therapeutic drugs on behaviors, physiology, emotions, and thought processes. Includes introduction to factors impacting these effects, such as cultural, environmental, and societal influences. Topics covered also include alcoholism, law enforcement and legal aspects of drug use and abuse, drug education alternatives, and treatment and rehabilitation of drug users. Prerequisites: PSY F101X. Recommended: PSY F275. Offered as Demand Warrants Prerequisite:    PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    Human behavioral responses to the physical environment, such as stress, darkness and isolation. Didactic methods include empirical methods related to behavioral research. Prerequisites: PSY F101X and PSY F275. Recommended: PSY F335. Offered As Demand Warrants Prerequisite:    PSY F101 UF C- OR PSY F101X UF C- AND PSY F245 UF C-
  • 3.00 Credits

    Application of psychological principles, theories and methods to issues related to work processes and work organizations. Includes employee selection, motivation, performance appraisal, decision-making, group dynamics, power and leadership, job design, and organizational change and development. Prerequisites: COJO F131X or COJO F141X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; PSY F101X; PSY F250; PSY F275. Offered As Demand Warrants
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

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