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3.00 Credits
Spring Semester The primary objective of this course is to provide design experience in problems involving thermal systems. In this course students, working in groups, apply the principles developed in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer to the solution of open-ended design problems. Deliverables may include periodic design reports, formal design reviews, and design verification through prototyping. Corequisite: ME410. 2 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
In this course the fundamental laws developed in ME320 (Thermodynamics) will be used to study, analyze, and design practical engineering devices. The course will focus primarily on power plants, heating and air conditioning systems, and internal combustion engines. To support analysis of these devices, new topics in the areas of combustion, air-water vapor mixtures, and advanced engineering cycles will be introduced. If time permits, an introduction to the behavior of substances at high velocities (near or above the speed of sound) will also be coverered. Prerequisite: ME320. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
The field of robotics is concerned with the art and science of designing electromechanical systems to assist or substitute for human endeavor. Typically, a robot has four fundamental capabilities: manipulation, locomotion, perception, and intelligence. This course touches on all four of these areas. Topics include spatial transformations, inverse kinematics, differential motions, dynamic force analysis, trajectory generation, actuation, sensing, machine vision, and fuzzy logic. Prerequisites: ME252 and ME340. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
In this course students learn to design machinery to produce specific mechanical motions, velocities, and other operations, through the study of kinematics. Specific topics in kinematics include linkage synthesis, position, velocity and acceleration analysis, and cam design. Prerequisite: ME252. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
The finite element method is a numerical procedure for solving problems in continuum mechanics with an accuracy acceptable to engineers. Problems in stress analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, electric fields and other areas can be solved by finite element analysis. This course emphasizes stress analysis and structural mechanics although problems from other fields mentioned above may be treated throughout the course. Topics include one- and two-dimensional finite elements, beam and frame finite elements, variational principles, the Galerkin approximation, and partial differentiation equations. Selected topics in finite element analysis including initial value problems, eigenvalue problems, three-dimensional finite elements, and element continuity will be treated. Prerequisite: ME264 and EGR258. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
This course considers advanced topics in dynamics and vibration. Topics include three-dimensional dynamics, Lagrange's equations, exact and approximate numerical methods applied to multiple-degree-of-freedom systems, continuous systems, modal analysis, and random and nonlinear vibrations. Prerequisite: ME252. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
This course treats the theory of elasticity with applications. Topics include theories of stress and strain, failure criteria, plane theory of elasticity, application of energy methods, curved beams and flat plates, stress concentration and contact stresses. The course concludes with an introduction to finite element methods. Prerequisite: ME264. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
The subject matter of Special Topics courses depends upon the needs and/or interests of a minimum number of students. These courses are normally restricted to upper-level engineering majors and offered when staff interests and availability make it practical to do so. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
See description for ME470. 3 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
This course enables a student to carry out research or in-depth study in a specialized area of mechanical engineering. While the student conducts his/her work under the guidance of a faculty member whom he/she chooses, there may or may not be regular class meetings. Effective independent study is characterized by a reduction in formal instruction by faculty and an increase in student initiative and responsibility or his/her own process of learning.
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