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3.00 Credits
This is a supervised teaching experience in a reading clinic located in a local elementary school. The course occurs after school for twelve (12) weeks and focuses on the identification of reading difficulties, diagnostic techniques, preventive and prescriptive methods and materials for reading instruction. The placement provides an opportunity for diagnosis of reading skills, test administration, and interpretation and evaluative follow up.
3.00 Credits
This class features practical and inexpensive methods that meet national, state, and local standards for guiding elementary school children to discover science theory and application. Students focus on creating interdisciplinary units and lesson plans featuring hands-on activities to bring excitement and learning into the elementary school classroom. It includes the implementation of student-created science inquiry lessons as part of a field experience
3.00 Credits
This Independent Study course examines current research on science teaching in the secondary schools. The purpose of the course is to help prepare the student to teach science and to prepare for the Praxis II PLT and content tests in science. A field experience is required.
3.00 Credits
This course prepares language arts teacher candidates in the theory, research, methods, and practice of teaching middle and high school English. Teacher candidates will study the connection between thought and language, reader-response theory, and process approaches to teaching writing. Through hands-on activities, candidates will make curricular decisions, design instructional strategies, develop instructional plans, and formulate assessment plans based on sound educational practice, and research. Field experience required.
3.00 Credits
Taken simultaneously with EDUC 422, this course prepares students to develop motivational academic units that address the needs of all students in the classroom by applying the principles of universal design for learning. The unit is developed in a format that incorporates state curriculumstandards and objectives. Integration of learning is emphasized by including standards from a variety of subject areas.
3.00 Credits
Students spend 14 weeks full-time with a public school special education teacher who has inclusion and resource room responsibilities and at least 3 years experience. Initial experiences include classroom observations with responsibilities for planning and teaching gradually added. This courseis taken concurrently with EDUC 496 Action Research/professional Portfolios/Reflection. EDUC 422 replaces EDUC 497 Student Teaching for UDL candidates.
2.00 Credits
This course is a 2-credit seminar created especially for elementary and secondary student teachers taken in conjunction with EDUC 422 and EDUC 497. This seminar requires students to meet in extended sessions both before and after their student teaching as well as in bi-monthly sessions during the field placement. As a capstone experience, this class provides a venue for presenting action research results, showcasing professional portfolios that demonstrate their ability to meet UC Education Program outcomes, and reflecting in a collaborative manner.
12.00 Credits
As the culminating field experience, the full-semester, full-time practicum is devoted to student teaching in an accredited school. The experience begins with initial observations of the classroom and planning with an experienced licensed K-12 teacher to prepare the candidate for this placement. Responsibility for classroom instruction is gradually assumed until the candidate is teaching all classes full time for four weeks. Information learned from the experience will be used in the accompanying EDUC 496 course activities. Demonstration of Education Program outcomes for teacher candidates and NCATE standards are measured by the Performance Assessment Instrument for Student Teachers.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
This course is an independent study of some aspect of professional education. Open only to education majors who have completed 12 semester credits of professional education courses. Requires approval of the Director of Teacher Education.
3.00 Credits
A survey of British literature beginning with Beowulf and ending at the end of the eighteenth century, focusing on major authors, trends and genres, including lyric poetry, sonnets, drama, epic, essay, and fiction. The course includes female authors. Addresses English Outcomes #2, 3a, 3e, 4.
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